One of the factors that separate gaming from other popular forms of entertainment like film is that gaming, generally speaking, puts players in the shoes of the main character. Today, many games expand upon the idea of the player truly being in control of the protagonist by giving them a vast range of choices and decisions to make that will alter the direction of the story. This certainly isn't a new feature of gaming, as it was the key selling point of numerous 80s and 90s graphic adventures.

Impossible Choices in Video Games

Though a lot of choices end up being fairly inconsequential, the most difficult decisions in video games can weigh heavily on a player's conscience.

However, it's fair to say that the choices in many games today are far more expansive than ever before, and the popularity of games where the player's choices matter has led to significantly more games available to choose from. Unfortunately, the popularity of decision-based games has meant that many developers and publishers have tried to shoehorn decision-making into their games despite the choices having little to no impact on the direction of the story. Thankfully, there are numerous games where decision-making isn't just a gimmick but a key, in-depth feature.

Updated on April 28, 2024, by Mara Cowley: Choice-based games remain a popular choice among gamers, especially those who are fans of RPGs, as players feel as though they truly have a role within the game and its world, as their choices can have a strong impact on the narrative and NPCs. While there are games where players' decisions don't have too much sway, there are plenty of games where choices matter. This article already included some of the best games where choices matter, but there are still many more deserving to be hailed as some of the best choice games. As such, this article has been updated so players can learn what other games they can truly make a difference with in regards to the choices they make.

1 Frostpunk

Players Choices During Construction Can Impact the Lives of Inhabitants


PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One
April 24, 2018
11 Bit Studios
City Builder , Survival

One might think that a city builder game such as Frostpunk couldn't qualify as a choice-based game, but they are wrong. Along with the gameplay of creating cities, constructions, and advancing technology to protect habitations and inhabitants from the bitter cold, smart choices and resource-managing all play a big part in this game, and require smart thinking on the player's side.

Players will also be challenged to certain moral choices throughout the game which can have serious consequences for their settlements. Making the wrong choice could cost several lives, not just one. But what makes these choices even more impactful is the fact none of them are easy. They might be forced to make a few suffer for the betterment of many.

2 Road 96

Players Decisions Alter the Entire Story Arch and the Setting

Road 96
Road 96
Plug In Digital

Road 96 takes players on a tour through the fictional nation known as Petria, an authoritarian place nearing a new election that could shake the political landscape. A group of hitchhiking teenagers are attempting to escape across the border without being caught by border patrol. Each failure results in the player taking control of one of the other teens, with the decisions made during their subsequent run referenced in this new one.

Narrative Games You Should Play if You Liked Life Is Strange: True Colors

Those who loved Deck Nine's Life is Strange: True Colors should check out these great story-driven games.

There are more decisions to be made outside their escape attempts, such as interacting with various NPCs and engaging in mini-games to learn more about them and the world at large, as well as altering the story arch, and the election itself. Their choices have the potential to shape the future of an entire nation.

3 The Quarry

Decisions Must be Made Quickly, and Have the Potential to Lead to Death

The Quarry counselors
The Quarry

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
June 10, 2022
Supermassive Games
Survival Horror

The Quarry is a strong entry in Supermassive's library of horror games, taking clear inspiration from classic horror titles such as Friday the 13th with its summer camp setting and roster of counselors who are more interested in throwing parties than following the rules.

Before long, they learn that their extra night at camp has led to disastrous consequences, as werewolves prowl these woods, and will tear apart any person they come face to face with. Players will not only be challenged with QTE's but decisions that must be made quickly. These decisions can lead to the deaths of characters, which makes the timer placed on them even more stressful. Each decision must be made quickly, but also cautiously.

4 Tyranny

Player Choices Can Lead To The Eradication Of Locations


Linux , Microsoft Windows , macOS
November 10, 2016
RPG , Adventure , Strategy

Set in a fantasy world with its own unique technology, Tyranny sets the player in the shoes of the Fatebinder, tasked with the onerous mission to quell the rebellion rising due to the infighting of two major factions or die along with everyone else.

With stakes this high, it makes sense there are many sensitive choices the player must make that can have drastic consequences. Depending on what choices the players follow, some game locations may not even exist, dramatically altering the narrative path.

