
  • Space strategy games offer a variety of gameplay styles, from grand strategy to real-time action.
  • Titles like NEBULOUS: Fleet Command provide multiple ways to win, offering diverse combat strategies.
  • Stellaris stands out as a top pick, blending grand strategy with exciting real-time space battles.

Space strategy games come in many different flavors. From classic 4X or grand strategy empire-building games to live-action real-time strategy games. A few even mix these two gameplay styles into a single package. There are both single-player and multiplayer offerings, and most good space strategy games have at least a few DLCs available to make them more interesting.

Most Replayable Strategy Games

Thanks to Indie games like Rimworld, the strategy genre has seen more love recently. These RTS titles offer a huge amount of replay value.

There have been a number of definitive games in the space strategy genre. Some of which are parts of a franchise with 20 or more years of history and lore behind them. Others are indie games produced by small development studios, that aim to bring something new to the genre.

7 Star Wars: Empire at War

Classic Star Wars Space Combat

Star Wars Empire at War Space Strategy Game
Star Wars: Empire at War
February 16, 2006
Petroglyph Games
Real-Time Strategy

Star Wars: Empire at War only takes the bottom place on this list because it is not strictly a pure space strategy game. Instead, this is a real-time strategy game that features a mixture of ground and space missions. There is also a strategic map aspect to the gameplay, as players attempt to capture and lock down star systems.

6 Best Star Wars Games That Let You Fly An X-Wing

The X-Wing is one of the best Star Wars starfighters, so it makes sense that players would want to check out these iconic games to fly them.

From a space combat viewpoint, the space-based missions feature many of the iconic ships from the Star Wars franchise. Including X-Wing, TIE Fighers, and capital ships such as star destroyers. The Millennium Falcon also makes an appearance as a hero unit. Overall, this is a great RTS game, well worth playing even today.

6 NEBULOUS: Fleet Command

Inspired By The Expanse

NEBULOUS Fleet Command Space Strategy Game
NEBULOUS: Fleet Command
February 11, 2022
Eridanus Industries
Real-Time Strategy , Action , Tactical

NEBULOUS: Fleet Command is a space-based real-time strategy game that has been developed by a small indie development team. The physics of spaceflight and the overall feel of the combat in this game are inspired by the TV show The Expanse.

What makes NEBULOUS: Fleet Command stand out, is the fact that there are generally multiple ways to win a battle. The player is free to choose whether to build a fleet of general-purpose ships to take on an opponent, or to go for specialized units that are used in very specific combat roles.

5 Endless Space 2

Great Turn Based Strategy

Endless Space 2 Space Strategy Game
Endless Space 2
October 6, 2016
Amplitude Studios
Grand Strategy , 4X

Endless Space 2 is a complex, turn-based grand strategy game. This game is all about the micromanagement of fleets, planets, and outposts. Each turn, the player needs to revisit each planet and choose research and manufacturing projects. They also need to visit every fleet to make sure that the correct fleet commands are queued up.

Due to the turn-based gameplay, the level of micromanagement required isn’t too much of an issue, as the player has plenty of time to make key decisions. This is very much a game about strategic planning rather than real-time action. It makes a great casual game for players who cannot spend many hours in a single playing session, as they can simply pick up where they last stopped playing and start a short session, due to the more relaxed speed of play.

4 Sins Of A Solar Empire

Definitive RT4X Strategy

Sins Of A Solar Empire Space Strategy Game
Sins of a Solar Empire
February 4, 2008
Ironclad Games
Real-Time Strategy , Tactical

The game that defined a whole new genre of strategy games - real-time 4X strategy, or RT4X as it has been shortened to by players. What we have here is a game that mixes grand strategy-style empire-building with epic real-time battles.

7 Hardest 4X Strategy Games

Notoriously hard and not exactly beginner-friendly, these 4X strategy games are perfect for players looking to challenge themselves.

Sins Of A Solar Empire has a pretty steep learning curve, but it is well worth the effort to learn how to play the game and use the complicated UI effectively. Replayability is a major benefit of this title, as the player can choose any faction to play as or even set up custom ones.

3 Galactic Civilizations 4

Bang Up To Date GALCIV

Galactic Civilizations IV Space Strategy Game
Galactic Civilizations IV

April 26, 2022
Stardock Entertainment
4X , Turn-Based Strategy

The Galactic Civilizations franchise should need no introduction. Stardock Entertainment has helped to define the 4X strategy genre with tiles such as Galactic Civilizations, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Offworld Trading Company. GALCIV 4 is the latest installment in the venerable series of grand strategy games. Many of the gameplay features players expect from space strategy games were pioneered by Stardock Entertainment for the GALCIV franchise.

The player starts the game as the leader of a new interstellar species and is tasked with expanding the influence of their empire across known space. This can be done in many ways, including aggression, diplomacy, trade, and espionage. Overall, GALCIV 4 is worth a place in the game collection of every space strategy game fan.

2 Homeworld 3

Modern Real-Time Strategy

Homeworld 3 Space Strategy Game
Homeworld 3

May 13, 2024
Blackbird Interactive
Real-Time Strategy

After a lull of over two decades, Homeworld 3 was released in 2024, adding a third title to the popular Homeworld real-time space strategy franchise. The game adopts a similar visual style to the older games but delivers modern graphics and sound.

Homeworld 3: 7 Best Improvements Over The Older Games

Homeworld 3 launched two decades after the release of its predecessor, and as such, the latest game has made a few improvements to older systems.

In some ways, Homeworld 3 is a simpler game than its predecessors, focusing more on the storyline and campaign rather than overly complex RTS gameplay. It takes a place high on this list simply because it doesn’t try to be anything other than a slick, fun-to-play space RTS title. Players who enjoyed Homeworld and Homeworld 2 might like to try this latest installment but must approach it with an open mind, as much has changed with gaming in the 20 years since the last Homeworld game was released.

1 Stellaris

Grand Strategy Meets RTS

Stellaris Space Strategy Game

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
May 9, 2016
4X , Grand Strategy

Taking first place on this list is Stellaris. Any fan of space strategy games will already be familiar with this title, whether they own it or not. Stellaris mixes classic grand space strategy with exciting real-time space battles.

Stellaris is infinitely replayable, especially if the player is willing to purchase a few of the many DLC expansions that add major new gameplay features. It is also a fun game to play competitively against a group of friends. Overall, if a player has to choose one space strategy game to play, they can’t go wrong by choosing Stellaris.

Ranking the 7 Best Strategy Games That Offer The Best Value For Money

Many strategy games can consume hundreds, possibly thousands of hours from gamers, making an investment of said worth much of a player's time.