Among the Archetypes in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader, the Warrior is a team's go-to for dominating nigh-indomitable defense and sheer offense. Trained in ways of combat that lure enemies away from their less-protected foes, the Warrior is always best equipped with close-quarters weaponry that can eliminate enemies from the front lines.

When playing the Warrior in Rogue Trader, players need to equip them with talents that raise their overall defense and base melee damage. This way, the Warrior can master their defensive capabilities enough to transition into the lithe Assassin, the ever-protective Vanguard, or the dynamic Arch-Militant. However, just which Talents should the Warrior possess in the game's early stages, especially before transitioning into advanced Archetypes?

Best Origins In Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader

Choosing an Origin is essential for character creation in Rogue Trader. These are the best options players can pick.

10 Ramming Speed

Improve Overall Mobility As A Tank

Warrior - Ramming Speed-1


Add +3 Cells to Charge Distance


Improve the Charge Ability as a gap-closer ability

Considering how Charge is used as the Warrior's signature ability, it makes sense for the skill to have a rather straightforward effect: move in a straight line and attack any target in that direction. However, the initial distance covered by Charge is at least two free Cells between the Warrior and the target, making Charge more of a mid-ranged ability at the start of the CRPG.

In order to make Charge more effective, Warriors should use the Ramming Speed Talent. With this Talent, Charge gets +3 Cells to the available Charge Distance, allowing Warriors to begin their Charge much further. Despite the straightforward bonus, this distance could spell the difference between only targeting fellow melee attackers and being able to close the distance towards the enemy's stronger Psykers.

9 Impetus

Encourage Charge To Start Combos In A Turn

Warrior - Impetus


Get a +(TGH Bonus + STR Bonus) Damage to Charge if used from 5 Cells or more


Encourage using Charge to start combat combos

Given the nature of the Warrior as a melee Archetype and ally to the Imperium, their Charge immediately provides them with an advantage in terms of movement against other melee-based combatants. Thanks to Charge, they can move in a straight line and attack any target in their path, effectively making it a gap-closer and a means to begin combos.

However, what makes Charge quite effective is how it doesn't count against the Warrior's total attacks per turn. With Impetus adding more damage to Charge when used at a further distance, players of the CRPG could imagine Charge as a more imposing movement ability that damages allies through the sheer threat-generation of having the Warrior at such a close distance.

8 Clenched Teeth

Improve Warrior's Tank Potential With Early Combat Survivability

Warrior - Clenched Teeth


Get +TGH Bonus Damage Deflection against the first attack by every enemy in this combat


Encourages the use of Taunting Scream, elevates tanking role

Among the Archetypes in Rogue Trader, the Warrior is best suited for front line combat against enemies like daemons, especially when it trades ranged weapons specialty with absolute melee domination. Their possession of the Taunting Scream Ability already cements their nature as a tank in the Warhammer 40K game, as it drags enemies towards them via aggro if they fail a Willpower Test.

However, Taunting Scream becomes especially more effective with Clenched Teeth, a Talent that boosts Damage Deflection of the Warrior based on their TGH Bonus. This only works for the first attack enemies throw at them in combat. While this seems minuscule at first, Damage Deflection does stack with different effects, allowing both other Warrior Abilities and other Archetype buffs to transform the Warrior into a defensive juggernaut in the first few turns of a tough fight.

7 Defensive Manoeuvres

Improve Overall High-Risk Survivability With Dodges

Warrior - Defensive Manouvres


Taking Damage gives the Warrior +(5 + 2 x AGI Bonus)% Dodge. This stacks up to 3x and resets after a successful Dodge


The prospect of higher Dodge Chance encourages riskier plays

The very point of a Warrior's focus on melee combat is their capability of absorbing damage, much like a traditional MMO tank protecting caster-equivalents like Psykers. While their Armour should already provide them with decent protections, Defensive Manoeuvres rewards a Warrior capable of taking damage and outlasting enemies. With this Talent, a Warrior gets a specific Dodge bonus whenever they get hit by an attack. This stacks up to three times, and only resets when they pull off a successful Dodge.

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader - Every Companion, Ranked

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader players have ten companions to choose from, but some are far better to have at one's side than others.

Considering how the bonuses stop at three stacks and only reset after a Dodge, Defensive Manoeuvres can seem too RNG heavy for an integral archetype like the Warrior. However, looking at the math, Warriors may be able to proc Dodges more often than they thought. Even at a minuscule one AGI Bonus (at 10 Agility), the maximum +21% Dodge with Defensive Manoeuvres still gives the Warrior up to five hits for a successful Dodge. When stacked with other defensive effects, the successful Dodge may simply add to their slate of survival capabilities.

6 Thick Skin

Enhance Natural Defenses When Wearing Armour

Warrior - Thick Skin


Gain +1 Damage Deflection, and get Parry Chance based on +25% of the Warrior's total Armour


Better Damage Deflection and Parry Chance enhances tanking capabilities

Considering how the Abilities of the Warrior in the Warhammer 40K game emphasize combat in the frontlines, Thick Skin is a must-have to secure the Warrior's survivability in the most basic way possible. The Talent immediately provides plus one Damage Deflection, ensuring attacks won't damage the Warrior as much as possible.

