Video games thrive on healthy competition, be it in real life or as part of the story. Still, some of the in-game rivalries can be pretty grim. Sub-Zero and Scorpion have been performing fatalities on each other since the original Mortal Kombat. Iori’s been trying to kill Kyo across 28+ years of King of Fighters games. Then the issues with the Sons of Sparda in Devil May Cry would require a very divine therapist to unpack.

Related: Greatest Character Rivalries in Gaming, Ranked

However, not every rivalry is so dark. In fact, there are plenty out there where the two rivals get on quite well outside their figurative or literal contest. These are the most friendly and wholesome rivalries in video games.

6 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney

6 Video Game Rivalries That Are Healthy & Wholesome

The Ace Attorney and Perfect Prosecutor weren’t always so cozy with each other. Edgeworth gave Phoenix the cold shoulder in the first Ace Attorney game until he was the only thing keeping him from prison. Then Phoenix returned the frosty reception in Justice for All until the two worked together to save Maya Fey from an assassin.

From then on, they’ve helped each other uncover the truth in their different cases. Edgeworth even stood in for Phoenix as a defense attorney in Trials and Tribulations! Otherwise, despite being from opposite sides of the courtroom, the two have maintained a friendly, professional relationship.

5 Bayonetta & Jeanne, Bayonetta

Wholesome Video Game Rivalries- Bayonetta Jeanne

When Bayonetta 3 suggested its bespectacled lead had a male love interest, the fans were left perplexed. Mainly because the closest person to her heart was a fellow Umbran Witch. It took a few fights to overcome a few conditions, namely amnesia and mind control, but Bayonetta and Jeanne are as tight as friends get. That is, if they are just friends.

That’s what PlatinumGames has gone with in canon. Even so, they’ve looked out for each other further than even some lovers would. Bayonetta 2 saw its sassy witch go high and low to save Jeanne’s soul from Hell, producing arguably the best entry in the series. Even if they’re ultimately just gay-coded than anything else, Bayonetta and Jeanne make for a sweet bond in a saucy series.

4 Mega Man & Proto Man, Mega Man

Wholesome Video Game Rivalries- Mega Man Proto Man

The Archie Comics fleshed out Proto Man’s story with more drama, yet their key points all come from the games. Proto Man was Dr. Light’s first robot but had faults that threatened his lifespan. Fearing the fixes would reprogram him and remove his independence, Proto Man fled. Dr. Wily found him before his faulty energy core was spent and fixed him. Indebted to the villain, he’d work for him against his ‘younger brother’ in Mega Man 3.

Related: Ranking Every Main Mega Man Game From Worst to Best

Even then, he was more interested in testing Mega Man’s mettle than stopping him. He’d rescue the Blue Bomber at the end of the game, then side with him against Dr. Wily in Mega Man 4. Though he can’t bring himself to return to Dr. Light’s side, he doesn’t let that affect his support for Mega Man. Proto Man would help him out from then on, either joining him in the fight or honing his skills. Compared to the more malicious Bass, they get on rather well.

3 Ryu & Ken, Street Fighter

Wholesome Video Game Rivalries- Ryu Ken

For all the feuds in Street Fighter, there are also a lot of fighting friendships. Rainbow Mika and Karin befriended each other during Alpha 3. Ibuki and Makoto hang out at the same school. Guy and Haggar never gave up on Cody, even after he became a jailbird himself. Then there’s the series’ original bromance with Ryu and Ken.

The two have brought out the best in each other since their earliest days. Ryu’s kept Ken on his toes, while Ken’s stopped Ryu from falling to the Dark Hadō. They also help each other up after fights in Alpha 3 (though they do start with Ken giving Ryu a noogie). With Ken left in a dark spot in Street Fighter 6, Ryu may have to step in and help his old friend again.

2 Hop & The Player, Pokemon Sword & Shield

Wholesome Video Game Rivalries- Hop Player

The most famous Pokemon rivals tended to be the smug, aggressive types, like Blue or the anime’s Gary Oak. Yet, from Generation III onwards, the in-game rivalries have been more friendly. Barry, Hau, Trace, and Nemona all want to be the very best Pokemon trainers, but they don’t want to be jerks about it. The same goes for Hop from Pokemon Sword & Shield.

He wants to be a Champion like his big brother Leon. In any other story, he’d be rubbing his family name in the player’s face. Instead, he’s a good sport about his losses to the player, frustrating as they are for him. After all, as big as the tournaments are, Pokemon’s just a game in the end. It’s not worth losing friends over. That doesn’t mean he’s going to go easy on them either.

1 Mario & Luigi, Super Mario Bros

Wholesome Video Game Rivalries- Mario Luigi

The Italian plumbers have spent more time working together than against each other, so of course they’re going to get along. Still, the two have been on opposing sides in sports games, party games, Super Smash Bros, and other genres. Even then, everyone in the Mario-verse has gotten along in their games for the most part. Especially good guys like the Mario Bros.

However, they’re not above taunting each other. If Luigi wins the tournament in Mario Power Tennis, Mario will congratulate him...and tread on his foot. He’s happy his brother has the spotlight, but he’ll be back to challenge him again. No one can keep a good Jumpman down. Not even family.

More: Hilarious One-Sided Rivalries in Video Games