The Super Mario franchise has sparked many players' love for video games over the course of multiple decades. The joy that comes from controlling Mario has cemented this franchise as arguably the best that the medium has to offer. While the Mario games may appeal to everyone in some way, there are also a few levels that are designed to test the absolute limits of a player's platforming ability.

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From absolute classics to some of the newest titles, the franchise has always been able to give a consistent level of challenge to those looking for it. However, the following levels are almost impossible and demand the best skills that a player has.

Updated on January 5th, 2023 by Hodey Johns: Since this list was released, more Super Mario games have been released, giving players even more challenges that are tough even for adults who get ahold of the controller. Some players go through all 99 lives on one level because there is a narrow landing on a jump or timed run through spikes. There was one level from Super Mario Maker on this list that has been given its own "Honorable Mention" entry as that game could comprise this entire list. The list has also been populated with more levels from old and new games that have resulted in hurt feelings, angry letters to the developers, and shattered controllers at home.

14 Honorable Mention: Almost Every Level From Super Mario Maker 1 & 2

Mario Dodging Flame Pillars In Super Mario Maker 2

Super Mario Maker 1 & 2 allow the community to develop levels and these levels are absolutely brutal; so much so that this list would be entirely made up of these levels if they counted. Because they are community-made and not crafted by the development team, they will have to settle for an honorary spot. Still, they are easily the most stressful games Nintendo has ever made.

One, in particular, stands out. A community-made level of Super Mario Maker 2 went incredibly viral as possibly the hardest Mario level ever made. The clear rate for 1-1 But With A Twist was around 0.01% which is perfectly understandable once players see what they are in for if they attempt the level.

13 C-3 (Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels)

Super Mario Bros 3 The Lost Levels Bouncing

The Lost Levels are about standard for the Super Mario experience, but level C-3 is a serious curveball, it introduces flak onto the screen that makes it hard to measure distance. Additionally, the trampolines are charged up and shoot Mario well off the top of the screen.

The issue is that players must come down at some point and it's hard to tell if they'll land on a safe platform or just off of the side. A Latiku tosses spiked koopas from a cloud, so even if players get the timing and trajectory right, they can still be damaged.

12 Tubular (Super Mario World)

Super Mario World Tubular Level Mario Dodging Enemies

A level with no ground to jump off will always be a challenge because one slip up and the player will need to start all over again. Tubular is a level in the Special Zone of Super Mario World and forces the player to use the Power Balloon item to hover through the level.

The player also needs to dodge an absolute barrage of projectiles, turning this level into something akin to a bullet hell genre of game. It will certainly be jarring to use the mechanics of a Mario game in this way but with enough practice to memorize where all the enemies are, they will hopefully be able to pass it. There are many reasons to pick this game up at Goodwill, but players will probably be stuck for a while on this level.

11 5-1 (Super Mario Bros 2)

Super Mario Bros 2 5-1 Boss

Trying to beat 5-1 is a tough enough ordeal. There are falling logs and jumping fish that need to be navigated carefully over a bottomless waterfall. At the end of it, Birdo shoots fire instead of eggs, so players need to use a weak piece of ammunition to attack and then go in and retrieve the ammo they just chucked.

To make it worse, there is a secret mushroom on the level, but getting it requires the use of the high-jumping Luigi and a secret area. But Luigi is hard to control and generally fails on the already difficult jumps. However, in hindsight, when compared to the strange game ending, gamers might not mind getting stuck here.

10 Level 9-7 (Super Mario World Wii)

Super Mario World Wii Mario Running Across Ice

The seventh level of world nine in Super Mario World Wii can only be accessed after collecting all the Star Coins in World 7. Upon entering the level, the player will notice that the entire map is covered in ice which isn't inherently a problem if it weren't for the Munchers underneath that will attack once they thaw.

The difficulty of this level comes with the speed the player is expected to constantly be moving. The Venus Fire Traps, provide a constant level of danger and encourage you to slip up. The Prickly Goombas that pepper the ice only contribute to the huge amount of obstacles Mario has to dodge to get to the flag.

9 8-7 (Super Mario World DS)

Super Mario World DS 8-7 Hammer Brothers Fight

The Hammer Brothers are a challenge in any Super Mario game, sometimes defeating just two of them on a flat surface is a level unto itself. But 8-7 decides to put them on top of moving platforms with little room left to dodge their myriad of attacks.

The DS is a great platform, but it's undeniable that it adds to the difficulty of making tight jumps. So what would already be a unique challenge is amped up with the imprecise controls.

8 Lily Pad Ride (Super Mario Sunshine)

Super Mario Sunshine Mario Beginning The Lily Pad Ride

The jovial atmosphere of Super Mario Sunshine is incongruent with the extreme difficulty that comes with the Lily Pad Ride. Mario has to ride a Lily Pad to collect all the Red Coins along with the rushing tide, which sounds easy if it weren't for the clunky mechanics of the Lily Pad.

