
  • Side characters in Rockstar Games add extra texture to the sprawling narratives, whether it's providing exposition or lightening the mood with amusing comments.
  • Characters like Cesar Vialpando in GTA: San Andreas and Lamar Davis in GTA 5 provide constant support and comic relief to the main protagonists.
  • Side characters like Mickey Cohen in L.A. Noire and Colm O'Driscoll in Red Dead Redemption 2 bring depth and conflict to the stories, making them more memorable.

Rockstar Games output wouldn't be as entertaining without the many memorable side characters that feature in their narratives. Some of them turn up to relay important exposition to the main characters which push the story forward, and others appear to lighten the mood with amusing comments and observations.

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Whether it's the bustling streets of Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto 5, or the wild west setting of the Red Dead Redemption series, or 1940s noir laden Los Angeles in L.A. Noire, side characters turn up to add extra texture to the sprawling narratives of each game in Rockstar's impressive back catalog.

8 Cesar Vialpando: GTA: San Andreas

cesar sitting on a car, with a gun in his hand.

Any side character that helps the protagonist is usually very popular with gamers, and Cesar Vialpando is a constant support to CJ Johnson in GTA: San Andreas.

He's a consistently good character in a world that is occupied by very bad characters. He only committed one murder in the game, but that was in order to destroy the Loco Syndicate.

7 Mickey Cohen: L.A. Noire

mickey cohen dressed in a smart suit

Loosely based on the real life gangster who taunted the LA scene in the 1940s, Mickey Cohen is a side character who appears in L.A. Noire.

Cohen and Phelps lock horns on numerous occasions during the game. The colorful gangster mainly appears when Phelps is working in vice, as Cohen is involved in the trafficking of morphine. Phelps' partner, Roy Earle is strongly believed to be on Cohen's payroll as their relationship always seems friendly despite being on different sides of the law.

6 Archer Fordham: Red Dead Redemption

Archer pointing a gun

There is a large focus on the outlaws in the Red Dead Redemption franchise, but there is a host of law enforcement officials trying to chase them down. One of which is Archer Fordham.

He has quite a few vicious encounters with Dutch van der Linde, showing that he's more than a match for

the violent gangs operating in the area. He's a smart agent who appears to be firm but on occasion, he can be extremely hot headed. After Dutch's death, he develops an uneasy alliance of sorts with John Marston, even thanking him for his help.

5 Fernando Martinez: GTA series

fernando at vice city fm

Fernando Martinez is a cult legend in the GTA universe and he appears in most games since GTA 3. He's a self-confessed misogynist and sex pest, who keeps finding himself a gig on the radio waves.

He is hilarious, despite his unpleasant views on the world. Despite him being just a side character, he is only second to Lazlow in terms of most appearances in the series.

4 Rusty Galloway: L.A. Noire

rusty in a top hat

When Cole Phelps gets promoted to the Homicide squad, he encounters Rusty Galloway and becomes his partner. Rusty resents Cole for his rather quick promotion, and tension remains throughout their partnership.

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He's a cynical detective, but fans warmed to him because of his hatred of sex offenders, and other criminals. However, he is often described as lazy and a borderline alcoholic who doesn't do things by the book. These character traits don't make him someone to naturally root for, but he is one of the best side characters in the game.

3 Lazlow Jones: GTA series

Lazlow-Jones hosting a reality tv show

Lazlow Jones has been in and around the GTA universe since 2001, when GTA 3 was released. He's a media personality, and didn't actually physically appear until Grand Theft Auto 5, which was an absolute treat for fans who had followed the franchise for over twenty years.

He's a reality television host now, after graduating from his radio appearances. His voice is instantly recognizable, and if he continues to appear in future games, his face is bound to be just as noticeable.

2 Colm O'Driscoll: Red Dead Redemption 2

colm tied up

A secondary villain in Red Dead Redemption 2, Colm O'Driscoll was memorable in his appearances in the classic western game.

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He's a mean person who doesn't care about anyone else in his gang, but as outlaws go, he's a pretty impressive one. When he captures Arthur Morgan, he does so knowing that Dutch will come to rescue him, therefore, he will be able to capture Dutch and gain the reward money. Intelligent side characters litter this franchise, but O'Driscoll is the best of a wild bunch.

1 Lamar Davis: GTA 5

Lamar-Davis pointing a gun

GTA 5 has it dark moments, but when Lamar Davis turns up, he lightens the mood with his foul-mouthed expletives and amusing anecdotes. He's best friends with one of the protagonists of the game, Franklin, but only appears sporadically throughout the game.

Lamar first appears during a repossession job in Vespucci Beach, with Franklin by his side. They are confronted by the Vagos gang and manage to fight their way out of trouble. Lamar can handle himself and is much more than just the comedy relief in the game.

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