Secret societies have been a part of some of the most exciting mystery stories and were the devious villains of some of the best action-horror games over the past decades. While many of these secret organizations have evil purposes and want to take over the world, there are also many that are trying to fight back against tyranny.

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Secret society games are some of the best options for gamers who love difficult and twisty brain-teasers as well as the conspiracy theories of the best mystery games. Players can get to know the most well-connected secret societies in games that have been inspired by the Illuminati and other secret societies that may or may not exist in real life. Gamers can go on epic adventures through time and space and get lost in some of the most thrilling conspiracies and join the greatest gaming secret societies to fight for or against evil.

7 Illuminati - Deus Ex

Adam in Deus Ex

The Deus Ex franchise has its own Illuminati which is the evil secret organization in these iconic cyberpunk-inspired sci-fi games. This beautifully designed FPS game has a dystopian and deeply immersive setting in which players will have to work against the evil forces of the Illuminati and other organizations that try to harm humanity.

Deus Ex is perfect for players who like atmospheric RPGs and complex dialogue systems in games and want to go on an action-filled adventure. Players will not only get a chance to shoot their way through to victory but will be fully immersed in a dark and mysteries-filled futuristic world.

6 Illuminati - The Secret World

Illuminati members in The Secret World

The Secret World is another story-rich RPG that was inspired by history's most iconic secret society, the Illuminati. This MMORPG will take its players around the world and let them explore dark and terrifying versions of London, New York, and Seoul among many other fascinating cities.

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Players not only get to explore the atmospheric but scary open world, but gamers will have to join one of the secret societies of the game; the Illuminati, the Templars, or the Dragons and fight in a deadly secret war between good and evil. While this game is one of the most thrilling MMORPGs it can be overwhelming for casual gamers, so it's a good idea to check out a few beginner tips for The Secret World.

5 Inner Circle - Max Payne

Max in Max Payne

The Inner Circle is one of the most iconic and classic secret societies in games. The members of the Inner Circle not only have control over organized crime in New York but can even influence the government. Throughout the many games of the Max Payne franchise, the members have changed and been killed off, but the secret society always managed to survive, and the members kept working on building their society's influence.

Max Payne is one of the most popular classic Noir games with an atmospheric and cinematic world. This beloved crime game also has one of the best nightmare sequences in games and players will get to step into the shoes of Max, a fugitive undercover cop who was framed for murder. Players have to go on a dangerous adventure to uncover the dark mystery.

4 Council - The Council

council members in The Council

The Council is one of the most thrilling secret societies in games with many devious, manipulative, and influential members. Players will get an invitation to join this historical secret society and use their detective skills as well as their charms to uncover the dark secrets of the mysterious members.

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The Council is a narrative-driven and deeply atmospheric historical game set in 1793 and is perfect for those who enjoy murder mysteries as well as conspiracy theory lovers. Players will have to make their choices wisely because many are un-reversible and will determine if they're able to uncover all the mysteries of this twisty story and find their missing mother before it's too late.

3 The Railroad - Fallout 4

Desdemona in Fallout 4

The Railroad is one of the most righteous secret societies in gaming whose members are risking their lives to save and free sentient synths. This secret society has been around since it became first public that the creators at the Institute are keeping their sentient synths like slaves.

It has been debated for years if sentient synths deserve the same rights as natural humans but nothing has been done to protect them, so The Railroad members decided to take matters into their hands. Fallout 4 is one of the most story-rich and immersive games of the iconic Fallout franchise and is one of the best sci-fi games with bizarre weapons. Players will get a chance to explore a gorgeously designed post-apocalyptic open world as the only survivors of Vault 111 and have to find ways to stay alive and find their missing son in a ruthless and deadly world.

2 Dark Brotherhood - The Elder Scrolls

members of The Dark Brotherhood in The Elder Scrolls

The Dark Brotherhood is one of the most infamous secret societies of this brilliantly dark game. They're one of the most known assassins who are feared by many all across the magical land of Tamriel. Dark Brotherhood is one of the most terrifying and evil secret societies that mercilessly murder those who are not obeying their wishes.

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The Elder Scrolls is one of the most popular MMORPG open-world fantasy games of all time. Players can freely customize their characters and can choose to become some of the most powerful and brave female characters in Elder Scrolls as well. Players can freely explore this dark but beautiful world and all its mysteries while also crafting, stealing, and joining epic battles and meeting with fantastic creatures as well as powerful villains and heroes.

1 Assassin Order - Assassin’s Creed

members of The Assassin Order in Assassin’s Creed

Assassin Order is easily the single most known secret society in games. This secret society is so well-known that even non-gamers know about its existence. It's one of the oldest secret societies that have been fighting an ancient and secret war against the evil Templars.

Thanks to Assassin's Creed's ancient war that has been going on for over two thousand years, players were able to go on some of the most epic adventures and visit all kinds of historical places. Players can join this iconic secret organization and go on epic adventures to help ensure that free will and new ideas are not eradicated by the evil Templars.

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