
  • Coral Island is now fully accessible on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, allowing players to immerse themselves in farming and romance on a tropical island.
  • There are currently 25 characters available for romance in the game, with three more planned to be added in 2024.
  • Each bachelor in Coral Island has their own unique personality, interests, and storyline, offering players a variety of options to find their perfect match.

Coral Island is finally out of early access on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, leaving players free to fully explore their farming lives on a tropical island. Besides building the best farm possible, players can also get to know a wide cast of characters, with some being simple islanders, while others have the potential of getting closer to the player, and eventually getting married.

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Currently, there are 25 characters available to be romanced in Coral Island, with three more planned for 2024. These three options will be Merfolk the player will get to know through the Merfolk storyline that is currently being worked on. Out of the 25 currently available characters, 13 of these are bachelors that players can get to know no matter what gender they play. With so many to choose from, here are all the bachelors ranked, so players can find their true match.

13 Charles

Winter 4th

Charles in his clinic in Coral Island


Blueberry, strawberry, burrito, falafel, cookies, and diamonds


All other cooked foods and Universal Likes, such as grown crops and Artisan products

Charles is the island doctor, and therefore, he already shows deep care for players when they first arrive. When he isn't in the clinic, players can spot Charles checking up on others at the Tavern and giving out plenty of medical advice to keep the people of Coral Island healthy.

Players will have their work cut out for them with Charles, as unlike many of the other islanders, he can't stand flowers. This isn't just a dislike of them, but because the poor man is allergic to pollen, any fruit found in the forest is a better gift to give. As for his love life, since he recently separated from his ex-fiancee after catching them cheating, he has had a hard time finding love.

12 Luke

Fall 16th

Luke talking to Yuri in the clinic in Coral Island


Butter croissant, tomato soup, stew, wine, ratatouille, and eggplant lasagna


All eggs and all milk

While to some players, Luke appears as a typical spoiled child due to both his parents' success and the expectation of taking over the Vineyard after them, but Luke is just a guy trying to find his own independence. One way he has done this is through creating his own electronics company called Socket and Pan, where he can be found three days a week.

Throughout his heart events, players will learn how Luke feels: he's quite distant with his father, Walter, and it's through the player's help that a bond is formed between them once again. This doesn't mean that Luke is low on friends, as he is seen hanging around with the other bachelors constantly.

11 Kenny

Spring 9th

Kenny playing his flute to the animals at the Ranch in Coral Island


Kombucha, vegan taco, hash browns, lychee, soybean, green tea, and Roasted almonds


All mushrooms

As the child of a monster hunter and a rancher, Kenny took after his father in tending to animals and developed a close bond with them. In fact, Kenny has formed a close bond with everyone and everything on the island due to his uplifting personality and simple, wholesome nature.

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After finding a scroll about a magical flute, Kenny makes it his goal to solve the flute's puzzle in the hope of finding it to play for his animals. With the help of the player, perhaps he will finally find the flute. As a man of nature, it's unsurprising that many of the things he likes are natural things the player can grow or find, making Kenny an easy man to marry.

10 Ben

Spring 22nd

Ben at the Ranch in Coral Island


Banana, green tea, and all mushrooms


Vegan taco, all fruits, and all vegetables

As a nomad living in a caravan on the island, Ben is all about positive vibes and living a chill life. He likes to help out around town, especially with Jack's ranch or delivering produce for Sam. Meanwhile, on weekends, players can pursue Ben's shop at his caravan for his latest finds.

While he spends most of his days on the Island, players will be unable to find this easy-going guy during the days between the 15th to the 28th of Fall as he attends the annual Fall Music Festival. While Ben has no actual family on the island, he considers his pet duck, Funbucket, to be the closest thing to it. Players will see this bond through his heart events as he attempts to help his sick duck.

9 Surya

Fall 25th

Surya in the lab in Coral Island


Melon, lodeh, herbed tempeh, Wild mushroom polenta, and pufferfish


Flower bouquet and all other Universal Likes

Like the player, Surya is new to the island and, therefore, is only just getting his bearings on what island life is like. After coming to the island to live with his uncle and auntie, he joined Ling's research team as a new Marine Biologist.

Surya has been looking for more independence and, after feeling like he has taken up space for too long at his relative's home, he plans to move. This causes some issues for his family, who don't want to see him leave, and it's up to the player to give him advice along with plenty of gifts in hopes that perhaps he will move in with them instead.

8 Mark

Spring 18th

Mark standing at Raja Coffee in Coral Island


Shiitake, tomato soup, hot cocoa, and egg custard


Morel, doughnuts, smoked salmon, beer, sweet potato, and honey

Any player that has met Mark may be put off by his cruel nicknames, referring to the player as Garden Rake, or his nature, which makes it seem like he wishes to be left alone, but some players may consider this a challenge. Mark simply prefers animals to people and is a member of the Band of Smiles, an organization on Coral Island that protects people from dangers. He just thinks it's safer if people stay away from him.

