Friendship is a common theme explored in many books, TV series, movies, and video games and might be one of the most valuable things a person can have, especially when they are going through tough times and must lean on someone they trust. A lovable best friend will always bring happiness to those they care about and treat them with all the love they need.

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Fans of video games love a great friendship between their characters, especially when it's full of love, respect, loyalty, and lovable moments. When fans see such many loyal friends on their screen inspires them to be better people and actually be the friend they aspire to find. At the same time, it makes fans feel less alone when they can relate to these characters and feel as if they are present in the friendship. There are many lovable friends out there, but these are the best in video games so far.

7 Max & Chloe (Life Is Strange)

Best Friends Life Is Strange Max And Chloe

Max Caulfield and Chloe Price were once very close. They used to be childhood best friends until Max moved to Seattle with her parents and eventually got so busy she barely had any time for Chloe. Their friendship fell apart, and Chloe was devastated, but fate brought them back together for the first installment of the series.

Max discovers she can rewind time and changes the outcome of an action by saving Chloe from getting shot by their classmate Nathan Prescott. After rekindling their friendship, the two embark on an adventure they won't forget. Fans particularly loved the girls' friendship because they're always there for each other through thick and thin. Even though they are both very different, they complement each other. Max is the more down-to-earth and responsible person, while Chloe is more outspoken and rebellious.

6 Geralt, Roach & Dandelion (The Witcher 3)

Collage of Lovable Friends in The Witcher 3 Roach Geralt and Dandelion

In the Blood and Wine expansion of The Witcher 3 game, fans found in Geralt's journal an entry on Roach. Geralt wrote that he adores the mare and won't ever trade her against another. Geralt often talks about his quests and contracts with Roach, who silently listens. The two share a particular bond, which fans have noticed in the first season of The Witcher series on Netflix when Geralt talks to his horse about the first monster he slew.

As for Dandelion, Geralt may have found him annoying at first, but he learned to appreciate his company. Aside from Roach, Dandelion was his only other true friend who often came to his aid during quests or served as a confidant.

5 Chloe & Rachel (Life Is Strange: Before The Storm)

Chloe and Rachel sit together in an abandoned warehouse

The events of Life is Strange Before the Storm happens three years before the first game of the series. After losing Max, Chloe struggles to fit in and connect with people. Although she knows many classmates, they never become anything more than acquaintances to her until one night at a concert where she meets Rachel Amber, one of the popular kids at the school.

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Despite missing Max a lot and writing letters to her she'd never sent, she manages to fill that void by befriending Rachel. Rachel was like a breath of fresh air for Chloe, and the two got along so well that they may have been soulmates. Chloe was already a bit rebellious at the time, but it was with the influence of Rachel that she became the Chloe fans came to love in the first game. They had a unique friendship that fans adored.

4 Ellie & Riley (The Last Of Us: Left Behind)

Best Friends Riley and Ellie in The LAst of us

The Last of Us is one of the best games available on Playstation. The story has everything a fan may hope for; love, betrayal, friendship, zombies, action, etc. Most fans will argue that the most lovable friends in the game are the two main protagonists, Joel and Ellie, and although it is true, there was another lovable duo before them – Ellie and Riley.

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These two girls were once best friends until they were both bitten at the mall, which sealed the fate of one girl but not the other. They were obviously very close and cared a lot about each other. They valued their last moments with each other so much that they decided to "be poetic and lose their minds together." Their friendship was sweet until the very end.

3 Roxas, Axel & Xion (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days & KH3)

Best Friends Kingdom Hearts 3 Roxas Axel and Xion

In 358/2 Days, when Roxas joined organization 13, he was none other than just an empty shell. He followed orders and never questioned anything until he met Axel, who explained what being friends was later on. Axel gave Roxas' life a purpose. The two quickly became inseparable and often shared a Sea Salt ice cream on top of the clock tower in Twilight Town.

Eventually, the duo became a trio when another person named Xion joined the organization. Although Roxas and his friends were merely nobodies who weren't supposed to feel anything, they cared deeply for each other and were often eager to sacrifice themselves to save the others.

2 Sora, Riku, And Kairi (Kingdom Hearts Series)

Best Friends Sora Kairi and Riku From Kingdom Hearts Series

After being raised together on Destiny Island and being childhood friends, it was no wonder Sora, Kairi, and Riku loved each other. The trio got separated for a while, but they found their way back to one another.

Nothing could ever come in between them, and no matter how dangerous their enemies became, they'd always fight to protect each other. Sora, Riku, and Kairi are the best friends any fans would love to have in their lives, especially since they'd do anything for those they care about.

1 Mario And Yoshi

Super Mario Mario and Yoshi Banner

The most lovable best friends are none other than Mario and his travel companion Yoshi. Just like Geralt and Roach from the Witcher series, these two are inseparable and have gone through many adventures together. The pair have been loyal to each other ever since their first introductions in Super Mario World when Mario saved Yoshi, who had been trapped in an egg by Bowser.

Fans even learned that the best friends actually met before that particular event in Super Mario World: Yoshi's Island. Yoshi met Mario when he was just a baby in need of help. Nevertheless, they can always count on each other, and they are the cutest pair of friends out there.

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