The Star Wars franchise has produced innumerable tales expanding on its venerable universe. Of these stories, by far the boldest and most compelling come from novels. These written works provide depth and insight into many aspects of the Star Wars universe. Therefore, bolstering the franchise's overarching narrative and filling in the gaps of otherwise incomplete stories.

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The most popular and wonderfully outlandish tales come from Star Wars Legends. Originally known as the Expanded Universe, Star Wars Legends is a collection of non-canon stories set in an alternate continuity. Even so, the canon Star Wars continuity draws upon Expanded Universe material for inspiration. Regardless of if they remain non-canon, Star Wars Legends books are among the best works of the franchise, meriting one's consideration. However, there are Expanded Universe novels that every Star Wars fan needs to read.

4 The Old Republic – Revan

A Split Image Of Darth Revan Novel

"There's something out there: a juggernaut of evil bearing down to crush the Republic—unless one lone Jedi, shunned and reviled, can stop it." – Back cover

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Revan follows the conflicted Force User Revan recouping from his forgotten past as a Sith Lord. The Jedi Council redeemed Revan and granted him another chance, but at the cost of his memories. He cannot account for his controversial past, yet it continues haunting him, plaguing his thoughts and emotions. In an attempt to quell his suffering, Revan seeks out clues of his past, inadvertently discovering a great evil in the process. Only he can defeat this unprecedented and wicked threat.

This novel grants readers insight into one of the most intriguing yet perplexing characters in Star Wars. Revan's duality as both Jedi and Sith is unlike anything witnessed in the franchise. He is an exemplary model for both the Light Side and the Dark Side of the Force. Revan's position among Jedi and Sith has dramatically altered the perceptions of the Force, influencing various events yet to come. Thus, fans should read The Old Republic – Revan to learn about the most ambiguous Force User and period in Star Wars.

3 Darth Bane – Path Of Destruction

A Split Image Of Darth Bane Novel

"Once the Sith Order teemed with followers. But their rivalries divided them in endless battles for supremacy. Until one dark lord, at last, united the Sith in the quest to enslave the galaxy—and exterminate the Jedi. Yet it would fall to another, far more powerful than the entire Brotherhood of Darkness, to ultimately realize the full potential of the Sith, and wield the awesome power of the dark side as never before." – Back cover

Star Wars: Darth Bane – Path of Destruction is the first book of a trilogy series discussing the life of the infamous Darth Bane. This novel, in particular, follows Darth Bane's long and arduous ascent to power. Before becoming a Sith, Darth Bane was nothing more than a simple man by the name of Dessel. However, his horrific childhood and unforgiving job as a Cortosis miner were the catalysts that set him on a dark path. After committing a heinous crime, Dessel becomes a criminal of the Galactic Republic. Seeking a means of escaping their judgment, he joins the Sith in their plight to rule the galaxy.

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This novel details the humble beginnings and rise of one of the most infamous Sith and progenitor of "The Rule of Two." Darth Bane alone laid down the groundwork, the philosophy followed by generations of Sith yet to come. His school of thought produced notorious Sith Lords such as Darth Zannah, Darth Sidious, and Darth Vader. Darth Bane's influence over the Sith Order was unprecedented and had long-lasting effects. As such, fans must read Darth Bane – Path of Destruction to learn of the man who inspired countless impactful events.

2 Darth Plagueis

A Split Image Of Darth Plagueis Novel

"Plagueis was the most powerful Sith Lord who ever lived. But could he be the only one who never died?" – Back cover

Star Wars: Darth Plagueis follows the story of one of the most infamous yet mysterious Sith Lords in the franchise. Under the guidance of his master – Darth Tenebrous – Plagueis learned the wicked ways of the Sith. He embraced the Dark Side, absorbing his master's teachings, learning all he could to sway the forces of life and death. Soon after completing his training, Plagueis killed Darth Tenebrous, inheriting his title as Lord of the Sith. His rule unopposed, Plagueis takes in a spiteful apprentice by the name of Sheev Palpatine. He will train his newfound underling in the ways of the Dark Side but intends to avoid the fate suffered by Darth Tenebrous.

This novel grants insight into the life of one of the greatest Sith Lords to ever exist and his plight for ultimate power. Darth Plagueis trained the Sith Lord who would set in motion the decimation of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. His teachings allowed Darth Sidious to sway Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side and survive an otherwise gruesome death. As such, fans need to read Darth Plagueis to learn about this sparsely mentioned Sith Lord and his influence upon the galaxy.

1 Kenobi

A Split Image Of Kenobi Novel

"The Republic has fallen. Sith Lords rule the Galaxy. Obi-Wan Kenobi has lost everything. Everything but hope." – Back cover

Star Wars: Kenobi details the events of the venerable Jedi Master's life following Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. On the insignificant backwater planet of Tatooine, the once-revered Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is guarding the galaxy's last hope. However, animosity between local farmers and a warmongering tribe of Sand People captures the Jedi's attention. Such injustice leaves Obi-Wan Kenobi with a grueling decision: aid the Tatooine farmers and risk discover, or stand idly by while they suffer? Despite the danger of doing so, he cannot turn his back on people in need.

This novel fills the gap between the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, granting fans a look at the old Jedi Master's life. The role of Obi-Wan Kenobi is undeniably vital to numerous events in the Star Wars universe. He oversaw both Anakin and Luke Skywalker, molding them into the monumental figures they became. Without Obi-Wan Kenobi's guidance, the galaxy may have become a much darker and hopeless place. Thus, every Star Wars fan should read Kenobi to learn more about the Jedi Master's life in seclusion.

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