5 Disco Elysium

The Player's Build Can Alter What Information They Are Privy To

Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium

October 15, 2019

Disco Elysium is one ambitious RPG that impressed players with its unique dialogue system and well-crafted characters. The game features very little combat, focusing more on plot, dialogue, and player agency.

Like most RPGs, players are able to put points into skills to create a unique build for their character, and even this choice is one to be made with care. Depending on the player's builds and background, the player may be privy to unique tidbits of information and lore they wouldn't know otherwise, which they could then use to their advantage during some conversations with certain NPCs.

6 Oxenfree

Dialogue Choices Play A Big Role In The Players' Relationship With Characters

oxenfree on netflix

Android , iOS , PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
January 15, 2015
Night School Studio

This charming graphic 2.5D adventure game sees players controlling Alex, a teenager who unwittingly frees a dangerous paranormal power that they must now find and put a stop to.

As they are trying to save the island, they can stop and chat with the various other characters scattered across the island in a unique way, as they are still free to move around during conversations. The player will be offered multiple dialogue choices, with each one having the possibility to affect the relationship with the character in a positive or negative way. If the player cares for particular characters, they need to be mindful of how they talk to them.

7 Divinity: Original Sin 2

Side Quests Can Be Failed, Causing NPCs To Never Return Or Die

Fighting a monster in Divinity Original Sin 2
Divinity: Original Sin 2

Switch , PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 14, 2017
Larian Studios

Before Baldur's Gate 3, there was Divinity: Original Sin 2, Larian's unique RPG set in original lore with pages of lore for players to sink their teeth into. Players could choose to play as one of the Origin characters or create their own Sourcerer to set upon the world and stop the Voidwoken.

The Best Larian Studios Games, Ranked

With the recent release of Baldur's Gate 3, it's worth taking a look at some of Larian Studios' best games.

Aside from the main quest, there are various side quests players can embark on, with choices that can result in the quest failing, causing the associated character to leave or even die. Players are given agency to approach missions how they wish, which they might encounter the consequences of later down the line.

8 The Outer Worlds

The Player's Morality Reflected Through Dialogue Options Directly Influence The Game's Ending

The Outerworlds
The Outer Worlds

Switch , Xbox One , PS4 , PC
October 25, 2019

Following on from the major success of New Vegas, gamers were clamoring for another RPG game in the same vein as Obsidian, and they delivered with The Outer Worlds. This game changed the course of history by having Roosevelt never succeed McKinley, and megacorporations soon took over the earth, which had moved their ambitions to space, colonizing planets. They successfully do so, transforming many planets in the Halcyon system into new homes for citizens of Earth.

There are many choices players will be confronted with while space-faring in The Outer Worlds, both big and small, with some influencing the attitudes of other characters towards the player and the fates of more than one character's fate resting in the player's hands. These choices should not be made lightly, as they may come to regret it later

9 As Dusk Falls

The Player's Actions At Pivotal Moments Can Change The Trajectory Of The Plot

Jay in As Dusk Falls
As Dusk Falls

Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC , PS4 , PS5
July 19, 2022
Interior Night

This narrative-driven adventure drama game spins the tale of two families who find themselves crossing paths with one another in the Arizona desert after a robbery goes horribly wrong. In a similar vein to games more like Life is Strange and less like Dragon Age, it requires plenty of choice-oriented input from the players.

Split across two 'books,' As Dusk Falls plays like an interactive movie, with the players interjecting their choices into pivotal moments in the game and directly influencing the trajectory of the plot. It even has a co-op mode for players to have a friend join them, much like the Dark Picture's anthology series.

10 Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

How Players Choose To Navigate Certain Missions Impacts The Ending

Art From Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Assassin's Creed Odyssey

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Stadia
October 15, 2018
Ubisoft Quebec
Action RPG , Open-World

The Assassin's Creed franchise has taken players far and wide, from Renaissance Italy to Victorian London, and the title Odyssey takes them back to the times of Ancient Greece, in which players take control of either Alexios or Kassandra as they fight as a Spartan in a war between Athens and Sparta. In comparison to earlier titles, Odyssey takes on more RPG elements, focusing less on stealth and more on combat.

Best Games That Take Inspiration From Greek Mythology

Fans of Greek mythology have a huge variety of great games to choose from. The following titles are some of the best games inspired by Greek mythos.

It also features multiple endings, with the outcome depending directly on the player's choice. With a total of nine endings players can get, they must make sure to make wise choices on certain missions if they want the best outcome.