As a bonus, Thick Skin also provides +25% of the Warrior's total Armour as an additional Parry Chance, encouraging players to min-max towards absolute defense. When done correctly, Thick Skin can ensure Warriors can stay in the frontline for much longer to defend their weaker allies who rely on range.

5 Rigorous Training

Pave The Way For More Mobility Via Charge

Warrior - Ramming Speed


Charge and Slash no longer end the Warrior's Move. They get +(10 + AGI Bonus)% Dodge for one Round after using Charge.


Encourage using Charge for movement due to its evasive bonuses

One of the disadvantages of using a nifty movement skill like Charge is how it ends the Warrior's Movement after being used. In the first parts of the CRPG, this means Charge is a decisive element in determining a Warrior's position in combat. Thanks to Rigorous Training, players can make Charge a more versatile movement option.

Once this Talent is activated, Charge no longer ends the Warrior's Movement, allowing them to make more actions in a turn much in the same way as a leader unit in the tabletop WH40K game. Moreover, players get an additional Dodge throughout a Round after using this Ability. This practically incentivizes using Charge provided players have the room for it, encouraging target-to-target movement via this Ability.

4 Interception

Improve Defensive Builds By Adding A Reward Component

Warrior - Interception


After the Warrior Parries an attack, their next Archetype Ability costs -1 AP less


Encourages defensive builds for more punishing moves the next turn

Considering how the Warrior in the CRPG is built, chances are high that they can Parry the occasional attack from an opponent in melee range. While Warriors can technically shrug off most forms of damage, the Interception Talent encourages proper defensive builds due to its benefit to the action economy. At its core, Interception gives players -1 AP less cost to the Warrior's next Archetype Ability provided they Parried a previous attack.

10 Tips For Combat in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

These tips could be essential in making sure players of Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader thrive.

While having the AP cost reduction after the initial attack, the option to access a cheaper Archetype Ability should motivate the Warrior to have more punishing plays. At the right action economy management, the -1 AP bonus should allow Warriors to plug in more attacks or strategic maneuvers.

3 Living Shield

Maximize Damage Mitigation Via Threat Generation

Warrior - Living Shield


Enemy ranged attacks get -10% Penalty to Hit Chance against the Warrior for every enemy in a 1-Cell radius around the Warrior. Stacks up to 3x


Encourages the usage of taunts like Taunting Scream to surround the Warrior

Despite its sci-fi setting, the Warrior in the CRPG acts like a stereotypical tank in its specialty in tanking damage for allies. However, the Warrior could only do this role effectively if they have high-enough defenses against the Imperium’s enemies. With the Living Shield Talent, Warriors become more capable of outlasting foes through a debuff and not just their Armour and Damage Deflection stats.

With Living Shield, the Warrior can impose up to -30% Penalty to the enemy's Hit Chance of ranged attacks targeting them provided the Warrior has up to three enemies surrounding them. This Talent also affects area attacks. Considering how the Warrior prefers melee combat, the Warrior can guarantee -10% Penalty to Hit Chance when targeted at range at all times if they're at melee distance against an enemy.

2 Epicentre Of Slaughter

Help Warriors Survive Even When Hit Constantly

Warrior - Epicentre of Slaughter


The Warrior gets +1 Stack of Epicentre of Slaughter until the end of combat whenever they get hit. Each Stack grants +1 Temporary Wound at the start of the turn, with the Temporary Wounds not exceeding the Warrior's TGH Bonus


Encourages survival-centered builds focusing on Toughness

Among the Characteristics of characters in the CRPG, Toughness (TGH) is the lifeline of the Warrior as it represents their overall capacity to shrug off wounds. Essentially the equivalent of CON (Constitution) in Dungeons & Dragons, TGH is important in a Warrior's overall build as it boosts their available Wounds among other bonuses. However, Epicentre of Slaughter practically encourages Warriors to prioritize TGH with its survivability buff.

At its core, Epicentre of Slaughter grants stacks of the same name whenever the Warrior is attacked. At the start of each turn, players get Temporary Wounds based on the Stacks they have, but won't exceed their TGH Bonus. Even if Warriors get to heal themselves, retention of the Epicentre Stack until combat ends means they get more Temporary Wounds the more TGH they have.

1 Defensive Stance

Circumvent Late Combat Turns With Better Defense

Warrior - Defensive Stance


Get +(10 + 2 x TGH Bonus)% Armour if the Warrior hasn't attacked this turn. The Talent isn't affected by Charge and Slash


Boost the Warrior's defenses even if they get their turn late due to low Initiative

Speed and distance are a downside of a melee Archetype like the Warrior, especially since they're not built to both attack and move large distances as allies of the Imperium. This situation becomes worse if they rolled low on Initiative in the CRPG, making Warriors resemble typical tanks in games like Baldur's Gate 3 that won't get as much use of their defensive capabilities if they're not in the frontlines.

Thankfully, the Defensive Stance Talent gives Warriors a fighting chance even if they arrive late in combat. With this Talent, Warriors get an Armour boost if they haven't attacked this turn. Moreover, Charge and Slash don't affect this bonus, meaning they can waste a turn with a Move + Charge combo and still pack defenses before they can "officially" clobber enemies in their next turn. This is especially useful if the Warrior's turn comes too late where they can't use the Endure Ability for damage mitigation.

warhammer 40k rogue trader
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
December 7, 2023
Owlcat Games
Strategy , RPG