
  • Sonic Frontiers' trailer sparked interest by focusing on movement and creating a mysterious vibe, hinting at a new era for the series.
  • The Sonic Unleashed teaser sparked discussions with a short, yet impactful snippet showing a possible new villain and leaving fans intrigued.
  • Sonic Riders' reveal trailer showcased fast-paced gameplay, glossy visuals, and a futuristic setting, generating excitement for the unique racing game.

Even though Sonic has been around for over three decades by this point, it's always an exciting occasion when a new game gets announced, especially since Sega often enjoys dropping reveal trailers completely out of the blue. Speaking of reveal trailers, there have been plenty of Sonic teasers and announcements over the years that have stuck with fans due to how much excitement and anticipation they managed to generate when they first dropped.

5 Forgotten Sonic The Hedgehog Games

Despite Sonic being such a popular game franchise, these entries have almost been completely forgotten about for one reason or another.

A good reveal trailer can show just enough about the game to get fans interested, without diving too deep into story spoilers or dragging on for too long to the point where they could become a little boring. The Sonic franchise is arguably the strongest it's ever been, so while Sega cooks up the latest installment in this beloved series, let's take a deeper look at the best Sonic reveal trailers and teasers to understand why they generated such an infectious buzz when they first released.

6 Sonic Frontiers

A Brief And Mysterious Glimpse At A Brand New Era Of Sonic

Bottom half of Sonic's body as he runs through a jungle
Sonic Frontiers

PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
November 8, 2022
Sonic Team
Action , Adventure

It's important to set out the context of where the Sonic series was at to understand why the teaser for Frontiers meant so much to people. This game was coming off the back of Sonic Forces, which received a lot of backlash from critics and fans alike upon its release who felt the series was beginning to lose its way after several lackluster releases. However, the Sonic Frontiers trailer didn't go over the top with visuals or try to introduce a bunch of new characters, but instead, focused entirely on the Blue Blur himself, who can be seen sprinting through a forest.

The trailer purposely focused on Sonic's movements, and how he subtly dodges the surrounding terrain to maintain his momentum, which was a clever implication the game was going to focus a lot more on movement and being able to run around in an open space. There was also a slightly dark and mysterious melody that played in the background that suggested the game was going to be a little more grounded and serious, which certainly got people intrigued.

5 Sonic Unleashed

This Reveal Spawned A Ton Of Fascinating Discussions And Theories Among The Fandom

Werehog hand in the background with a ring in front of it
Sonic Unleashed

PS2 , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Wii
November 18, 2008
Sonic Team
Platformer , Beat 'Em Up

The teaser trailer for Sonic Unleashed is by far the shortest of any trailer in the series, clocking in at barely over 30 seconds, but in that time, it managed to raise so many questions and spawned a plethora of online discussions among the fanbase. At first, the trailer seems to take the POV of Sonic as he tosses a Ring up in the air while humming the theme of the game.

11 Most Experimental Sonic Games

Many of these games are part of the main Sonic series, yet these titles feature some drastically experimental gameplay elements.

After a few seconds in, the whole dynamic changes as the background turns completely black, and out of nowhere, a monstrous hand lunges in from the side of the screen to smash the ring into a nearby concrete wall. Many assumed this was going to be a new and dangerous villain, but because of how quickly the change occurs, and the fact that it doesn't show the face of either character, some fans made the bold assumption that this could be Sonic. Needless to say, Sega managed to spark people's interest immediately with this simple but all-so-memorable trailer.

4 Sonic Riders

Sonic Riders' Reveal Mixes High-Speed Action With A Fresh New Futuristic Setting

Sonic racing on an air board in a futuristic city
  • Platform(s): PC, PS2, Xbox, GameCube
  • Released: February 21, 2006
  • Developer(s): Sonic Team, Now Production
  • Genre(s): Racing

The Sonic series has always taken a unique approach to the racing genre, but the one game that is without a doubt the most out-there and experimental is Sonic Riders, and the reveal trailer certainly does a good job at showcasing how exhilarating this new game would be in its gameplay. The trailer, which only runs for a minute in total, is extremely fast-paced as it constantly switches between in-game cutscenes, which look breathtaking thanks to the glossy visual style, and actual gameplay where iconic characters like Sonic, Tails, and Shadow can be seen racing in a seemingly futuristic setting.

