With 2017 coming to a close, many fans may be wondering which video game console stood above the rest as the best-selling console of the year. While an exact winner has yet to be named, analyst Daniel Ives of the market research firm GBH Insights believes that the Nintendo Switch has beat the PS4 and Xbox One to be the best-selling console of 2017, with roughly 15 million units sold.

Not only does Ives believe that the Nintendo Switch is the best-selling video game console of 2017, but he also listed it among the top five best-selling tech products in general. According to Ives, the Switch was beaten out by the Apple Watch (20 million units sold), Amazon Echo Dot (24 million units sold), Samsung Galaxy S8 and Note 8 (33 million units sold), and the iPhone (223 million units sold). However, since the Switch is not in direct competition with any of those products, its placement on the list is still extremely impressive.

It's true that Ives could be off with his analysis, but the Switch being the best-selling video game console of 2017 wouldn't be all that surprising. After all, both the PS4 and the Xbox One have been on the market since 2013, whereas the Nintendo Switch is a brand new product that launched earlier this year.

nintendo switch 10 million units sold first year

Not only that, but the Switch had quite the impressive 2017. In 2017, the Switch saw the release of two of the highest-rated video games ever made release for it, with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild available at launch and Super Mario Odyssey serving as its big holiday game. Furthermore, its library was also bolstered by strong third party support, including well-received ports of games like The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, NBA 2K18, and Doom.

Moving forward, the Switch's momentum shows no signs of slowing down. The console has multiple games announced for it that all stand a chance at being best-sellers, including Metroid Prime 4, a new main series Pokemon RPG, a new Kirby game, and a new Yoshi game. Knowing Nintendo, there are likely many other projects in the works for the console that have yet to even be announced at the time of this writing.

In 2018, the PS4 and Xbox One will both turn five years old, and it's unlikely that either console will rise back to the top of the sales charts. If Nintendo is able to avoid a software drought like it typically suffers with its consoles, then it's not unreasonable to assume that the Switch will maintain its sales dominance and be named the best-selling console next year as well.

Source: USA Today