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The player must have total mastery and control of the water blaster to get the Lily Pad to the exact point they need to get the coin, all whilst worrying about how long Mario has left before the Lily Pad sinks which will make you lose all your progress. Saving the environment in a game is worth the struggle, but frustrated players might be more alright with pollution after this.

7 Rainbow Ride (Super Mario 64)

Super Mario 64 Mario Surrounded By Coins In Rainbow Ride

Some extra challenges in Super Mario 64 should only be sought out by the most die-hard Mario fans or people who want to 100% the game. By far, one of the most aggravating Stars to achieve is by collecting all 100 coins on the Rainbow Ride level.

Most of the players' grief comes from collecting the blue coins that appear on a timer and require Mario to execute a platforming combo with incredible speed. Even if the player gets them all there is still a chance for them to fall off the platform at the end and lose everything. Still, pro players can use a drum set to beat the game, so it's still possible with the classic controller.

6 Longest Journey's End (Super Mario Odyssey)

Super Mario Odyessy Mario Gliding Through The Longest Journey's End

An absolute gauntlet of a level, the final hurdle in Super Mario Odyssey involves the player passing through several sections with varying difficulty with no checkpoints. Longest Journey's End utilizes almost every mechanic in the game and requires the player to have totally mastered moving Mario around.

Thankfully, there are ways to tackle the harrowing series of challenges. There are ways to increase the number of hitpoints Mario has by speaking to the Sphinx and by cleverly gliding high enough, they can also skip the most challenging section of the level. Ultimately, with enough patience, it can be conquered. This is a game that kids and parents can play together, but the parents should probably take over at this particular stage.

5 Luigi's Purple Coin Chaos (Super Mario Galaxy 2)

Overview Of The Luigi's Purple Coins Map

The hardest level in the original Super Mario Galaxy challenges players' ability to plan their route to make sure they have a perfect run. In Luigi's Purple Coins the player has to navigate a giant area shaped like a giant 8-bit Luigi filled with Purple Coins.

The challenge comes in the form of the shrinking platforms whenever Mario steps on one, so as the level progresses there will be less chance to get the last few coins. The feeling of failing to reach the last coin is agonizing, but this level can be overcome by simple trial and error in the planning of the route the player takes. The game itself is worth replaying, but nobody will judge those who would like to skip this stage.

4 Champion's Road (Super Mario 3D World)

Super Mario 3-D World Mario In The Final Section Of Champion's Road

Similar to the Longest Journey's End level in Super Mario Odyssey, the Champion's Road is a gauntlet of many small challenges that all add together to become an extremely difficult run with next to no margin for error.

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The saving grace of this run is the different abilities that the characters have which makes some timings the player has to make a little easier. The rhythm blocks and the waves of lasers make this level some of the most frantic platforming in Mario's history. The nobility of the boss certainly doesn't show with harsh designs like this.

3 Grandmaster Galaxy - Perfect Run (Super Mario Galaxy 2)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Mario Jumping On Platforms In The Perfect Run Level

The Perfect Run of the Grandmaster Galaxy is easily the hardest 3-D Mario level ever made by Nintendo. Similar to the long levels shown in The Longest Journey's End and the Champion's Road, the Grandmaster Galaxy throws so much at you in one level but without the margin for error.

One of the hardest sections is right at the end of the level where about a dozen hammer throwers will be waiting on every platform, guarding your way to victory. A single misstep will cause you to restart the entire level. Any player who can complete this level is a true master of 3-D Mario games.

2 8-Airship (Super Mario Bros 3)

Super Mario Bros 3 8 Airship

The airship in World 8 pops up right after the candle levels which can, with some luck, be skipped. But unless players can cloud past the airship and win the next map, they'll have to contend with the nastiest airship in any Super Mario game.

"Ship" should probably be plural as the platforms are numerous with large pits between them. Sometimes the vertical leap requires a running jump without much room to run. And the wrenches thrown in one direction stay on the map for a long time since the map scrolls right at nearly the same rate as the toss. Use a P-Wing or something; do not attempt this airship on foot. Mods have added much to the game, maybe they should consider easing up on this level a bit.

1 The Impossible Pack (New Super Mario Bros 2)

Mario Dodging Saw Blades In The Impossible Pack Level 3

The Impossible Pack from New Super Mario Bros 2 lives up to its name because it truly is borderline impossible to complete. It is certainly the hardest Mario level Nintendo has ever made because the impossible pack functions as one massive level divided into three sections (if you fail on the second or third level you still restart at the first level).

The impossible pack features some of the hardest platforming sequences developed with poison lakes, dozens of enemy projectiles, bob-ombs galore, and death at every turn. Only the most seasoned Mario veteran would be able to complete the pack after days of intensive play.MORE: A 'Metroid Maker' Game Has As Much Potential as Super Mario Maker