Like the elves, the dwarves of Dragon Age: Origins aren’t at all the typical variety familiar from Tolkienesque fantasy. This race lost all but one of its vast network of underground kingdoms to the Blight. The dwarves of Orzammar are fighters, merchants, inventors, and miners. Not all dwarven experiences are the same, though, thanks to their rigid caste system. Out of the two origins players can choose from among this ancient and ruthless race, the Dwarf Commoner’s perspective is as tough and unyielding as the Stone. In this origin, players take on the role of Brosca, a casteless dwarf looking for a fight. The trouble is, the casteless aren’t allowed the distinction of fighting darkspawn.

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Brosca has no prospects, except to seek whichever empty death appeals the most to him or her. Every choice players make with this dwarf early on will be to ensure the family’s survival, but they will be dealt nothing but reverses. In a society where children are branded at birth as being worthless, Brosca Wardens will learn how to solve problems by applying wits and creative violence. The harsh reality of the casteless guarantees Brosca starts life learning the street smarts of the Deep Roads, and the story can only end one way: with duster boot prints on an archdemon that was asking to be kicked.

10 Born In The Wrong Caste

Brosca behind bars in the Dwarf Commoner origin in Dragon Age: Origins

Where the City Elf origin explores themes of breaking free of servitude born of oppression, the Dwarf Commoner origin is about smashing through such obstacles with brute force. The casteless are only a bare step above criminals in the social hierarchy, and they only have themselves for protection even from their own kind.

The oppression of the casteless may be greater than that of city elves in some respects, but casteless dwarves employ a lot more violence to eke out a living. Just like city elves, though, it’s not a matter of choice. Dusters hurt others to survive.

9 The Carta Life Seems Inevitable

Brosca and Leske over a body in the Dwarf Commoner origin

A rogue Brosca makes a lot of sense, given how intertwined players inevitably become with the infamous Carta. Such a large-scale criminal enterprise also uses plenty of warrior's muscle, though, so either class choice available to dwarf players makes a lot of roleplaying sense.

Where other origins evoke a feeling of closeness with kin, clan, or institution, the dwarves of Thedas aren’t sentimental people. This origin gets players used to playing by whichever set of rules will get their party’s interests ahead.

8 The Implacable Children Of The Stone

Oghren and Brosca Warden enter the Deep Roads in Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age dwarves are made of sturdy stuff, and some of their hardiness comes from their mysterious connection to the Stone. As with the Dwarf Noble origin, Brosca Wardens enjoy a natural immunity to magic, but this origin also gives the Warden a unique roleplaying grit as a casteless.

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Life may be short and risky as a casteless, but this rigorous lifestyle is excellent training for the fights Grey Wardens pick. The duster will to survive rivals that of the Warrior Caste. The upper echelons of dwarven social hierarchy may enjoy the privilege of training and superb dwarven crafts, but the casteless are constantly challenged to grow past their disenfranchisement.

7 Anything For My Sister

The Broscas talking With Beraht in the Dwarf Commoner origin

The Dwarf Commoner has one of the least wholesome families out of all the origin stories. Brosca has an abusive mother who is more fond of mosswine than of her children, and a noble-hunter sister, Rica, who answers to the Carta. Their father left the picture early to become a surface dwarf.

As with the City Elf origin, Brosca’s former life can only go uphill after the Joining. It’s also the only origin where players can really turn around their family’s life for the better. Whether the Broscas are deserving of it is another question.

6 Best The Paragons Of The Proving

Brosca in the Proving in Dwarf Commoner origin in Dragon Age: Origins

The Provings are designed to distinguish who is worthy, and sometimes who is right. Dwarf Noble players aren’t the only ones who have the opportunity to fight for their Ancestors, but the Dwarf Commoner’s story isn’t a heroic tale of breaking glass ceilings. The casteless don’t enjoy the same moral certitude the Proving gives to the castes.

