There's nothing more satisfying than playing as a hero in a video game. Using their unique skills to take down bad guys, heroes are often armed with some kind of amazing power or tool that will get them to victory in the most action-packed way possible.

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However, while a lot of video game heroes may be known for their ability to beat up villains, there are other ways that someone can be a hero. That includes relying on their wit to navigate out of the situation, regardless of whether the dilemma requires violence to overcome. There have been plenty of heroes who have used smarts to win their battles.

7 Phoenix Wright

Phoenix Wright pointing in the court room in Ace Attorney

Working in the field of law requires an eye for detail for any little thing that can help the client win their case. This is shown to be true at nearly every moment of Phoenix Wright's career. In the Ace Attorney games, players see the rise of Wright from a nervous lawyer to a top defender.

Throughout the series, Wright deals with having to not only perfectly articulate his case in front of a judge but also having to become an investigator and look into crime scenes or places of interest where a previously obscure situation now points at a proper suspect. Wright would win a vast majority of his cases and protect innocent people from potential jail time.

6 Wander

Wander facing a colossus in Shadow of the Colossus

Even those who ultimately need to use their physical strength need their mind to make careful decisions on how to attack. This is exactly how Wander, the hero of Shadow of the Colossus, takes on each of the battles that are in front of him.

Wander's goal for each fight is to look at both the environment and the colossus itself and figure out a way to target it. This mostly involved using the area around to get onto the monster and find its weak points, which would greatly increase how quickly Wander is able to bring the colossus down.

5 Takayuki Yagami

Takayuki Yagami taking a phone call in Lost Judgment

Like Phoenix Wright, Takayuki Yagami was a defense attorney. However, tragic events led him to leave the profession to become a private detective. Through the events of the Judgment series, Yagami takes on major cases that involve putting himself in danger.

While there is combat in the game that requires the player to be wary of Yagami's health, another main aspect is to investigate specific scenes that may require players to stealthily look around or disguise Yagami in something so he doesn't look suspicious. His ability to be aware in these situations and figure out what's going on shows how important his mental skills need to be.

4 Amicia de Rune

Amicia de Rune sitting with a wound in A Plague Tale: Requiem

While many of the heroes already listed choose to take on their challenges, Amicia de Rune is forced to take on the responsibility of taking care of her brother Hugo in the A Plague Tale games after their parents seem to be killed by the Inquisition.

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Throughout their struggles, Amicia must hide from people who are looking to kill both her and Hugo. She is able to strategically evade these individuals as well as have the tools necessary to take these enemies down and make their way out of tough situations. It is through her decisions that they are able to get out of a lot of situations.

3 Professor Layton

Luke, Emmy, and Professor Layton on a staircase in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy

When wanting to use your wit when taking on a steep challenge, it is good to have a lot of knowledge about the world. That's why it is easy for Professor Layton, whose passion for archeology led him down the path of being able to decipher puzzles that have been placed before him.

The titular character of the Professor Layton series, Professor Layton, and his apprentice Luke would go on many adventures across multiple titles. Despite the difficulties found in reaching their goal, Layton is always able to put his brain to the test and come out with the solution.

2 Chell

Chell facing Glados in Portal 2 art

Being locked inside a facility where she is serves the role of a test subject, Chell is a silent protagonist of the Portal series that seemingly just wants to break free from the constant loop of solving puzzles and GLaDOS attempting to kill her.

The first game is about Chell going through the puzzle rooms and then having to take down GLaDOS to escape the facility. However, the second game involves navigating new areas of Aperture Science that reveal dark secrets about the laboratory. Chell is able to do this all while using the Portal gun to get through difficult obstacles.

1 Solid Snake

Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid

A soldier who can tackle almost any mission he is put on, Solid Snake is well known for his ability to use stealth as a method of accomplishing what he has set out to do. A prominent protagonist in the early Metal Gear Solid games, Snake has been able to infiltrate facility and take down nuclear weapons called Metal Gears.

Why Solid Snake is impressive in his decision-making is that he usually only has his radio to rely on as no one else is there to guide him through some of the more treacherous missions. He is able to use any objects around as a means to hide from enemies and use unique techniques that will keep him shielded as he makes his way through an area.

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