Many know the SCP Foundation as the fictional secret organization dedicated to the capture, study, and if necessary, termination of anomalous entities. Each entity has a file attached to it that details what it is, its relationship to the Foundation (including how it was captured and studies conducted on it), and how exactly it is to be contained and monitored. These entities are given an SCP designation, I.E SCP 087, SCP 610, and so on.

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Over the years this collaborative writing project has spawned a multitude of fan-favorite stories, each with its own characters and SCPs. SCPs have gotten so popular that fans have begun speculating on which ones would be ideal for the big screen even. With films like Annihilation or Ex Machina being so good it's hard to blame them, especially since there are so many SCPs that could fit into films like these. Here are just a few SCPs that would make for some great horror movie villains.

6 SCP-173: The Sculpture

SCP 173 The Sculpture

SCP-173 is the original and most famous of all SCPs. The concept is simple; The Sculpture is a humanoid entity that, as long as it's being observed, will remain still. If one were to take their eyes off it, even for a microsecond, SCP-173 will begin to move to the nearest person and attempt to kill them. For the Foundation, this makes it difficult to contain, as it needs to be under surveillance 24/7, and its cell needs constant cleaning.

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This requires a team of individuals known as D-class, all of whom are convicts on death row, to watch 173 as they clean its containment cell. Of course, there's plenty for there to go wrong here, as shown in SCP: Containment Breach.

5 SCP-4666: The Yule Man


The idea of an evil Santa Claus-type character is nothing new in cinema, but the Yule Man is particularly terrifying for a number of reasons. For one thing, the Yule Man is somewhat unique among SCPs in that the Foundation has no method of containing this creature, which means that it is free to carry out whatever sadistic plans it has in store during the holiday season.

For another, SCP-4666 is known to stalk the houses of families during and around Christmastime where one of two things will happen: either it will brutally kill every member save for any one child under 8 years old (instead choosing to abduct it), or it will leave presents for them in the form of toys crudely fashioned from human remains.

4 SCP-354: The Red Pool

SCP 354 The Red Pool

While not a villain in the traditional sense, SCP-354 is a perfect example of a setting being a character unto itself. From the outside, it looks like a blood-red colored body of liquid, but it's actually a gateway to a mysterious alien world as per the exploration logs. Not only this but there is a multitude of anomalous creatures that come out of the pool and are dealt with by Foundation security on a regular basis.

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These creatures are given their own SCP designations and range from extremely hostile mechanical monstrosities to completely normal humans. The potential for a film centering around the Red Pool is simply massive.

3 SCP-096: The Shy Guy

SCP 096 Shy Guy

The Shy Guy would make for an excellent villain in an It Follows style of a horror film, where the protagonists are forced to flee from this unrelenting force of nature. SCP-096 is one of the most simple SCPs of them all in that normally it's rather docile until someone sees its face either directly or via a picture or video.

At this point, 096 will immediately become enraged and attempt to kill the person who saw its face, having an innate sense of said person's location. To date, there is no known way to stop SCP-096 from reaching its target, nor is there any way of recovering the remains of the target (referred to as SCP-096-1) after it has killed them.

2 SCP-5000: Why?

Metro Last Light Landscape

SCP-5000, while not a villain in its own right (as it itself is only a high-tech suit of armor), is really the story of what would happen if the SCP Foundation itself become the villain. As per the data logs stored on the suit, the Foundation makes a discovery relating to the collective human psycho-space, and as a result, deemed it necessary to eradicate all human life on the planet.

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The SCP Foundation is an organization that has made it its business to hold every card imaginable for an indeterminate period of time. It knows all the secrets and has practically limitless destructive capability as a result. For them to suddenly and mysteriously turn all of that back onto humanity, those they once protected would be the ultimate nightmare scenario.

1 SCP-106: The Old Man

SCP-106 The Old Man

The Old Man, like SCP-173, is among the site's most famous characters and is one of the most common SCP antagonists the player will encounter in the SCP: Containment Breach video game.

Nicknamed "Radical Larry" by the community, SCP-106 is a heavily decomposed elderly man with several anomalous abilities such as a corrosive effect on objects, the ability to pass through solid material, and traveling in and out of his own pocket dimension. This pocket dimension also serves as a trap for his prey, which he will chase and toy with for his own amusement. All of this would serve him well as a villain in an SCP-related film.

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