Goat Simulator 3 is a fun chaotic little game that allows players to do whatever they want, as long as they can do it as a goat. Just like in the previous game, players can cause mass disturbances and hysteria, and pull off loads of entertaining stunts with some of the tools that they find scattered around the map.

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The jetpack, summoning circles, weird science holes, demonic presences, and goat monarchy all come together in the newest installment of Goat Simulator to make for an entertaining time. When players grow tired of simply messing around with the ragdoll physics, there are many specific things they can do to change their goat character, reach some new heights, and redefine the meaning of chaos.

8 Find The Nearest Jetpack

goat simulator 3 physics

Most (if not all) fun Goat Simulator 3 shenanigans involve flinging the goat at high speeds into people, obstacles, cars, and buildings. That's why having a jetpack in the game as soon as possible can make a player's experience with the game much more enriching.

To find the jetpack in the game, players should go to the Pointy Foods Factory, near the chimney area. From there, they'll be able to leap off the roof, drag things off, or use a jetpack to propel themselves to glory or even space.

7 Get To The Highest Point On The Map

goat simulator goat Cropped

To get to the highest point on the map, players will again need to go to the Pointy Foods Factory. There, they can access a chimney that serves as the highest spot on the map (besides space) that a goat can reach.

To get to the highest platform, players will need to make their way across the roof until they find themselves near the chimney's peak. This spot also makes for a great location to perform recon when looking for whistleblowers.

6 Start A Goat Space Program


Getting a goat into space is actually easier than it sounds. Once a player's goat gets its hooves on a jetpack, it's time for players to find the highest point they can and jump. The jetpack feature is pretty random though, so getting into space consists of jumping and hoping that the jetpack shoots the goat straight upward.

Alternatively, players can find the bacon beacon, take it to the cornfield, and drop it in the center of a crop circle. Once there, an alien spaceship appears and sends the goat directly to space. Going to space is one of the many silly things that players and their friends can get up to in Goat Simulator 3.

5 Play Flappy Goat

goat simulator multiplayer

At the coffee shop, players can find a house that allows them to play Flappy Goat on the TV. Flappy Goat is a mimic mini-game resembling Flappy Bird. To start playing Flappy Goat, players will simply need to turn on the TV in the room above the coffee shop and press the action button to make the goat go upwards.

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As well as playing the game, players can also save high scores to compete with their friends. In addition to Flappy Bird​​​​​​, Goat Simulator 3 includes multiple references and crossovers with other games, including a special Goat Simulator skin in Fortnite.

4 Go Into the Science Hole

goat simulator promo

Near the cornfields is an ominous, glowing pit. If players jump into that pit, the goat will fall for a short while before popping out again as a larger goat. Sometimes, the goat will come out smaller than usual. The effect is random, so if players want to customize their goat to a certain extent, this is the best way to start doing so.

There are a multitude of customization options for the goat in Goat Simulator 3. In addition to being able to change the size of the goat, this unusual simulation game allows players to become a Demonic Goat, the Queen of the goats, or even add on cosmetics.

3 Become the Goat Queen

goat simulator 3 goat tower

Near the initial spawn point of the game is a tall tower with a large goat resting on top of it. If players climb this spiral tower, they'll be met with a goat throne room, with lines of goats at attention on either side. As players pass them to proceed to the goat throne, the goats on either side will bow.

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Once the player is seated on the goat throne, they'll take the form of the Queen of Goats, which has much larger horns and a much lighter appearance. As the Goat Queen, players can cause chaos on command by summoning goats that fall from the sky. This feature is available anywhere, indoors or out.

2 Launch Baseballs At Innocent Bystanders

goat simulator general chaos

No Goat Simulator game would be quite right without chaos. Next to the goat tower where players can become the Goat Queen is a baseball launcher that can be used to cause all manner of mayhem when placed into the wrong hands.

While probably meant for practice, players can equip this baseball launcher to their goat and fire baseballs at cars, people, or just up in the air. They can use it to blow up gas stations, send people flying with ragdoll physics, or fire at their friends.

1 Perform a Demonic Ritual

demonic goat

In the leftmost corner of the map, players can find a pentagram made of blood within a rocky clearing. To perform a ritual, they'll need to gather five bodies in the circle and place them all in the center. Once the ritual is completed, players can transform into the Demonic Goat.

This other form of the player goat is darker and has more robust and curved horns, in addition to being much larger. If a player enters the Science hole, becomes big, and then performs this ritual, they can make a goat that's almost as big as all the inconveniences it's caused for the neighborhood.

Goat Simulator 3 is out now, available for PC, PS5, and Xbox series.

MORE: Beginner Tips For Goat Simulator 3