Thanks to a recent trailer, Square Enix teased a new entry in their acclaimed Final Fantasy series. This time, FF XVI brings a return to the franchise's medieval fantasy roots. Moreover, as with Final Fantasy tradition, the new trailer teases factions fighting yet again for opposing goals. However, while the trailer doesn't make much sense of the story (yet), fans definitely seem hyped for the new series entry. Unfortunately, just because a Final Fantasy game features an organization doesn't mean they will become a compelling part of the narrative.

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However, this caveat doesn't mean there hasn't been any impactful organization in a Final Fantasy title as well. As such, just which organizations made a Final Fantasy game more compelling? Moreover, which factions just didn't seem to "matter" in the series?

10 Join: Warriors Of Light

Warriors of Light

Of all factions in Final Fantasy, players might find themselves most acquainted with the Warriors of Light. Likewise, fans typically refer to Final Fantasy protagonists as "Warriors of Light" in games that heavily feature crystals.

Traditionally, Warriors of Light comprise of four heroes grouped together by the Crystals. These happen either by fate or a prophecy that brings four unlikely individuals together to form a team and save the world. Unlike other organizations, the Warriors of Light have more or less a freeform and uncomplicated structure. As such, members who share the same vision can freely join or leave the team. This kind of flexibility isn't exactly present in other factions in the series.

9 Avoid: Magitek Knights (FF VI)

Magitek Knights of FF6

The Magitek Knights gained a fearsome reputation in Final Fantasy VI, as they're Gestahlian Empire's soldiers imbued with the ability to cast magic. Moreover, FF VI protagonist Terra escaped Gestahlian control as a Magitek Knight. In turn, her relationship with Magitek Knights - especially Kefka - became extremely personal. However, despite their reputation, players soon realize that Magitek Knights aren't always potent spellcasters. In fact, a lot of them seem to lack skills either as a fighter or a mage.

Moreover, Magitek Knights are created via experimentation. Unfortunately, Terra's explanation and Kefka's experiences make it pretty clear that the process to make Magitek Knights are less than humane.

8 Join: Agito Cadets (FF Type-0)

Agito Cadets of FF Type 0

In Final Fantasy Type-0, players get introduced to the Dominion of Rubrum, which holds guardianship to the Vermillion Bird Crystal. According to prophecy, a destined "Agito" will ascend from the Dominion to save the world in time of the Tempus Finis calamity. However, the destined Agito needs to master their powers first. In turn, the Dominion's Akademia trains Agito Cadets in preparation of Tempus Finis.

In the lore, Agito Cadets get segregated into various Classes, each with their own specialty. For instance, Class Ninth participates in spec-ops while Class Seventh specializes in recovery magic. Formally, Class First serves as the strongest set of Agito Cadets. However, the mysterious Class Zero - the protagonists in Type-0 - overtake this position. Wouldn't it be awesome to enroll in a school that will help save the world?

7 Avoid: SeeD (FF VIII)


Fans of Final Fantasy VIII remember the game both for its love story and unique setting. After all, protagonist Squall and his friends hail from Balamb Garden's SeeD, a mercenary group that provides various services. In the game's lore, SeeD can protect civilians, give military support, or even do other tasks.

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Unbeknownst to SeeD's members, Balamb Garden's headmaster Cid Kramer actually built the school as a countermeasure against a looming threat of Sorceresses in the coming years. Unfortunately, Balamb Garden's requirement of students being in between 15 to 19 years old does make their education a bit too short. Moreover, students may need more than a few years of education to become skillful fighters.



Of all factions in the Final Fantasy franchise, fans might remember Final Fantasy VII's AVALANCHE. However, while fans might think Barret's team is fighting a lost cause, their efforts remain extremely valuable in making a change in Midgar and Gaia. After all, despite the initial idea that Avalance is merely an eco-terrorist organization, it seems the organization has deep roots.

