The adrenaline-fueled John Wick franchise returns for another installment, and John Wick4 goes bigger, louder, and becomes far more dangerous than previous John Wick movies. The spectacle of the John Wick films isn’t only in the incredible action, great story, and the fact that Keanu Reeves kicks a lot of butts, but in the talented stunt work seen both on and off camera.

With all the John Wick films boasting an incredible amount of dangerous stunts, it’s no surprise that the latest sequel ups the ante. John Wick4 certainly has plenty of stunts across its nearly three-hour runtime to make every minute worthwhile.

8 Nunchuck Violence

john wick with nunchucks against a soldier

The Continental Hotel in Osaka has plenty of weapons of Japanese culture, and of course, it wouldn’t be a John Wick movie if the titular character didn’t utilize that. It’s thrilling to see the gun-fu audiences usually watch, integrated with weapons like nunchucks. It's a true first time for the franchise fueled by violence in the underworld.

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The choreography of these fight scenes is like no other. The sheer work and stress of perfectly using the nunchucks couldn’t have been easy, but it certainly is rewarding for fans to see John Wick clobber his way through the Continental with a pair of nunchucks.

7 A Clash Of Swords

caine sitting on some steps

In one of the more intense and quiet moments of the film, audiences watch as Caine and Shimazu battle with blades, fighting each other due to their sense of commitment and the consequences of the lives they lead. It’s great to see two legends of the craft, battling it out with swords rather than guns.

The scene alone is intense, and it's nerve-wracking not knowing who will come out on top. The excitement is elevated due to the choreography and stuntwork involved, which will have audiences across the world thankful that they aren’t being hunted by a blind man with a bladed walking stick.

6 Nightclub Rumble

john wick, caine and killa pointing guns at each other

One of the most mayhem-fueled fights in John Wick4 involves John in a nightclub, battling hoards of guards and the head of the German faction of the High Table, Killa. The cinematography for this fight is stunning, with a clash of neon lights, plenty of bodies, and intense music. However, what shines is the fight sequence between John Wick and Killa.

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Within this sequence, John Wick is thrown around like a puppet, launched upwards and slammed down, and even thrown off of staircases and ledges. It’s a powerhouse of a fight and one that could have caused serious injury to characters and artists alike.

5 The Tracker’s Canine Companion

the tracker and his dog

One of the more fun stunts in John Wick4 doesn’t involve a person, but a dog. The Tracker has a canine companion, a dog that, although unnamed, features just as prominently as “Mr. Nobody.” The Tracker’s dog is a lot of fun, and goes out of their way to attack command, with a signature move of biting groins at the mention of “Nuts.” Charon would be proud of this good dog.

There must have been a lot of stunt work in John Wick 4 to work with an animal like this, and hopefully, plenty of protections were in place for the talented dog that leaps over cars and people, and bites plenty of crotches.

4 Jumping Out A Window

john wick checking his watch

The adrenaline never stops in the John Wick films, and the titular character can’t seem to land on his feet. In John Wick Chapter 3, John is shot off of a rooftop and crashes down into staircases and air conditioning units as he tumbles down. This time, he isn’t shot off a roof, but leaps through a window.

John falls from a decent height, landing on a van and then on the ground. It’s a moment that will have audiences gasping for the suddenness of it all, and the hope that John Wick hasn’t broken his back, despite the numerous times he should have at this point.

3 Hotline Paris

john wick fighting in a birds-eye-view shot

John Wick’s bounty continues to increase throughout the night, and as the time for him to reach his duel approaches, the clock is ticking for both his life and the money on his head. In this intense and exhilarating scene, John Wick fights a seemingly infinite number of men with guns in an abandoned building.

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What’s most unique about this scene is how it is shot as if it is one seamless take, with no cuts throughout. The camera work makes it a birds-eye-view, which is reminiscent of the combat and gameplay of Hotline Miami. The stuntwork involves people on fire, flying bodies, and plenty of fighting. It must have been extremely hard to pull off, and that hard work shows.

2 Road Rage

john wick driving a muscle car with no doors

John Wick loves muscle cars, and he gets to reunite with one during his time in Paris. Although this moment couldn’t have been fun, as it was a fight for his life, at least the action is a lot of fun for the audience. John Wick enters a muscle car with no windshield or doors and has to pull off stunts like the reverse-180s and even pick up a gun off the road whilst driving.

It’s incredible to see the realism involved. John is fueled by hate as he drives this muscle car around the Arc de Triomphe, an extremely busy vehicle road with twelve avenues. Cars constantly circle the location whilst John Wick does battle in and around it.

1 Stairway To Freedom

hitmen on the steps looking for john wick

To secure a chance at his freedom, John must reach the Parisian church by dawn. The clock is ticking. More enemies make themselves present, and a seemingly infinite flight of stairs blocks his path forward. It’s not going to be an easy climb, and with less than 10 minutes to spare, time is of the essence.

The entire sequence is a frenzy of violence, with John repeatedly reaching near the top, only to be thrown down, and uncontrollably roll down the stairs to the bottom. There’s some hilarity to the scene, but the growing stakes add to the stress and emotion.

John Wick: Chapter 4 premiered in theaters on March 24, 2023.

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