PUBG: Battlegrounds, otherwise known as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, is a war game. As such, a key path to victory is staying mobile. Players can't go everywhere on foot, though. The best way to go about this is obviously to commandeer a vehicle.

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Thankfully, PUBG has several cars, bikes, and other machines to accommodate that need. Many of them specialize in different environments and scenarios. The trick is not only picking a car with good stats, but selecting the best one for each situation. If fans do that, then they should win ther matches in no time. A squad's success or failure can depend entirely on its driver. Here are some of the best vehicles in PUBG.

7 Mirado

The Mirado in PUBG

When driving in the city, it doesn't get much better than the Mirado. This car reaches a top speed of 152 km per hour on roads. It's also among the sturdier vehicles, meaning it can withstand a hail of bullets and other projectiles. As such, urban drivers should definitely pick it up. However, the problems arise when it skids into other locales.

The Mirado's tires are designed for smooth surfaces. When taken offroad, the vehicle becomes slow and cumbersome. Even the boost feature can't fix this issue. Such a weakness makes the Mirado's utility entirely situational.

6 Buggy

The Buggy in PUBG

While the Mirado is great for the street, this puppy lies at the other end of the spectrum. The Buggy is common in all maps and exists primarily for offroad travel. The tires and structure are ideal for rough terrain. That said, it has one major advantage over its competition. Unlike the Mirado, the Buggy doesn't fall apart when it's outside its intended environment. The car is equally comfortable with on-road cruising, getting up to 100 km per hour at maximum speed. This makes it more widely useful, but it comes with a small stipulation.

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Though great for travel, the Buggy somewhat undermines the team-based gameplay. The seats only accommodate two players. In addition, its lack of plating leaves those players open to enemy fire. Anyone taking it for a spin had better do so in small numbers.

5 BRDM-2

The BRDM-2 in PUBG

This car is a lot stronger than its size suggests. It comes with a colossal amount of health and bulletproof plating. That would make any vehicle enticing, but it's not what distinguishes the BRDM-2 from its peers. The vehicle is all-terrain. It can stay mobile on land and water while retaining a respectable speed in both. It reaches 105 km per hour in the former and 22 km per hour in the latter. Unfortunately, that mobility is preceded by a crippling weakness.

Namely, the BRDM-2 is a pain to access. Players receive it via airborne delivery after firing a flare. Said flare alerts enemies to their location, leaving them vulnerable. If they can stay alive, though, their reward is a nearly impregnable ride to virtually anywhere.

4 Motor Glider

The Motor Glider in PUBG

Player notice an obvious advantage this car has over others. Namely, it can take to the sky. Drivers use it to soar over the battlefield, providing a unique angle on all enemies. With someone in the rear seat shooting rounds and chucking explosives, teams can rain fire and brimstone on unsuspecting foes. As exhilarating as that sounds, it comes with a condition.

The Motor Glider only has enough fuel for short flights. Granted, players can glide to get some extra air time, but they must touch down eventually. Because of that, they should pick and choose when to take off, especially since the terrain isn't always suited to it. On the other hand, if they use the Glider to navigate that terrain better than any opponent, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

3 Closed Top Pickup

The Closed Top Pickup in PUBG

The pickup truck isn't a fast ride by any stretch. Several cars can outpace it on the road. Thankfully, it makes up for such a weakness in a few key areas. First is durability. A huge helping of health means that the Closed Top isn't easy to destroy. Even the lousiest drivers and/or best attackers will have a hard time totaling this baby. That doesn't just go for combat encounters, though.

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It also applies to simple traversal. The tires can handle a variety of terrain. If things get too heated, players can simply head for the hills. Some vehicles can't even go offroad, so the pickup truck's speed becomes less of an issue.



This Erangel military vehicles has the best of both worlds. It sports the same endurance of the Closed Top Pickup with a ton of health. This provides excellent cover for those inside. Unlike the truck, though, the UAZ doesn't sacrifice speed.

Rather, it's among the fastest vehicles in the game. The top speed can be 116 km per hour. These perks ensure a clean getaway with minimal damage to both the car and the people in it. The downside is that it's a gas guzzler, but that's a small price to pay in the face of its strengths.

1 Food Truck

The Food Truck in PUBG

Here's an odd choice, but one which further amplifies the advantages of the Pickup and UAZ. The Food Truck is essentially another mobile strongbox. It's both tougher and faster than nearly any vehicle. What's more is that every spot except the tires is a bullet sponge. If these stay intact, the truck can reach a top speed of 120 km per hour. Sadly, this speed requires a flat surface. When on the road, though, one couldn't ask for a better war rig.

Part of that comes from its accommodating a full squad of fighters. The windows enable passengers to shoot from both sides, and the size of these openings provides a wider range of fire than any car. In short, the truck is defensible from virtually any position and fast enough for any retreat. Players will want it for more than just food.

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