As the trailer goes on, random words start appearing in the middle of the screen as if it's some sort of early 2000s movie trailer, but they flash on the screen so briefly that it immediately demands the viewers' attention, keeping their eyes glued to the screen from beginning to end. Pair this with a fresh new look at a brand-new cast of villains, and it's hard not to get pumped for this iconic spin-off game after watching the trailer.

3 Sonic X Shadow Generations

Nobody Expected Shadow To Turn Up In A Remake Of The Classic Sonic Generations

Shadow and Sonic crossing each other In the air with a scared classic sonic in the background
Sonic X Shadow Generations

October 25, 2024
Sonic Team

When the reveal trailer for the latest game in the Sonic series debuted at the 2024 State of Play, a lot of fans were convinced for the first few moments that what they were seeing was a fresh new remake of Sonic Generations. This was already enough to get people on board, but the hype levels went through the roof once Shadow the Hedgehog himself flew onto the screen, which then led into a pretty lengthy gameplay segment showing brand-new stages for Shadow's section of the story.

It also felt as though Sega was making a real attempt to harken back to Shadow's roots in the series, especially with the appearance of Black Doom, who hadn't been seen since Shadow the Hedgehog in 2005. Mixed in with this are stages from the regular Sonic Generations, including Green Hill Zone and Rooftop Run, which looked phenomenal thanks to the new visual upgrade the game received.

2 Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

The Sonic 06 Reveal Is Thrilling And Visually Stunning Compilation Of The Game's Shining Moments

Sonic running from a fire tornado in the background
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

PS3 , Xbox 360
November 14, 2006
Sonic Team
Action-Adventure , Platformer

2006 was an exciting year for the game industry as it was when the seventh generation of consoles was finally released, so a lot of gamers were excited to see their favorite series make their debut on the latest hardware. Sonic the Hedgehog jumped on the hype train by releasing a reveal trailer that very year, and even though the game has become infamous for its lack of quality, the trailer made it seem as though this was genuinely going to be the best game the series had seen in a long time.

Sonic The Hedgehog: 14 Fastest Characters, Ranked

The Sonic franchise is full of speedy characters. Each is unique, but one is ultimately faster than the rest.

It kicks off with a jaw-dropping cinematic that looked far more grounded and realistic than anything that had been seen in a Sonic game before, while also putting a lot of focus on the human characters, which was also fairly unusual for the series. Once Sonic finally shows up, the epic "His World" theme kicks in as the cinematic flicks between Sonic, Shadow, and Silver all race through their respective stages, which almost felt like an homage to the multi-protagonist gameplay of Sonic Adventure 2. The music, the visuals, the gameplay, all of it came together to create a trailer which some would probably argue is better than the game it's advertising.

1 Sonic Adventure 2

A Trailer Emphasizing The Game's Compelling Story, Exciting Gameplay, And A Sneak Peek At A Fascinating New Hedgehog

Sonic running around a corner from a giant GUN truck
Sonic Adventure 2

Dreamcast , PC , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One
June 19, 2001
Sonic Team USA

Though the Sonic Adventure 2 reveal trailer showcased a bunch of gameplay from the perspective of numerous characters, there was also a notable emphasis on the story, which had traditionally been a weak spot for the series. The trailer is almost entirely based around contrasts; truth and lies, evil and justice, real and fake - all of these words show up in the trailer to get people thinking what exactly this game's plot would be about, while also giving a clever insight into this entry's brand-new character, Shadow.

There's also a stylish quality to this trailer, whether it be through the creative transitions between shots or even just the sped-up sequences that show characters moving at lightning speeds, it's a thrill ride that never lets its foot off the brakes. The final shot of a camera swirling around Shadow as he stands in the distance acts as a delightful cherry on top of such an epic trailer.

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The Gears of War series has become renowned for its epic reveal trailers, but which one stands as the most impactful of them all?