Science fiction is one of the most popular movie genres, with one of the reasons being that it offers a large variety of material to fans and allows the filmmakers to let their imagination run free and create things that don't yet exist in the real world. With so many subgenres, each person finds something they enjoy.

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Those who appreciate space western movies are in luck because there's a fair number of films belonging to this genre. The most famous movies will be known to everyone but there are also some underappreciated space western movies that either got unjustifiably low ratings or not as many people watched them as they would have deserved.

5 Flash Gordon (1980)

Flash Gordon movie

Flash Gordon is one of the oldest space western classics that takes both the characters and the audience on an epic adventure. The heroic Flash Gordon and his allies fight against the evil imperator Ming. A well-known fact is that George Lucas originally planned to film Flash Gordon but didn't get the rights for it and decided to create his own fictional universe, leading to the creation of Star Wars.

The movie has a well-known cast (such as Max von Sydow and Timothy Dalton), and it's a must-watch for any fan of space westerns, as the sense of adventure and wonder is strong in the movie. The film was originally supposed to get a sequel, but it wasn't a big hit when it was released, so it never happened. Arnold Schwarzenegger could have played the leading role, but it went to Sam J. Jones instead.

4 Outland (1981)

Outland 1981

The most iconic space westerns were made in the USA but other countries have also focused on this genre, such as the UK. Peter Hyams directed multiple science fiction movies during his career, but Outland is one of his lesser-known movies, even though it has Sean Connery in the leading role. Connery plays Marshal William T. O'Niel who's sent to investigate a drug-smuggling conspiracy on one of the moons of Jupiter. O'Niel has to fight for his life when assassins go after him. It's easy to cheer on the main hero and wish him success since he's at a disadvantage, surrounded by enemies, and has to deal with them mostly alone.

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That makes the movie similar to old westerns where one hero arrives in a new city and also has to fight the local evil forces on his own. Some fans compared the movie to the classic, well-rated western High Noon (1951), except that Outland is set in space. Other than Connery's usually solid performance, it's also interesting to see a space western taking place on Jupiter's moon since most space westerns use other planets, such as Mars.

3 Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

cowboys and aliens Cropped

Unlike other movies of the same genre, Cowboys & Aliens doesn't bother to hide the fact that it brings together western and science fiction. The story centers on a man (Daniel Craig) who wakes up near a city called Absolution and can't remember anything. What makes his situation even more difficult is that Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) is controlling the city and the fact that someone...or something seems to be taking the local people. Despite its lower ratings, the movie has a lot to offer to all fans of space westerns since it's full of action and well-built tension.

It helps that Cowboys & Aliens has a talented cast as well - other than Craig and Ford, the movie stars names such as Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, and Paul Dano. It was based on the comic book by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg so any viewer who enjoys the movie and would like to see more of the same world can return to it in this way. An interesting fact is that Robert Downey Jr. was originally supposed to play the leading role but due to scheduling issues, he had to refuse it and the role went to Daniel Craig instead.

2 John Carter (2012)

Taylor Kitsch starring in John Carter

The 2012 movie was originally supposed to start a new trilogy, but it wasn't successful enough at the box office and stayed standalone. Despite that, the movie is ideal for all fans of space westerns. Taylor Kitsch stars as John Carter, a Civil War veteran who wakes up on Mars one day and gets involved in their local civil war.

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Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' books, John Carter has many traits of classic sci-fi, such as the character of a beautiful and brave princess or special powers. As a result, the movie, even though it's still relatively new, comes across as something retro and has the power to make older viewers nostalgic, especially if they grew up watching the original Star Wars trilogy.

1 Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Solo: A Star Wars Story poster

Despite being a part of the Star Wars universe, Solo: A Star Wars story wasn't a big hit, having made only $393 million at the box office and with not so enthusiastic critical reviews. As a result, no subsequent movies centered on the same character or at least focused on the stories of other Star Wars heroes followed. However, Solo: A Star Wars Story isn't as bad as many critics would have others believe. There can only be one Harrison Ford, but Alden Ehrenreich is convincing as the young and somewhat rash Han Solo.

The movie also gives space to intriguing supporting characters, such as Woody Harrelson's Beckett, a younger version of Lando Calrissian, played by Donald Glover, or the villainous Dryden Vos portrayed by Paul Bettany. Considering the cowboy-like lifestyle that Han and his new allies lead, Solo: A Star Wars Story is a space western much more than other Star Wars movies.

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