
  • Walking simulators focus on immersive storytelling over action, offering unique gameplay experiences in mysterious settings.
  • Many underrated titles in the genre offer gripping narratives and emotional depth, making them worth exploring.
  • Players who enjoy immersive gameplay will find walking simulators like "The Exit 8" and "Proteus" intriguing.

Walking simulator games are an interesting type of video game. Rather than having a lot of action, walking simulators are exactly what they sound like. They heavily focus on their stories, often with mystery or horror elements, in which players walk around. Most of these titles are short and can be beaten in just a couple of hours. Because of this, many gamers underestimate how great the genre can be. Be it a person who has never tried this genre before or a fan looking to find another title to enjoy, most of the titles players can find in this genre are some of the best walking simulators ever made.

10 Story-Heavy Games To Play If You Loved God Of War

God of War drew players in with its incredible narrative. These games do the same.

It goes without saying that fans who love unique adventure titles and mysterious stories will have a great time with the following games, some of which are legendary for all the right reasons. This gameplay loop doesn't seem all that inviting, but it doesn't take too long for these games to sink their claws into a player, keeping them hooked till the very end of a story-rich experience that will leave them dreading the ending after a point.

Updated on March 16, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Gamers who love the idea of playing a game that doesn't demand too much from them and lets them enjoy an immersive experience as they explore amazing landscapes and try to piece together what's happening are bound to enjoy walking simulators. These games come in all shapes and sizes, but one common aspect of most of these titles is a first-person perspective and an unyielding goal to move forward, no matter what. These simple gameplay tenets let developers craft unique experiences that gamers can't get enough of, making them easy recommendations for fans of unique gaming experiences that aren't overly stressful, barring a few exceptions here and there.

24 The Exit 8

Metascore: N/A

Image of the main hallway with the walking man in The Exit 8
  • Platforms: PC, Android
  • Released: November 29, 2023
  • Developer: KOTAKE CREATE

Liminal spaces have become all the rage in modern times. These unnerving corridors and locations can be effective at scaring players if done properly, which is why games like The Exit 8 will intrigue any fan of unique walking simulators. The game focuses on the allure of liminal spaces, making sure that players do everything in their power to avoid anomalies while trying to uncover the mystery surrounding the game.

While this game may not be great for those who get scared too easily, players willing to brave a few horrors will love what The Exit 8 has to offer. The title is pretty short, and most people should get through it in a single sitting after getting a vague idea of what they're doing.

23 Yume Nikki

Metascore: N/A

Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki

June 26, 2004

Yume Nikki is one of the most legendary walking simulators of all time, with the dreams of Madotsuki being quite surreal and even horrifying. Exploring her dreamscape and unlocking all the effects to complete the game makes for a great time while also shedding more light on the main character and her personality.

It's easy to see why Yume Nikki is one of the most popular video games ever, and it inspired several other games, too. Its 3D remake was decent, although it still failed to capture exactly what made the original such an amazing title to explore.

22 Sunset

Metascore: 66

Sunset, a walking simulator
  • Platform: PC
  • Released: May 21, 2015
  • Developer: Tale of Tales

Walking simulators are already pretty slow-paced as is, and Sunset takes this to a whole new level. The game takes a very human and in-depth look at the effect war has on people, making for a grueling tale full of hardship and strife.

10 Great VR Games That Are Relaxing To Play

Not every virtual reality game needs to be action-packed. These VR titles are perfect for a relaxing afternoon.

Many people didn't get the allure of Sunset because of its extremely slow pace, but players who stuck through its opening were rewarded with a gripping narrative and heartbreaking stories. The effect war has on people is not an alien concept in the slightest, but Sunset does just enough to separate itself from the rest of the pack.

21 Scanner Sombre

Metascore: 67

Scanner Sombre
  • Platform: PC
  • Released: April 26, 2017
  • Developer: Introversion Software

Scanner Sombre is a visually striking walking simulator that will keep players hooked through its short runtime. The game uses the inherent mystery attached to cave exploration to make for an amazing experience that needs to be experienced firsthand, with descriptions not doing justice to this masterpiece.

It helps that the sinister nature of this game keeps players on their toes as well, making for a highly immersive experience. Scanner Sombre is easily one of the most underrated games around that deserves to be played by fans of engaging walking simulators.

20 Virginia

Metascore: 74

Anne Tarver holds up an FBI badge within the outline of a transparent feather
  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
  • Released: September 22, 2016
  • Developer: Variable State

A game where players take on the role of a fresh FBI graduate by the name of Anne Tarver, the mystery explored in Virginia is the best part of the experience. The narrative will keep players on their toes and ensure that they are constantly thinking about the true nature of this story till the very end.

Uncovering the case of a young missing boy piece by piece makes for a pretty riveting and engaging gameplay loop. Players who love well-written stories and tantalizing mysteries will be more than happy with what Virginia has to offer.

