A company that is behind the release of Fallout 4, DOOM, Dishonored and Prey, Bethesda Softworks has released a lot of incredibly popular titles in recent years, but there's one game series that hasn't seen new content in a while. Although Skyrim is still making the rounds with its Special Edition and upcoming Nintendo Switch port, Bethesda is very aware that fans want news about the next title in The Elder Scrolls franchise.

According to a new interview, Bethesda Vice President of PR and Marketing Pete Hines has been worried about what to tell The Elder Scrolls series' significant fanbase for a while now. In the run up to E3 a few years back, Hines claims that he came to Bethesda Game Studios Director Todd Howard in order to plead for guidance.

Everybody’s going to ask us about The Elder Scrolls 6 . You have to help me, you have to help me come out and say what the studio’s path is, and when The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming, to try and manage expectations.

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It seems however, that despite Skyrim having been in production stages since the release of Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls 6 is not currently under development. Explaining the company's reasoning, Hines referenced games such as Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Last of Us, pointing out that titles such as these wouldn't ever get made if developers simply continued making more of the same.

Allowing development teams a chance to stretch their legs and not just fall into a routine is good for consumers and developers alike, so it's worth being patient on occasion. Right now, it seems almost certain that The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming, but it'll be a long wait until that point.

For the time being, gamers can console themselves with the latest Skyrim port, or perhaps it's best that they too simply try a new game series entirely in an effort to broaden their own horizons.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is not yet confirmed.

Source: Games Radar