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A player's persistence will be rewarded as Mark will begin to notice the player is constantly pestering him but also trying to support him. His grouchy exterior may make it seem like he doesn't enjoy gifts, but even a small flower is appreciated by him.

7 Theo

Fall 11th

Theo fishing in Coral Island


Red King Arowana, Yellow Moray Eel, Green Sawfish, Giant Stingray, Monk Fish, Octopus, fish taco, whole coconut drink, juice, and fruit juice


All fruits and all vegetables

As a fisherman and a musician, Theo is the best of both worlds for a player, as it shows he's a hardworking man who still has a creative side to him. Theo can be found fishing for the majority of the week, though he can occasionally be found performing at the Tavern or around town.

Theo's Heart Events play closely with the story of his mother passing away when he was young and explains to the player why he loves music so much. It's an incredibly touching story that any player should experience, even if they aren't considering romancing him.

6 Wakuu

Winter 8th

Wakuu sitting down for a coffee in Coral Island


Salmon, vegan taco, Cenil, mango, and chocolate chip muffins


Corn on the cob and cookies

Wakuu is an astronomer who lives inside the observation tower. He has a great passion for his hobby-turned job, though this is to his father's dismay, as he appears disappointed in Wakuu's choices. Players are there to encourage Wakuu to keep doing what he loves and support him.

Although his relationship with his dad may appear stressful, Wakuu regularly spends time with him at his lighthouse home, or having dinner with him at the Beach Shack. When he isn't spending time with his dad, he can be found hanging out with friends at the Tavern.

5 Noah

Winter 10th

Noah at Sam's General Store in Coral Island


Sushi, roasted mushroom, gnocchi, Durian, clam chowder, and sunny side-up eggs


Flower bouquet and all eggs

Noah is part of a big family that owns the Tavern. Although he isn't the owner of the business, many of his days see him incredibly busy helping his brother Frank keep the place afloat. He would rather be spending this time with his mother Betty, though some days that just isn't possible.

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On the occasions he does have free time, he can be found hanging out with others, especially Alice, as they discuss inexplicable phenomena. Not one conversation with Noah is boring, and while it may be out of the way to talk to him, any player should take time out of their day to say hello.

4 Rafael

Fall 4th

Rafael standing next to the taco truck in Coral Island


Onyx, Sashimi, and fruit juice


Coconut, flower bouquet, and any fruit or veg

Even Coral Island has its gentle giants, and nobody is more gentle (or giant) than Rafael the quiet blacksmith. He likes to keep to himself most days and concentrate on his work, but is more than willing to have a good chat with the player who has likely been following him on his mission to make a legendary hammer made from a material that was assumed to be a fairy tale.

As if Rafael couldn't get any more kindhearted, when not working he can be found quietly cleaning the graves in the cemetery or playing with his ex-cousin-in-law's child, Valentina.

3 Raj

Winter 2nd

Raj at Raja Coffee in Coral Island


Tea-leaf, coffee bean, coffee, Gesha coffee bean, green tea, apple pie, and doughnuts


Coconut, all fruits, and all vegetables

Although on the bachelor list, Raj is non-binary and therefore goes by they/them pronouns. They own the Raja coffee stand that can be found outside the Tavern in the main town. When Raj isn't helping out at their coffee place, they can instead be seen enjoying a good book under a tree or simply hanging around the inn if the weather is foul.

Although Raj has their own business, they admit to the player that they only just have enough money to stay afloat, but this doesn't stop them from having a heart of gold that many players will likely fall in love with.

2 Pablo

Spring 27th

Pablo in the balcksmiths in Coral Island


Pumpkin pie, sweet potato poutine, cauliflower casserole, pickled items, and pizza


Like all the Universally Liked items

While Rafael is quiet, his brother Pablo is the complete opposite. As the Island flirt, Pablo is never found without a smile on his face, which he doesn't hide from the rest of the people on Coral Island, especially while he beats them all at pool.

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Players are unlikely to fend off this lovable blacksmith, as even they are likely to be weak to his charms. While a classic flirt, Pablo does have plans to settle down soon and maybe the person that will allow that to finally happen will be the new farmer that has just moved to the island.

1 Scott

Spring 12th

Scott standing by the Caverns in Coral Island


Egg custard, Red King Arowana, Giant Stingray, Yellow Moray Eel, nodes, falafel, and mayonnaise


All milk, tea leaf, amaranth, okra, and turnips

Out of all the available bachelors, it's of no surprise to see that one of the best out of all of them to romance is Scott. After almost getting married three times, Scott came to Coral Island as a single man looking to start a new life and help out with the museum.

Although well-dressed, Scott isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and, therefore, when he isn't inside the museum, he can be found near the Caverns looking for artifacts to take home with him. While failing at romance three times, perhaps the fourth time with the farmer will finally stick, as he finds someone with whom he can truly get along.

coral island
Coral Island

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Stairway Games
November 14, 2023
Farming , Simulation