11 Catherine: Full Body

The Game Poses A Moral Question Each Night, With Every Answer Influencing The Ending

Catherine Full Body (2019)
Catherine: Full Body
PS4 , PS Vita , Switch

Catherine: Full Body falls into the same category as P4 Golden or P5 Royal: not quite a remaster, but more of a rework with added content. The new content found in Catherine mostly centers around newcomer Rin, who becomes the new neighbor of Vincent and one of the new possible romance routes players can pursue. Suffering a bout of amnesia other than a certain piano melody Rin often plays, it is up to the players to help Rin uncover those buried memories.

Choices play a major part in this game, with the players given a question after every nightmare stage they pass. They will be confronted by a moral dilemma and given two answers to choose from. While some questions are obvious as to which will put them on the good or bad path, these become less obvious as the game progresses, and depending on how that morality meter looks like at the end of the game, will affect Vincent's fate.

12 Baldur's Gate 3

Every Decision Proposed To Players During Missions Will Ripple Throughout The Entire Campaign

Baldur's Gate 3 promo art
Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios

Larian's epic Dungeons and Dragons-themed RPG has captured the hearts of millions of gamers, bringing them and their characters into the world of Faerun as they travel far and wide in search of one with the skills to cure them of their recently acquired passenger. The quest to rid themselves of the Illithid passengers will bring them to multiple locations and multiple people, giving them to freedom to whom they choose to trust and ally themselves.

And these choices aren't ones to be made on a whim, as their ripples will be felt throughout the campaign. Siding with the wrong (or right) person can close players off from certain missions and companions.

13 NieR: Automata

Multiple Secret Endings Can Result In The Game Ending Prematurely

2B facing off a goliath-sized lifeform.
NieR: Automata

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
March 7, 2017
Platinum Games
Action RPG

This hit-action RPG from Square Enix follows the tales of three androids, 2B, 9S, and A2, as they fight against the machine lifeforms that have taken over the Earth after humanity fled to the moon, or so the androids think. In truth, humanity is no more, and the story was fabricated to give meaning to their lives of violence. NieR's story explores humanity, love, and loss and is more linear than other choice-based games.

However, NieR: Automata is filled with secret, optional endings that players can encounter by chance, such as exploding while on base or eating a piece of mackerel that Jackass offers as part of her research. Such decisions can lead to rather abrupt and humorous endings. If players unlock all of the game's optional endings, they are awarded with an achievement for their troubles.

14 XCOM 2

Making Strategic Choices During Combat Ensures The Run Continues

XCOM 2 Chance To Hit Meme Cropped

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
February 5, 2016
Firaxis Games
Strategy , RPG

The XCOM series has predominantly become known for two things since the franchise reached the attention of mainstream gaming: its brutal difficulty and often ridiculous hit percentage chances. This made some people who hadn't played the game believe it to be a gimmick, though this couldn't be further from the truth.

Although the game does have its moments of absurd difficulty, players who get to grips with it will be rewarded with a challenging yet rewarding turn-based strategy game that demands that players think a few moves ahead, like a game of chess. Players don't just need to think ahead and carefully plan out their decisions to complete each mission, but also because if one of their team members dies, they're gone for good.

15 Undertale

Choosing To Kill Or Spare The Creatures Decides On What Run The Player Will Be Set On


PS4 , PS Vita , Xbox One , Switch , PC
September 15, 2015
Toby Fox

Toby Fox's charming 8-bit adventure game took the gaming world by storm, with its deceptively simple aesthetics and gameplay hiding layers of depth and many secrets just waiting to be revealed by players. The game opens with the playable character falling into a hole in the ground and landing in the secretive kingdom of the Underground, a place filled with many strange creatures.

Children's Games With Surprisingly Deep Lore

These children's games with an ESRB or PEGI rating of 12 years and below feature surprisingly deep lore usually present in games for mature audiences.

Total agency is handed to the player with how they interact with the inhabitants that challenge them to a fight. They can choose to spare all of the monsters, resulting in the Pacifist route, pick and choose which ones to kill or slaughter them all without mercy, leading them onto the infamous Genocide route. How the players mete out mercy will alter which boss fights occur further down the line, as well as the ending they get.

