Black Mesa is a fan-made remake of the original Half-Life game, and it has become a definitive way to experience the iconic title. The game features enhanced graphics and gameplay mechanics while remaining faithful to the original storyline. Players are able to relive the adventure of Gordon Freeman as he navigates the Black Mesa Research Facility, battling alien creatures and military forces. The game's attention to detail and immersive atmosphere make it a must-play for fans of the Half-Life franchise.

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One of the standout features of Black Mesa is its arsenal of unique weaponry. Players have access to a variety of futuristic weapons, from the iconic crowbar to the powerful Gauss gun. Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses, allowing players to approach combat situations in different ways. The game's physics engine also adds an extra layer of immersion, as players can use objects in the environment as improvised weapons. Overall, Black Mesa's rich selection of weaponry makes combat an absolute blast.

10 HECU Laser Tripmine

HECU Laser Tripmine in Black Mesa

The Laser Tripmine is a great weapon, even if it takes a bit of setup to use. If players know that they are going to be ambushed or are being chased by a tough foe, then whipping this explosive out is a great way to damage or outright kill this threat.

However, Black Mesa is an action-packed game, and setting up a trip mine while under pressure is easier said than done. Most players would just forget to use this explosive and stick to their trusted guns instead.

9 Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge in Black Mesa

Another premeditated explosive that requires a bit of forethought to use, the satchel charge is a powerful explosive that can turn most enemies into mincemeat in no time at all. However, using this weapon is pretty cumbersome in the heat of battle.

Players either need to predict where enemies will come or maintain a substantial distance between Freeman and his foes before chucking this weapon and triggering it in record time. This is pretty tricky, and most people would only use this satchel charge the most during a puzzle in Xen.

8 Tau Cannon

Tau Cannon in Black Mesa

The Tau Cannon was already pretty okay in Half-Life and didn't really seem all that powerful as an energy weapon. So, the fact that this weapon is somehow even worse in Black Mesa is a shame, with the weapon losing its ability to pass through most walls or ricochet upon impact.

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Despite being powerful in its own right, the weapon doesn't feel all that great to use, prompting most players to just stick to the Gluon Gun instead. It takes a while to get a hang of the Tau Cannon, and most players will only realize just how powerful the Tau Cannon is when they reach the chapters in Xen that encourage the use of energy weapons.

7 Mk 2 Grenade

Gordon Freeman rolling a grenade

Out of all the explosives in Black Mesa, the Mk 2 Grenade is easily the easiest one to wield. Unlike other weapons of the same kind, the grenade can be cooked and thrown in no time at all.

Of course, players will need to ensure that they don't end up getting caught in this weapon's explosion, which can happen pretty easily if players aren't able to aim their throw properly. While the usual array of weapons is good enough more often than not, players can always rely on their grenade to take out a cluster of enemies in no time at all.

6 Colt Python

Colt Python in Black Mesa

The Colt Python is one of the most powerful sidearm in the game, boasting immense damage and taking down most enemies in one shot. This is offset by the fact that Freeman doesn't hold too much spare ammo for this gun, with pickups being quite rare.

So, this magnum should only be whipped out when players are stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Precision aiming is a must for this weapon if players don't want to waste this weapon's valuable ammunition.

5 Black Mesa Crossbow

A crossbow held while the player walks under a rocky formation on a road

The crossbow doesn't seem like a weapon that's worth harping about early on. It's extremely accurate at long range but is pretty slow and unwieldy, leading to most players using the weapons they are already familiar with.

However, after taking out powerful enemies with just a single shot of this weapon time and time again, players will realize just how effective the crossbow really is. The fact that it also works underwater means that players don't have to worry too much about those pesky Ichthyosaurs too much.


HECU RPG in Black Mesa

The RPG is a powerful and destructive weapon that players can use to take out tough enemies and heavy vehicles with ease. As one would expect, this weapon is quite situational, and whipping it out in a regular firefight isn't recommended in the slightest.

Related: Black Mesa: Changes From the Original Half-Life (& How They Improve the Game)

That being said, there's something quite hilarious about absolutely destroying enemies with a single shot of this rocket launcher. It's a weapon that will save the player's hide against bosses time and time again.

3 MP5

0_0008_Black Mesa

The MP5 is one of the most versatile weapons in the game, with players being able to use this weapon for the majority of the game without any major problems. Ammunition is aplenty, and the gun is so powerful that it pretty much replaces the pistol, which uses the same source of ammunition.

To make this weapon even better to use, the alt-fire unleashes a grenade that decimates foes with little to no issues! Aside from some areas in Xen when finding ammo for this weapon is harder, the MP5 is a workhorse that will last players for the entire game.

2 Shotgun

Shotgun in Black Mesa

The shotgun is a beloved and reliable weapon in Black Mesa that most players will come to rely on throughout the game. Landing a good shot from this weapon on an enemy makes for a really satisfying feeling, especially if players use the alt-fire and decimate enemies with a double burst!

However, this weapon is slow and can take a while to reload. Players who miss a shot will definitely get damaged unless they leg it or evade the enemy's attack before peppering them with a powerful round from this weapon.

1 Gluon Gun

The Gluon Gun is arguably the best weapon in Black Mesa, with this Quantum Destabilizer vaporizing enemies in no time flat. It's a satisfying gun to use, and it's a shame that it eats through energy ammo so quickly.

Thankfully, there are some chapters in Xen where using this weapon becomes more viable since the game essentially throws energy ammo at players in certain sections. While the reception to these areas has been quite divisive, it helps that the Gluon Gun makes these levels less agonizing to get through.

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