In essence, Avalanche started as a movement that wanted the world to learn of the harm that the Shinra Electric Company's Mako reactors could do to the planet. Unfortunately, prior to Barret's leadership, much of the team's efforts had barely made a dent in Shinra's operations. However, with the protagonist Cloud's help, Avalanche finally got to unravel Shinra's true nature and save the world in the process.

5 Avoid: Red Wings (FF IV)

Cecil of Red Wings in FF 4

In Final Fantasy IV, the Red Wings replaced the Kingdom of Baron's Dragoon Corps. After all, in FF IV, the rise of airship technology made Dragoons and their dragon mounts obsolete. In turn, the Red Wings transformed Baron into the world's most powerful nation. Moreover, thanks to Cecil Harvey's skillful leadership, the Red Wings easily dominated its enemies. However, Cecil's departure and transformation into a Paladin eventually led to the Red Wings' downfall.

Despite being a prominent organization, the Red Wings will do whatever it takes to accomplish their objective. Cecil notes this, as he questioned the King of Baron as to why the Red Wings were tasked to harm innocent people to get the Water Crystal in FF IV.



Interestingly, SOLDIER remains as one of the most iconic organizations in the Final Fantasy franchise. In FF VII, Soldier serves as the elite military unit of Shinra. However, unlike other military forces, Soldier comprises of superhuman soldiers with incredible strength, speed, and durability. Despite being separated into Classes, all Soldier members take on high-stakes missions that require their particular skillset. Moreover, they have recognizable black garbs that give both a mysterious and militaristic vibe.

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Despite their reputation as serving the antagonist, Soldier has shown its members to be extremely capable and competent. In fact, unlike other archetypal military factions, Soldier members demonstrate combat prowess that can put any enemy on their toes just to keep up.



Players of Final Fantasy XIII would likely remember the Sanctum's PSICOM. This organization, which stands for "Public Security/Safety And Intelligence Command," serves as the floating world of Cocoon's main line of defense against the Pulsian. Moreover, being under direct command of the Sanctum gave PSICOM access to advanced technology such as power armor, weapons, airships, robots, and even summoning implements. Unfortunately, the lack of official deployment of PSICOM units does leave much of their teams inexperienced.

Moreover, the PSICOM's blind obedience to the Sanctum and their orders led this military division to do evil deeds. For instance, PSICOM does the Purge - a kind of social cleansing and forced migration - to individuals or even entire communities they believe have been influenced by the Gran Pulse, or the main world of the game.

2 Join: Rin's Travel Agency (FF X)

Rin of Rins Travel Agency of FF10

Who says great organizations have to be from either resistance fighters or evil empires? In Final Fantasy X, Rin's Travel Agency tops all of Spira's factions with their dedication to providing service to their patrons. Additionally, thanks to the leadership of Rin, the Travel Agency provides the player (and Spira's citizens) everything they need to have a comfortable time in Spira's many destinations.

In FF X and FF X-2, Rin's Travel Agency served both as the inns and shops for much of Spira's tourists. Moreover, in the former, Rin's Travel Agency serves as a healing station for the party without any costs! They even teach the game's mechanics and act as a save point - services not provided by a lot of organizations in the franchise.

1 Avoid: Kingsglaive (FF XV)

Kingsglaive of FF 15

Fans of Final Fantasy XV have heard of the Kingsglaive. Unlike the royal family's Crownsguard, the newly-established Kingsglaive served King Regis during the war between Lucis and Niflheim Empire. However, their true goal is to protect Noctis, especially after King Regis discovered his son's destiny as the King of Light.

The Kingsglaive comprise of both mages and soldiers. Additionally, thanks to King Regis' blessing, they can use the King's many abilities - including casting magic and teleportation. Unfortunately, the Kingsglaive started to fall apart before the events of FF XV, revealing a rather fractured organization. While they end up reorganizing under Noctis' leadership, the wait to do so may be too risky for anyone to become its member.

NEXT: Final Fantasy 16: 5 Rumors We Hope Are True (& 5 We Hope Aren't)