19 Dear Esther

Metascore: 75

Dear Esther
  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
  • Released: February 14, 2012
  • Developers: The Chinese Room, Robert Briscoe

Dear Esther begins once the main character arrives on an island. As the players explore the island, they can hear a man read letters to a woman named Esther. It is up to the players to determine what these beautifully written letters actually mean in order to figure out the true story of the game.

As the story progresses, players see how stunning the island is. Finally, they reach the top of it, where the main character wanted to go all along in order to be with Esther.

18 Layers Of Fear (Remake)

Metascore: 75

A lantern casting a harsh orange glow on the floor of a dark room.
Layers of Fears (2023)

PC , PS5 , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One
June 15, 2023
Bloober Team , Anshar Studios

Layers of Fear is an excellent psychological horror game that received a deserved remake. While some people wondered if this updated release was necessary in the first place, there's no denying that the title looks gorgeous and even more immersive than it did before.

The idea of playing through an artist's waking nightmare as his creations come to life in the most bizarre and horrifying ways possible is quite unnerving and a huge reason why people love this game so much. It may not stick the landing, but the journey that Layers of Fear puts players through is quite remarkable.

17 Tacoma

Metascore: 76

The player holding a wearable surveillance device in Tacoma

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
August 2, 2017

A sci-fi walking simulator that takes place on an abandoned space station, Tacoma wields this setting brilliantly to craft an immersive narrative. Players are tasked with uncovering the mystery behind the disappearance of the crew while gaining valuable information from its central AI system, ODIN.

The game was made by Fulbright, the developers behind the critical and commercially successful walking simulator, Gone Home. While Tacoma was certainly bigger in scope, it didn't manage to capture the same energy, which was a shame.

16 The Beginner's Guide

Metascore: 76

The Beginner's Guide
  • Platform: PC
  • Released: October 1, 2015
  • Developer: Everything Unlimited Ltd.

The Stanley Parable is one of the funniest and most unique video games ever made. The creator of this title didn't stop there, releasing another title that hasn't reached the heights of popularity that its predecessor did but still managed to have an impact on people who actually tested the experience out.

7 Walking Simulators That Fans Loved In 2022

Fans of the so-called "walking simulator" genre loved these 2022 releases.

The Beginner's Guide is an excellent title that details the personal struggles of a developer while working on a video game. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but fans who resonate with this thought process will have a great time uncovering it in The Beginner's Guide.

15 Before Your Eyes

Metascore: 77

before your eyes
Before Your Eyes

PC , Mobile , PS5
April 8, 2021
GoodbyeWorld Games

The innovation in Before Your Eyes is something that most people will love. Many gamers are struggling to find narrative experiences that engage them in new and different ways. So, seeing a game like Before Your Eyes engross players in a magical adventure makes for a great time. Not only does this game feature an impressive narrative that focuses on a person's memories, but it is also home to a unique real-life blinking mechanic where the webcam plays a major role in furthering the narrative.

With every blink, players will jump through a person's memories, experiencing some happy moments. As a result, most people wouldn't mind blinking over and over again until the game decides to explore some darker and more disturbing memories. At this point, blinking almost becomes a curse, and players may start crying from a mixture of overflowing emotions and trying to keep their eyes open for as long as possible.

14 That Dragon, Cancer

Metascore: 78

That Dragon Cancer
That Dragon, Cancer

Android , iOS , PC
January 12, 2016
Numinous Games

Another game with an incredibly unique art style that focuses on a young boy is That Dragon, Cancer. However, this title, which is based on a true story, is an incredibly sad one.

After their son Joel is diagnosed with cancer, his parents, who are based on the creators of the game, go through experiences that nobody should ever have to face. This beautifully heartbreaking insight into Joel and his parents' lives results in one of the most impactful and underrated video games ever made.

13 Everybody's Gone To The Rapture

Metascore: 78

The abandoned town of Yaughton in Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

PC , PS4
August 11, 2015
The Chinese Room, SCE Santa Monica Studio

Like The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, this game has the player explore an abandoned town. Here, they must learn about the people who lived in the town and discover what was going on in their lives before they all disappeared.

14 Story-Driven Games That Are Amazing (After A Rough Opening Few Hours)

A good story-driven game takes time to set things up. These titles are great, but take a few hours to really get interesting.

Two scientists, Stephen and Kate, discovered a disease that can kill people without making contact with others. It can infect people through technology, and the victims disappear after they pass. Though the main story of the game revolves around the struggle that the scientists face against the disease, there are quite a few side stories, too.

12 The Unfinished Swan

Metascore: 79

The Unfinished Swan
The Unfinished Swan

PlayStation 4 , PlayStation 3 , Microsoft Windows , iOS , PS Vita
October 16, 2012
Giant Sparrow , Santa Monica Studio , Armature

After a woman who didn't complete her painting of a swan dies, her son, Monroe, finds himself inside an artist's world. Players control him as he follows the swan and learns the story of the king who ruled this world.

With its creative design and the history of the king's world, The Unfinished Swan proved itself to be one of the most unique walking simulators ever created.