What makes this fight so thrilling isn’t lording victories above Brosca’s station, the castes clearly don’t appreciate the skills of a duster criminal. But channeling the Dwarf Commoner’s fury about their wasted talent into the Proving is exactly what earns Brosca a future with the Grey Wardens.

5 Fighting For Respect Is In Brosca’s Blood

Brosca, Leske, Jarvia, and Carta lieutenant in the Dwarf Commoner origin

Earning a spot among the Grey Wardens isn’t everyone’s dream. For Dwarf Commoner players, though, it’s the best option to earn the kind of respect none of their peers dare even dream of. The usual casteless career options are beggar, mistress, or expendable Carta thug. Most wind up dead or wishing they were.

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Brosca has no intention of depending on charity that doesn’t exist, nor of feeding the mushrooms of Dust Town. Playing Brosca is all about cutting out new opportunities, and that includes cutting through anyone who stands in his or her way. Those who try to climb over the Dwarf Commoner are just rungs in Brosca’s ladder.

4 For The Heartless And The Hardcore

Brosca Warden confronts Carta members in Dragon Age: Origins

Violence is the preferred option a lot of the time, as Brosca’s early decisions prove. Mercy is not in the Carta’s vocabulary, and if players attempt to play a kind-hearted casteless, far from being rewarded, dwarven society will punish them for it.

In-game mechanics, this translates to players getting the most rewards and XP by leaning into Brosca’s criminal inclinations. Lying, stealing, and killing are popular tools in the Carta wheelhouse. As such, the Dwarf Commoner origin is perfect for roleplaying a more pragmatic or villainous Warden.

3 From Casteless To Kingmaker

Brosca Warden talks with Duncan and Alistair at Ostagar in Dragon Age: Origins

For the two dwarf origins, returning to Orzammar doesn’t mean they will ever be a part of dwarven society again, and they can’t elect themselves into important positions. But there’s still a lot the Warden does for the dwarves, and as a Brosca, there’s a lot of personal motivation behind the choices that can be made during those quests.

The political influence of the Warden doesn’t extend beyond offering the two current contenders help or betrayal, just as with all the other origins. However, Brosca will enjoy a very different return compared to all the rest. It’s a big deal that the Assembly allows a Grey Warden to interfere in Orzammar politics. But it pales in comparison to the catharsis of someone born a casteless ever gaining that much power.

2 Brother Bhelen And His Iron Fist

Brosca Warden talks with Bhelen in Dragon Age: Origins

Contrary to the Dwarf Noble origin, the Dwarf Commoner gives players plenty of reasons to side with Bhelen and almost none to side with Harrowmont. Not only are Bhelen’s politics more in line with a Brosca Warden’s past and future, but he’s the father of Rica’s son. The family’s fortune is now directly tied to Bhelen, so helping him win the throne becomes a family matter. Whether players want to help or sabotage their family is another question.

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The Dwarf Commoner origin is not a typical rags-to-riches story. To become a Paragon of Orzammar is tantamount to godhood, and it’s within Brosca’s grasp. Although being elevated to nobility as a permanent exile isn’t as opulent as being born into it, the thought of nobles bowing to and venerating Paragon Brosca's house is a satisfying goal to work towards.

1 Darkspawn Belong Under Brosca’s Boot

Brosca defeats an ogre in the Tower of Ishal in Dragon Age: Origins

All dwarves know just how real and dangerous darkspawn are. Unlike the Topside, encounters are not uncommon in the Deep Roads. For the casteless, one of the few honorable deaths afforded them is to join the Legion of the Dead, sworn to battle this ancient enemy in the dark.

Brosca normally wouldn’t be allowed to fight darkspawn unless legally dead one way or another. But it's hard to ignore a casteless who faces down an archdemon, showing up the entirety of dwarven society in the process. There’s only one moral to this story: it takes a Brosca to end a Blight.

dragon age origins
Dragon Age Origins

2009 saw the release of Bioware's Dragon Age, an RPG title that would birth a long-running franchise. This original release sets the foundation of the Dragon Age universe, featuring the introduction of the Dark Spawn and a cast of colorful characters.