Horror games are as popular as ever at the moment, with fans going crazy for the newly released The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, as well as continuing to enjoy many other horror games currently on the market.

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The ability to play with strong characters is a must for any good horror game, as the player will usually spend several hours with them as they try to progress. Whether it's a multiplayer survival game or an intense story-based game, characters need to be strong in order to keep the player invested. However, it's often the side characters in horror games who pique the interest of the fans, with important information to aid the protagonists, and, on occasion, humor to provide some respite to the stressful situations and choices faced by them.

7 Bob Washington - Until Dawn

monster stalking victim

Bob Washington is a well-known movie director in Until Dawn, and the story goes that he bought the Blackwood Mountain back in the '90s and transformed it into a ski lodge after being warned not to build it on the land, by The Stranger.

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He's a key part of the overall mythology of the game, despite not being a major part of the story. He is the father of twins, Beth and Hannah, and also Josh, so his importance to the story shouldn't be underestimated.

6 Ash Williams - Evil Dead: The Game

ash with a chainsaw

There are many variations of Ash Williams in Evil Dead: The Game, but the first Ash from the original Evil Dead, who acts primarily as a supporting character, is arguably the best one.

He is most effective when he is put with other survivors as he helps them in many different ways. His active skill involves him reducing fear levels for the player and their team. He's also just as groovy as all the other iterations of Ash in the game.

5 Travis Hackett - The Quarry

travis in the quarry

Ted Raimi is a legend of the horror genre, and he makes a welcome appearance in the Supermassive Games popular choices game, The Quarry. He plays Travis, the mysterious sheriff of North Kill.

He appears towards the beginning of the story when he turns up to help Max and Laura after they crash the car. He instantly makes them feel uneasy and clearly doesn't like them. As the story progresses, it's clear that he doesn't like any of the counselors, but he has his reasons for this.

4 Ada Wong - Resident Evil Series

ada wong

Ada Wong has gone on a memorable journey in the Resident Evil franchise, originally featuring as a minor supporting character, and ending up being a major playable character in Resident Evil 6.

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She is a spy and a mercenary, and fans are unsure of her background as it remains mysterious throughout the series. She is known for her quirky outfits and badass killing skills, which have endeared her to the Resident Evil super fans.

3 The Joker - Batman: Arkham Knight/Arkham City

joker batman arkham city

The Joker was an incredibly low-key presence in Arkham Knight, but his role is slightly increased for the sequel, albeit he still spends much of it in the background.

He turns up to antagonize Batman in Arkham City from time to time, but this game is primarily about Batman, so he doesn't get the chance to show fans that he is one of the most chaotic characters around, but he remains an important side character nonetheless.

2 Chris Hackett - The Quarry

chris hackett, owner of summer camp

David Arquette gave one of the best motion capture performances ever in the role of Chris Hackett in The Quarry, returning to the horror genre he knows very well from his role in the Scream franchise.

He is the owner of Hackett's Quarry, and it's unclear what his intentions are in the game. In Chapter 9, there is an option for Ryan to shoot him or save him, and it puts the player in a very difficult position. Fans still grieving Dewey Riley's loss in Scream 5 would probably opt to save him, but doing so results in Laura and Ryan's death. It's a tough choice to decide the fate of one of the best side characters of all time.

1 Bill - The Last of Us

Bill in The Last of Us

Bill plays a minor role in The Last Of Us and forms an uneasy alliance with Joel and Ellie shortly into the story. He initially saves them from a group of infected and takes them to his safe house. His paranoia leads him to search them both for bites, resulting in some tension with Joel.

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The epic television adaptation of the game gives Bill a much more prominent role, even featuring a whole episode dedicated to his character. However, Bill in The Last of Us game is very much a side character, albeit one who plays a pivotal role in the story. He is mentioned in The Last of Us Part 2, but his ultimate fate remains unknown, leaving the door open for a potential return in a future sequel. Based on his positive impact in both the games and the television series, it can't be ruled out.

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