Most people assume that enemies in most games need to be these monstrous creations that look so abominable that players simply need to beat them to a living pulp without a care in the world. While this is true in the majority of instances, there's no denying that not all video games use a creepy or dark art style. In fact, there are many games that are either targeted at kids or subvert expectations where these enemies end up being pretty cute.

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This might raise a moral dilemma where players aren't exactly inclined to try and beat up these enemies since they look so adorable. Thankfully, it takes one good whack from these seemingly cute enemies to bring players back to their senses and ensure they survive at all costs... even if said cost is defeating an enemy that looks like the most squishable thing in the world!

10 Undertale

Undertale Flowey

Undertale is one of the most celebrated indie games of all time. It turns pretty much every RPG trope on its head and actively punishes players for fighting and killing monsters instead of befriending them.

So, it's easy to see that the majority of monsters in Undertale have really cute and endearing designs, discouraging players from even landing a blow on them. Most of the monster designs in Undertale have become pretty iconic in their own right and a highlight of the overall experience.

9 Omori

Enemies in Omori

Speaking of indie RPGs, another great game that comes to mind is Omori. While the game's aesthetic may be cute, it deals with pretty dark themes and is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Most of Omori's monsters are encountered in Headspace, a realm in the mind of the main character. The majority of monsters are pretty cute, with the various types of bunnies being a notable highlight.

8 Earthbound

Earthbound Enemies

Most players who love the new wave of quirky indie RPGs that have come up in the indie gaming market owe it to themselves to play Earthbound. The game was released during a time when JRPGs needed to have world-bending concepts and villains that seek to conquer or destroy the entire world.

So, it was rather odd to see the reigned-in scope of Earthbound, with players traversing pretty normal landscapes and fighting wholly unremarkable enemies. Some of these foes are pretty cute, making enemies rue the very idea of taking them down!

7 Pokemon

pokemon scarlet and pokemon violet official art

It would be impossible to talk about games with unique and cute enemies without mentioning Pokemon. The whole point of this RPG is to scour the lands and capture as many Pokemon as possible to build up an admirable collection.

RELATED: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Cutest Pokemon In The Game

So, it's only a given that the majority of these Pokemon have really cute designs that make them all the more endearing. Even the more grotesque Pokemon still have something weirdly adorable about their look that makes them worth capturing.

6 Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros 2 5-1 Boss

The Super Mario Bros. series is one of the most popular and celebrated platforming series of all time. The games are full to the brim with fun challenges that are a joy to conquer, with many enemies littered along the way of these levels.

The majority of foes in Super Mario Bros. have become pretty iconic in their own right, in no small part due to how endearing their designs are. The fact that even the ghost enemies called Boos end up being quite cute is proof enough of the adorable nature of the enemies in this series!

5 Dragon Quest

Slimes from Dragon Quest

There was a time when the Dragon Quest series was nothing more than a bunch of cliched JRPGs where players were tasked with the common task of saving the world from an unknown evil. Over time, the series became more complex, with its enemy designs also going through a stark overhaul of their own.

Many players remember the Dragon Quest games for having really cute and adorable enemy designs, with the iconic slimes being a great example of the same. With Dragon Quest 11 being one of the series' most successful games by a country mile, new fans can experience older games in the series to see what made them special.

4 Final Fantasy

A Cactuar readies its 10000 Needles attack in Final Fantasy X

Speaking of iconic JRPG franchises, it would be impossible to not mention Final Fantasy. The games have become more and more mature over time, but the classic nature of the enemy designs in the series still remains.

Some of the most popular enemies from Final Fantasy are pretty cute, with Cactuars and Tonberries being notable examples of the same. It's funny that these enemies look pretty adorable given how deadly they can be if a party isn't prepared to deal with their onslaught.

3 Spore


When Spore was announced, the hype for this game was through the roof. The creators of The Sims had huge expectations riding on this title, and it's a shame that Spore never managed to live up to this massive hype.

RELATED: Creepy But Cute Creature Companions In Anime

However, players who get into Spore without expecting the world will find themselves enjoying a pretty unique game indeed. It helps that the creatures in this game could be pretty adorable and add to the overall fun factor of this title as well.

2 Kirby

Fighting enemies in Kirby’s Adventure

It was only a given that Kirby's name would come up when players talked about cute enemies in video games. The main character itself is the poster child for cuteness in video games, and the enemies definitely don't slouch here either.

Each and every enemy in Kirby looks downright adorable, and players might be tempted to squish these foes instead of fighting them. Thankfully, most Kirby games are anything but challenging, meaning that players will have plenty of time to play around with these enemies before eventually getting serious.

1 Slime Rancher

The player attempting to suck up big slimes in Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher is one of the cutest games around, and this should be apparent given the name itself. Slimes have taken on several forms across the majority of video games, with Slime Rancher leaning towards the cuter aesthetic of these creatures.

Even the Tarr, the enemy of slime ranchers all over, are pretty adorable in their own right. If players are smart then they can even tame these creatures instead of beating them up!

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