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Diablo 4 encourages players to experiment with an assortment of weaponry across the five classes available. Those that consider themselves to be wielders of magic are likely to be searching between the various staffs to find the perfect weapon for themselves or even going in the opposite direction of choosing a dagger or wand.

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While exploring, players are likely to find multiple different staffs that contain an assortment of stats that may convince a player to swap from their original weapon to a different one. When considering what staff is truly the best, these randomly dropped options are sure to pique the interest of a Diablo 4 player with even greater improvements in the late game.

8 Obscure Walking Stick

The Obscure Walking Stick in Diablo 4

Staffs are arguably a lot slower than wands in Diablo 4 and take up both hands of the player; the Obscure Walking Stick is a weapon that still has its positives even if its boost to damage to up close enemies is lackluster.

This Obscure Walking Stick dropped with a fairly decent buff to both the intelligence of the player and buff to all other stats. While this weapon may not benefit a player by increasing certain damage, it's a great option for early-game when the player's stats aren't developed yet.

7 Soul Cypress

The Soul Cypress in Diablo 4

While the last staff focused on stats, Soul Cypress is an option that is sure to please those that are looking for a base increase in their damage. An issue with many of the magic classes, especially sorcerers, is the lack of damage they do when not using skills; picking up a staff like Soul Cypress is sure to aid in making this not the case.

Besides this, Soul Cypress also increases damage to stunned enemies, and therefore this staff is a great choice for players that are focusing their build around stunning their opponents for the maximum amount of harm possible.

6 Corruption Bane

The Corruption Bane in Diablo 4

Continuing the theme of stun builds, Corruption Bane is another staff that is sure to aid in battle for players that are hoping to revolve their build around likely stunning their opponents to better their chances at survival. However, Corruption Bane also has more in store for players as it does more damage with abilities that do damage over time.

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Combining the likes of burning damage with lightning means a player can not only increase the damage done on stunned opponents but also increase the lethality of their flames when they continue to burn an opponent.

5 Sinister Rod

The Sinister Rod in Diablo 4

Like the Obscure Walking Stick, the Sinister Rod is another that increases all the stats of the player's character. However, this isn't the only reason to choose this staff over the others mentioned, as it also comes with some other lethal buffs.

The percentage increase of damage to slowed enemies is another tempting reason to select the Sinister Rod, as it will greatly benefit overpowered magic builds that rely on this effect. Other than that, it also has a great offer of vulnerable damage, which can make the already lethal hits on vulnerable enemies even stronger.

4 Arcane Form

The Arcane Form in Diablo 4

Out of all the stats a player will likely want on a weapon, one of the greatest to see is an increase in the Lucky Hit chance. This effect allows a player to instantly defeat an opponent if they aren't an Elite foe.

The Arcane Form is a staff that dropped with this perk, increasing the chance of this occurring by 5.2%. While this may at first seem like such a small chance, combining this with passives as well as other bits of equipment can make this a fatal path to take.

3 Magus Baton

The Magus Baton in Diablo 4

Another weapon with a great Lucky Hit chance is the Magus Baton; this staff percent chance is only slightly greater than Arcane Form, but when coupled with the other percentages found on this staff, many are sure to want to find one similar to it.

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It can be found with an incredible percentage increase in the damage to stunned enemies, making the Magus Baton a heavy hitter once again for those focusing their builds around stopping enemies in their tracks to attack them. Combining this with Lucky Hit means players can stop opponents before having the chance of killing them instantly.

2 Entropy Pointer

The Entropy Pointer in Diablo 4

Entropy Pointer is a staff that should be used by those that tend to stay far away from the enemies they are fighting while managing the crowds. This makes the staff a great option for those that plan to play with others or have the necessary movement speeds to keep far away.

This is because the Entropy Pointer has a further advantage on the damage it does with crowd-control abilities, as well as an even greater advantage to Overpower damage, which needs the player to have both high health and fortitude. The additional bonus harm from damage over time is also a great addition, as these are the sorts of skills players are likely to use when attacking from the back lines.

1 Death Reach

The Death Reach staff in Diablo 4

One of the best staves a player is likely to want to get their hands on is one that is like Death Reach. While the weapon may not have an increased Lucky Hit chance, it can still pack a punch due to its brilliant critical strike damage.

Combining this with the ability to do increased damage to those that have been chilled makes Death Reach a promising option for those that hope to use an ice build in the future. Naturally, as the player levels further, other magnificent options will be found, but looking for staves that improve on these percentages is the best way of surviving in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

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