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Crybaby protagonist Takemichi's adventures throughout the Tokyo Revengers series so far have been action-packed, intense, heartbreaking, and at times, hopelessly bleak. The life of an anime protagonist isn't all sunshine, ramen, and filler episodes hanging out with friends. Often time, it means suffering and hardships.

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However, trust the thriving Tokyo Revengers fandom to do their best to lighten up the atmosphere with inside jokes, fan art, and of course, hilarious memes. While Takemichi and his friends are off in their world and timeline, suffering the consequences of the domino effect from time travel, fans are having a great time laughing over jokes about their favorite characters. Here are some of the best Tokyo Revengers memes to keep fans' spirits up during hard times.

Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead!

10 Distracted Draken

Tokyo Revengers Distracted Boyfriend Meme

The "distracted boyfriend" meme is a classic among almost every fandom purely because of how versatile it is. While poor Emma is constantly vying for Draken's attention, Draken has other things to keep himself preoccupied. Draken has the unenviable task of looking after Mikey and ensuring that he doesn't foolishly many any brash decisions.

Mikey's such a handful that Draken's simply left with no time to dabble in love and relationships (for the time being at least!).

9 Even Ground?

Tokyo Revengers Hina Slap Meme

In an attempt to protect her sweetheart, Takemichi, Hinata slapped Mikey across the face upon their first encounter. Perhaps Hinata was a bit brazen with the way she handled Mikey, but she did what she thought she needed to in the name of love!

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Luckily for her, Mikey doesn't hit girls, and they quickly cleared up their misunderstanding. However, the way that Toman got back at poor Hina for her hasty decision was a bit overboard, to say the least.

8 Close Enough!

Tokyo Revengers Draken Netflix Meme

Somehow every time Netflix tries its hand at anime specifically, the end result never seems to please fans. In this take on the classic "Netflix adaptation meme", fans took on the time-skip version of Draken when he was jailed and had his beautiful blonde locks taken away from him.

This version of Draken was less of himself and more of a sad (and tough) rendition of One Punch Man's Saitama. Hopefully, if Vin Diesel does get recruited for a North American adaptation, fans will at least give him a chance to win them over.

7 Anyone But Yourself

Tokyo Revengers Kazutora Blames Everyone Meme

It's no secret that Kazutora has a few issues when it comes to accepting that he himself problem. Kazutora does eventually recognize his faults and begins his well-deserved healing process, but before then, he had a habit of picking a scapegoat for the sake of his own sanity.

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First, it was Mikey's fault for having a birthday Kazutora and Baji wanted to celebrate, then it was suddenly Baji's fault for the mess that occurred between Toman and Valhalla! Thankfully, this meme was stopped dead in its tracks the moment Kazutora came to his senses and finally admitted to playing his part in the problem.

6 A Friend Of A Friend

Tokyo Revengers Hina's Boyfriend Meme

This hilarious meme, originally from Parks And Recreation, is about Hinata's complicated relationship with the protagonist, Takemichi. Takemichi may be Hinata's sweetheart, but that doesn't stop him from having the tightest bromance with fellow Toman member, Mikey.

Hopefully, Hinata knows that dating Takemichi means having Mikey tag along for the ride; the two are a packaged deal from now on, after all. Luckily for Takemichi, Hinata is a sweet girl and will likely accept him no matter what!

5 Opposite Attract

Tokyo Revengers Evil And Good Meme

This particular meme is a fan favorite and can easily be applied to just about any video game, movie, television series, and of course, anime. When dealing with gangs and the yakuza, there are bound to be a handful of characters that all lie on different places on the scale of morality and virtue.

Mikey, Draken, and even Kazutora all have variations in their balance of good and evil. However, it seems as if fans have decided that there's not an ounce of kindness in Kisaki; which seems fitting enough as he is the series' main antagonist after all! Meanwhile, it seems like it is unanimous among the Tokyo Revengers fandom that Hina is simply incapable of evil, like the big ball of sunshine she is.

4 I'll Do It Myself!

Tokyo Revengers Takemichi And Draken Meme

In all honesty, when looking back at the entirety of the Tokyo Revengers plot, Takemichi doesn't have a whole ton of involvement. Sure, he is reminded of his childhood sweetheart after hearing the news broadcast of her untimely death but Takemichi could have easily decided that saving Hinata and the others just wasn't worth his time.

His determination to keep his high school love alive obviously put Takemichi in a tough situation. Suddenly, every one of Toman's bumps on the road, enemies made, and bridges burned were Takemichi's problem to solve on his own. Luckily, he still has Chifuyu and Naoto to lean on in his times of need.

3 Mangas Only!

Tokyo Revengers Manga Readers Meme

The ripples of time are delicate, and no anime shows exactly how intricate that domino effect can be when jumping back and forth through time. Every single time Takemichi travels to the past does what he thinks needs to be done, and travels back to the present, fans always hold their breath.

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In a series as bleak as Tokyo Revengers, fans know better than to hope for the best when Takemichi returns to the present, expecting things to be remedied once and for all. Manga readers know this feeling of dread all too well, the only difference is they know exactly what to expect when finally watching these heartbreaking, messy scenes fully animated.

2 The Crossover We Never Knew We Needed

Tokyo Revengers Your Name Crossover Meme

If anime fans had a dime for every time a protagonist went back in time just to save their love interest, they'd have at least two dimes, which isn't a whole lot, but still quite the coincidence! Your Name's Taki Tachibana and Tokyo Revengers' Takemichi Hanagaki are both great contenders for boyfriends of the year, going as far as breaking the laws of time and space just to ensure the safety of their loved ones.

As if the connection between the two wasn't eerie enough, Taki's surname is the same as Takemichi's love interest, Hinata's! Perhaps in another timeline, Hinata has another brother aside from Naoto.

1 A Whole Different Story

Tokyo Revengers Takemichi Doesn't Fight Meme

Takemichi's whole persona throughout the series is the crybaby protagonist and part of being a certified crybaby means not knowing how to put up a fight. Takemichi may know how to take a punch, but he definitely doesn't know how to throw one.

Takemichi's feeble attitude means trying his best to talk or reason his way out of each problem he encounters since he doesn't have the luxury of resolving issues with his fists. It's true that he would have gotten through the series much faster if he was skilled in combat as Mikey and Draken but no one can deny that Takemichi's crybaby charm makes Tokyo Revengers the unique series it is.

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