Voidtrain is a survival FPS that invites players to become a crew member on an interdimensional train and defend it from a variety of attackers. This game can be played solo or with a group of up to 4 friends, so gamers can call in backup if they need it.

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In order to defend the titular train, Voidtrain has a variety of weapon types for players to choose from. Everyone will start with the same basic revolver, but they can build and mod weapons as the game goes on. They can also find fully built weapons on fallen enemies, but mostly, players will be sourcing Weapon Modules to make their own weapons. There are four weapon types in-game that players can choose to craft, but which ones are the best?

5 Bullet

voidtrain bullet weapon type

While a perfectly good weapon type, this one gets last place on the list purely because it's the most common and doesn't pack as much of a punch as the other weapon types in game. However, the bullet weapon type may perfectly suit some gamers' playstyles, so if players find that this is the weapon type that works for them, it can certainly be upgraded further to make it a more formidable weapon.

Weapons of this type are two-handed and fire a single projectile, which is fired at high speeds and suffers little bullet drop; which can occur if a target is far away. When a shot fired from these weapons impacts an enemy, it will deal single-target damage. This weapon is a great choice for players who want precise and powerful shots and don't mind upgrading their weapon as they go to keep up with increasingly formidable foes.

4 Buckshot

voidtrain gameplay

The Buckshot weapon type is the second most common in the game after Bullet type weapons. This may be the best fit for players in the early game, as they get used to the mechanics and may not have the best precision, yet. This two-handed weapon fires multiple fast-moving projectiles, which don't suffer any damage fall off based on distance.

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For players that like dealing with their enemies at a distance, this is the best weapon choice, and will quickly become a mainstay of any gamer's arsenal as they annihilate monsters and Nazis. Due to the fact that projectiles from this weapon damage don't suffer any damage fall off, it makes it a perfect choice for players early on in the game and can even become more useful and powerful as the game goes on and better upgrades become available.

3 Hunter

voidtrain hunter weapon type

This weapon type is pretty rare and is one of the better ones that players can build in Voidtrain. The Hunter weapon type is two-handed and fires a slow moving projectile that tracks enemies in a small radius around the projectile. While the enemy is within the tracking radius of the projectile, it will follow them wherever they move. Unfortunately, these projectiles have a max tracking range and will fall if they said max range has been reached.

This weapon type may be best suited for situations where enemies are getting a little too close for comfort and need to be taken out with a hard hit. It will also be super useful for enemies that move around a lot but may be less than ideal for slow-moving enemies or enemies that retreat.

2 Grenade

voidtrain enemy

This is one of the rarer weapon types in the game, and it's well worth the title! Despite having the most bullet drop compared to the other weapon types, this weapon type fires a single projectile that deals AOE damage to enemies within the explosion radius.

This weapon type is an absolute must-have for those levels where it feels like the train is just being swarmed by enemies and players need to get rid of them fast and easy. The projectile moves slower than the bullet projectile, but can deal with a lot of enemies a lot faster than the other weapon types will allow for.

1 Revolver

voidtrain revolver

Despite being the most common weapon in the game, because literally everyone starts with it, this "Old Friend," as it's colloquially known, will remain by crew members' side through thick and thin. With infinite ammo and the ability to upgrade this basic revolver, players can really make this weapon their own and have a reliable piece by their side when all else feels lost.

Players will be doing themselves a disservice to neglect this weapon for bigger and shinier weapon types. The revolver is a mainstay of any train's arsenal and any gamer will quickly learn why it's affectionately called Old Friend.

At the end of the day, which weapon type players gravitate towards depends entirely on their playstyle and what they prioritize. Whether they prefer ranged weapons that pack a punch or short range weapons that can annihilate their enemies will affect which weapon type they're likely to keep equipped. If one thing's for certain, though, it's that the good ol' revolver will never leave players' side.

Voidtrain is available to buy and play on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.

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