Art, movies included, is not always meant to directly explain something to its audience. Viewers might be upset or unnerved by a film that eschews exposition or uses esoteric imagery to tell its story, but others love signing up for such cinematic adventures.

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The films below might cause anyone who watches it to scratch their heads once the credits roll. However, they are still incredible viewing experiences even for those who might not have understood their point. Watching these movies could make people feel either really dumb or really smart, but they'll also make them feel cultured. They might not make sense, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

10 2001: A Space Odyssey

2001 A Space Odyssey Dave in the corridor

While this movie's plot can be described as an astronaut's struggle against a rogue AI, there is so much more happening before, after, and during those events. It starts with almost 30 minutes of scenes showcasing the dawn of humanity, and ends with a freaky light show experience.

Funnily enough, there was a narration planned during the end to explain the events on the screen, but director Stanley Kubrick ultimately eschewed it when putting together this influential science fiction classic. To understand more, viewers can read the book of the same name by Arthur C. Clarke.

9 Eraserhead

eraserhead movie

Almost any David Lynch movie could take a slot on this list, but Eraserhead takes the cake even when compared to his other work. This black-and-white feature film debut from Lynch does not really have any discernable plot, and immediately dives into the surreal.

Aiding the intense visuals is the stellar sound design, something that remained important throughout David Lynch's career. Despite the confusing narrative, there are still countless thematic elements to discuss within this film.

8 The Color Of Pomegranates

The color of pomegranates

Sergei Parajanov's The Color of Pomegranates is a biopic depicting the life of Armenian poet Savat-Nova. It would be hard to tell this just from watching the movie, however, except for the writing that bookends the action.

Even without knowledge of the poet's life, the movie is absolutely gorgeous to behold. It is mostly composed of still shots of beautiful scenery, set design, and costumes. Recently, it served as a huge influence for Lady Gaga's music video for 911.

7 House

The seven girls wait at a bus stop against a beautiful landscape in Hausu

This Japanese horror movie is both endlessly charming and unnerving. It is a typical haunted house story, in which a group of young women are haunted by ghostly apparitions in a strange mansion.

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Even before the victims make their way to the house, the movie shows itself to be something special with its unique visual style and cheery soundtrack. Once the murdering and horror start, the aesthetic remains quirky, unique, and awe-inspiring.

6 Valhalla Rising

Valhalla Rising (2009)

Nicolas Winding Refn has a unique visual style, drawing influence from filmmakers like Andrei Tarkovsky and Alejandro Jodorowsky. All of his films are dense and hard to digest for some, but Valhalla Rising is the only one that ends and leaves viewers thinking, "What exactly did I watch? What was that all for?"

Even if one does not understand the story or the time period in which it is set, Valhalla Rising is still beautifully shot and features a hypnotizing performance from Mads Mikkelsen.

5 Antichrist

Antichrist willem dafoe

Almost every Lars Von Trier movie is horrific in some way. Antichrist is on a whole other level. It starts off with a couple's baby dying while they are in the midst of intimacy, and things only get weirder and more unsettling from there.

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The supernatural elements are never explained, and there are some grizzly graphic scenes where the camera never turns away. It turns off a lot of people. Willem Dafoe stars alongside Charlotte Gainsbourg, who both turn in great performances.

4 El Topo

El topo alejandro jodorowski

Many feel that Alejandro Jodorowsky does not make much sense as a human being, so it only stands to reason that his films are perplexing. There is at least a narrative thread to follow in El Topo, which can best be described as an acid western, that shows the evolution of its main character.

Still, the world in which it is set is so surreal, it is difficult to believe someone even conceptualized it, let alone put it to film. Alejandro Jodorowsky is nothing if not ambitious, as evidenced by his grand plan for his Dune adaptation detailed in the fascinating documentary Jodorowskiy's Dune.

3 Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko film donnie rabbit sitting in movie theater

Richard Kelly's strange science fiction film is the product of much debate and analysis. The protagonist is haunted by visions of a figure in a bunny costume who says the world will end in 28 days. In addition to this, there is some time travel mixed in with teen angst and psychological elements.

Some of Richard Kelly's other films, particularly Southland Tales, have inspired a similar amount of confusion without becoming cult classics or receiving the same critical reception. Still, Donnie Darko is one of the best examples of his work.

2 The Zero Theorem

The zero theorem christoph waltz

For Terry Gilliam fans, The Zero Theorem falls in line with his science fiction works like Brazil and 12 Monkeys. However, the plot and ending of this film make even less sense than these two examples.

The basic gist of the plot is a programmer, played by Christoph Waltz, working from home while waiting for a phone call from an unknown source. A lot happens outside that, but the phone call is an important aspect of the story. By the time credits roll, most viewers are unsure what happens or even where the protagonist is.

Head Monkees movie

After The Monkees TV show was taken off the air, it was decided that the next move would be to make a movie. The film was written by Jack Nicholson, who reportedly wrote it while under the influence of psychedelics.

This is evident in the film's structure and plot, of which there appear to be very little. The whole thing is surreal, and it is not really that funny, unlike the show's childish slapstick sensibilities. Despite all this, it is still a wildly entertaining, bizarre spectacle.

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