11 Proteus

Metascore: 80

Proteus - Green Grass, Trees And Stones
  • Platforms: PC, PS3, PlayStation Vita
  • Released: January 30, 2013
  • Developer: Ed Key, David Kanaga

A game that uses procedurally-generated environments to make exploration feel fresh every time, Proteus is easily one of the most unique walking simulators that gamers can check out. There's no narrative to uncover, with players being led through the world with smart audio cues and great music.

Proteus may be light in the gameplay department, but most people wouldn't mind after seeing how calming this title can be when everything clicks. It's a game made for specific tastes and is a pretty interesting example of how video games can qualify as an art form.

10 Firewatch

Metascore: 81

Firewatch - Story Heavy Games Like Silent Hill

PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
February 9, 2016
Campo Santo

When Henry tried to escape his life by becoming a fire watcher, he had no idea how scary the job would be. At the beginning of the game, players learn about the life he led leading up to his arrival at Shoshone National Forest, and they can make decisions on the experiences he had.

19 Best Indie Horror Games To Play If You Loved PT

Horror fans are still trying to find a game that matches the intensity PT had. These indie titles come pretty close to capturing its magic.

Once Henry starts speaking to another fire watcher and boss, Delilah, the two work together to uncover mysteries in the forest, though they never actually see each other. However, it may have been best if they never searched for the answers to their questions.

9 The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter

Metascore: 82

Unreal 4 The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter Estate
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
September 26, 2014
The Astronauts

After a boy named Ethan Carter disappears, Paul Prospero, an investigator, searches for him. As players explore the town that Ethan lives in, they find that nobody else is around. However, players can use Paul's detective skills to figure out things that the people who were there had done before the game began.

Throughout the title, Paul has supernatural encounters that are the last thing one would expect in a small, quiet town. These encounters, however, pave the way to learning what happened to Ethan and his family, with the answer coming as quite a surprise.

8 Death Stranding

Metascore: 82

Sam Bridges walking on hill top
Death Stranding

PS4 , PS5 , PC
November 8, 2019
Kojima Productions

Death Stranding is one of the few AAA walking simulators out there, having been developed by Hideo Kojima's game studio over the course of many years after his split from Konami. It's not a walking simulator in the traditional sense since the focus on walking is strictly between objectives and map locations. However, it's certainly the central mechanic in the game.

Fans of Kojima initially criticized the game, as they had been expecting a wild and off-the-wall adventure akin to the Metal Gear Solid series. Over time, though, it's developed a strong fanbase dedicated to deciphering the game's complex and riddled narrative. It might not leave the greatest first impression, but fans who are willing to stick around and see this game through to the end will be pleasantly surprised by the overall experience.


Metascore: 84


PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 15, 2015
Frictional Games

Most walking simulators are very short. For those who want a longer game, SOMA is a great choice. Players control Simon, a man who woke up in the future after having a brain scan. He finds out that a lot has changed in the decades he can't remember and joins a scientist named Catherine to save what is left of humanity.

As the game progresses, Simon learns that humans aren't the same beings they were back in his time period, and players are left to wonder what humanity actually is. Though this game is considered a walking simulator, it can also be considered a horror game. Plenty of scares await those brave enough to dive in.

6 The Amnesia Collection

Metascore: 85 (The Dark Descent)

Amnesia: Rebirth - creature in the shadows.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent

PlayStation 4 , Nintendo Switch , Android , Xbox One , Microsoft Windows , macOS
September 8, 2010
Frictional Games

The Amnesia series includes The Dark Descent, A Machine for Pigs, Rebirth, and The Bunker. It ranks among the most critically acclaimed horror video game series of all time. When the player isn't escaping from enemies or solving puzzles, there's a lot of walking to do between locations.

10 Secrets Many Still Haven't Found In Amnesia: Rebirth

From shocking Morse code messages to an eerie throwback to the series' origins, here are some secrets Amnesia: Rebirth players might have missed.

It's not so bad, though, because the locations and aesthetics of the Amnesia games help to build tension even when nothing is wrong. Players might just be walking down an empty hallway, but the style and vibe of the games do a good job of inducing paranoia in the player anyway. There's a reason why the first game was nothing short of a runaway success, with the horrifying nature of this title being enough to cement an entire trilogy of its own.

5 The Forgotten City

Metascore: 85

A guard walking around in a tavern while people stand idly around fire, tables of food, and golden statues in The Forgotten City
The Forgotten City

July 28, 2021
Modern Storyteller

A game that initially started as a Skyrim mod, most players were amazed to see the technical brilliance and excellent narrative present in The Forgotten City. The fact that this game was deemed worthy enough to enjoy a standalone release is a testament to the narrative brilliance that is oozing out of each and every pore. Games that tinker with time need to execute their concepts properly, so players were glad to see that The Forgotten City was a success in every way.

The mystery surrounding this time loop adventure is brilliant in every sense of the word. The moral quandaries explored are riveting, and players will find themselves hooked on this adventure as they try to solve puzzle after puzzle with each loop. It's a satisfying game that will leave many wanting more, making it hard to believe that this impressive title was birthed as a modest mod for a game that is already pretty dated as is.