16 Dishonored

The Player's Body Count Impacts The State Of The City And The Ending

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
October 9, 2012
Arkane Studios
Action , Adventure , Stealth

The concept of a game letting players opt for either a peaceful or aggressive playthrough is certainly nothing new, with franchises like Fable and Mass Effect being notable examples. However, whereas those games have clear ramifications for positive or negative actions that are made obvious to the player, Dishonored is far more subtle. For example, if players kill a guard in a certain area of Dishonored, the next time they enter the area, there will be more guards patrolling and more traps in place.

Dishonored follows the tale of Corvo Attano, the guardian of the Empress, who ends up framed for her murder in a conspiracy that unfolds in the first few moments of the game. Corvo dons a mask and works to topple the new corrupt empire, and sees his daughter Emily from their machinations.

17 The Stanley Parable

Players Can Obey Or Ignore The Narrator, Influencing Their Route And Ending

The office of employee 427, otherwise known as Stanley, in The Stanley Parable
The Stanley Parable

October 17, 2013
Galactic Cafe

Along with games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Slender: The Eight Pages, Galactic Cafe The Stanley Parable was among the first wave of games that can largely credit their unexpected burst in popularity to YouTube streamers. This is thanks to how fun it is to watch other people reach certain moments in the game and how tempting it was for the viewers to try The Stanely Parable for themselves and see what narrative paths they could discover.

Games That Embrace the Absurdity of Existence

Games that focus on themes of existence can usually hit quite hard. Here are some of the best ones for players to dive into.

Without a doubt, the true stars of The Stanley Parable are British actor Kevan Brighting, who voiced the narrator, and those who wrote his script. The narrator will talk the protagonist through what they're "supposed" to do, though going against this will spark all sorts of bizarre twists and turns.

18 Until Dawn

The Branching Path Choices Decide Which Characters Live Or Die

Until Dawn Game Cover Art With Skull Hourglass
Until Dawn

August 25, 2015
Supermassive Games

Until Dawn was released in August 2015 exclusively on the PlayStation 4, the game was developed by Supermassive Games, who are best known today for their work on The Dark Pictures Anthology. Like that anthology series, it follows the stories of a group of people and pits them against terror and danger lurking behind every corner.

Until Dawn is a fantastic option for those who like decision-based games, as every one of the playable characters can live or die depending on the decisions that players make. Although the gameplay has its issues Until Dawn is one of the best choices for those wanting a true decision-based adventure.

19 Beyond: Two Souls

With Over 20 Endings, Player's Decisions During Quests Will Set Them On One Of These Many Paths

Beyond: Two Souls - Elliot Page
Beyond: Two Souls
PS4 , PS3 , PC
October 8, 2013
Quantic Dream

Beyond: Two Souls was developed by Quantic Dream, the same team that worked on Heavy Rain, a pioneer of modern decision-based games. Uniquely for story-heavy games, Beyond: Two Souls offers a co-op mode where two players can each control one of the protagonists, Aiden and Jodie.

Every Game By Quantic Dream, Ranked

Quantic Dream has created some of the most immersive titles ever to grace the gaming industry. But which one will reign supreme?

Indicative of its emphasis on storytelling, Beyond: Two Souls appeared at the Tribeca Film Festival, becoming only the second video game to do so, with Rockstar Games' L.A. Noire being the first. With stellar performances from Elliot Page and Willem Da Foe, Beyond: Two Souls is an incredibly cinematic and soulful experience, with the fates of these characters resting in the players' hands.

20 The Wolf Among Us

Dialogue Options Impact Bigby's Relationships With Other Characters

Bigby Wolf stands in a air, fixing a character off screen with a look of suspicion in The Wolf Among Us
The Wolf Among Us

PS4 , PS3 , PS Vita , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC , Android , iOS
October 14, 2013
Telltale Games

One of Telltale's greatest series in its impressive roster, The Wolf Among Us is based on the Dark Horse graphic novel series Fables, following the trials and tribulations of fairy tale characters as they struggle to live among "Mundies" in America. Players control Bigby Wolf, the big bad wolf from various tales such as Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. Bigby acts as the Sheriff of the fables, keeping order and protecting them.

The Wolf Among Us delves into a murder mystery plot as fables start turning up dead in the city, and it's up to Bigby and the players to uncover the mystery killer and put an end to their crimes. Players must consider their choices carefully, as it can make all the difference between finding a vital clue as to the identity of the killer.