The Elder Scrolls franchise is packed with memorable NPCs that make each game funny, clever, terrifying, and immersive. This is especially true for the NPCs in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, arguably the most popular game in the franchise and one of the most popular video games of all time. Not only can the Last Dragonborn choose to marry an extensive list of romantic partners, but they can also adventure with a number of companions who are all incredibly distinct. With the upcoming release of The Elder Scrolls 6, fans are sure to discover a brand-new cast of lovable and horrifying NPCs but will hopefully see pasts favorites as well.

While The Elder Scrolls 6 has been announced, gamers might have to wait awhile as Bethesda is focused on releasing the outer-space-themed RPG Starfield and possibly the open-world co-op FPS shooter Redfall before it. Very few details have been confirmed about the new Elder Scrolls title, making it possible that the game might have a possible crossover with its predecessor and previous games in the franchise. Hopefully, The Elder Scrolls 6 will bring back iconic Skyrim NPCs who have made a significant impact on the game.

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Cicero and Babette From The Dark Brotherhood

Cicero Babette DB

The Elder Scrolls 5 has no shortage of optional side quests for players to dive into, especially when it comes to joining the various guilds and factions in the game. The most notorious faction in the game is "The Dark Brotherhood," a long-enduring guild of assassins creating chaos as part of the Night Mother's will. Completing the faction quests not only gives players access to the vast history of the Dark Brotherhood, but they are able to meet a cast of oddly loveable and deeply dangerous characters.

One iconic character is Cicero, keeper of the Night Mother's body and casket. Many Skyrim players might be able to remember the deeply disconcerting moments when the Last Dragonborn got a little too close to the Night Mother's casket, experiencing similar contact with the otherworldly entity that drove Cicero mad. While some players may have chosen to kill Cicero after he is revealed as a traitor, there is ample possibility for the jester to cause more chaos in Elder Scrolls 6 which could even include having his own chapter of the Dark Brotherhood.

Another iconic NPC who Dark Brotherhood is Babette, an ancient vampire who appears to have been turned as a child, giving her a deceptively innocent appearance. Not only is Babette a fantastic example of great character design, but she's also a master trainer and sells Daedra hearts. In a game full of classical enemies and character archetypes, Babette is a character that stands out, making her an awesome future companion, Dark Brotherhood faction leader, or an ally in The Elder Scrolls 6.

Sheogorath The Daedric Prince of Madness


Some Skyrim players may be unaware that Sheogorath has made an appearance in almost every single Elder Scrolls game that's been released, making him a likely candidate to return to the upcoming title. While he appears to be human, Sheogorath is actually the Daedric Prince of Madness who rules the Shivering Isles, a plane of Oblivion that can be explored in The Elder Scrolls: Shivering Isles. In Skyrim, Sheogorath has left the realm plunging it into madness. It would be incredible to experience a future quest line that involves helping Sheogorath bring peace to the plane of Oblivion - or whatever order looks like in the realm of madness.

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Lydia: The Most Divisive Housecarl in Skyrim

10 Skyrim NPC Memes Lydia

Lydia has had an incredible impact on fans of Skyrim, but not the reasons people might think. While the NPC is one of the first companions and marriage candidates that players encounter, her formalized dialogue and sarcasm-filled unrelenting loyalty to the Last Dragonborn makes Lydia the most popular and most hated NPC in Skyrim history. Depending on the time period that The Elder Scrolls 6 is set in, Lydia may or may not be alive. Even so, it would make for a hilarious cameo if Lydia can be found in the future game as the housecarl for another thane, or found in the forests or mountains of Skyrim where players often lose her.

Serana, the Dawnguard Vampire with An Elder Scroll

elder scrolls 5 skyrim serana vampire

Serana is arguably one of the most well-loved NPCs in Skyrim, due in part because she is not only an especially fleshed-out character but also voiced by Critical Role's Laura Bailey. The vampire makes her first appearance in the Dawnguard DLC, as players who choose the vampire quest line work with her to unveil the mysteries of the elder scroll on her back and her estranged family. Serana isn't like most companions: she has a paralleled level of free will, can interact with the environment, and declines the Dragonborn's requests. It would be incredible if the upcoming game allows players to meet her again, especially as she loves traveling.

M'aiq The Liar, The Elder Scroll's Long-Enduring Easter Egg

Skyrim M'aiq the Liar

First appearing in The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, M'aiq The Liar can be found traveling across Skyrim, sowing seeds of misinformation about the entire franchise. While the Khajit NPC loves telling the Last Dragonborn his opinions, many of them are comically incorrect, especially because he doesn't believe himself to be a liar. Some of the most iconic lines alluding to Elder Scrolls easter eggs include references to the morality of soul gems, the ridiculousness of dragon shouts, and even how NPCs in Skyrim are "better-looking" than in Oblivion because of graphical upgrades. It's a no-brainer to have M'aiq's gossip mill appear in The Elder Scrolls 6, if just for his quotes.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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