Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon may not have been the first magical girl series but it remains the most notable in the genre and is credited with the creation of many of its defining traits. One of these was transformation sequences, an attribute that all renditions of Sailor Moon feature plenty of.

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Sailor Moon inarguably contains some of the greatest transformation scenes to date in animation but which of its own metamorphic scenes reign supreme? The answer is certainly a subjective one but here’s one take on what are the best of the iconic series’ anime transformation sequences, and how they should be ranked.

11 Sailor Starlights Star Power Makeup

Sailor Starlights Star Power Makeup

The Sailor Starlight trio and their transformations stand out from the rest of the Sailors in a variety of ways but the most prominent difference is that the Three Lights undergo a sex change from male to female (in the nineties anime) when they embody their Sailor Starlight personas.

The inclusion of a physical bodily alteration and the unique usage of split screens in the sequences made the Sailor Starlight transformations memorable, even amongst Sailor Moon’s many other Power Makeup scenes, despite being shorter and minimally individualized to each Sailor.

10 Outer Senshi Planet Power Makeup (Crystal)

Outer Senshi Planet Power Makeup (Crystal)

Sailor Moon Crystal includes the iconic dazzling nail polish animation that the Outer Sailor Senshi never got to have in the nineties anime in its version of the Outer Senshi’s Planet Power Makeup sequences, which is a greatly welcome addition. Disappointingly, only Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were given transformation sequences in the remake.

The exclusion is compliant with the manga’s narrative but a letdown for fans who were excited to see a new version of Sailor Pluto’s transformation or to finally have an anime scene of Sailor Saturn transforming, a visual that would only exist in the Sailor Moon SuperS video games until Sailor Moon Eternal.

9 Outer Senshi Planet Power Makeup

Outer Senshi Planet Power Makeup

The transformation sequences of the Outer Sailor Senshi aren’t quite as elaborate as the Inner Sailor Senshi but are still gorgeous and tailored to each of the Senshi, highlighting their personal power elements. The nineties anime gifted Sailor Pluto with her own fabulous transformation scene within the main story, a sequence that previously only existed within a side story of the manga.

There’s no shimmering nail polish animation but the Outer Senshi at least got their Lip Rods (and some cute though not sparkly nail color).

8 Outer Senshi Crystal Power Makeup (Eternal)

Outer Senshi Crystal Power Makeup (Eternal)

Mashups of the Sailors’ transformation sequences are common in the series, and though underwhelming, are understandable given that it would be tedious and time-consuming to go through the entirety of every single Sailor’s transformation every single time they prepared for battle.

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The exception is the Outer Senshi Crystal group transformation scene in Sailor Moon Eternal. The cutscene gracefully utilizes split screens of the Sailors yet allows each to bask in their own individual transfigurations. Most notably, Sailor Saturn finally obtains the transformation sequence she deserves.

7 Inner Senshi Crystal Power Makeup (Eternal)

Inner Senshi Crystal Power Makeup (Eternal)

Perhaps a controversial opinion given how (understandably) beloved the nineties anime is but Sailor Moon Crystal’s sequel film arguably has the stronger rendition of the Inner Senshi’s Crystal Power Makeup transformation. The nineties anime shows the Sailors employing Crystal Change Rods to transform into their Super Sailor form but the manga and Sailor Moon Eternal portray the Sailors instead calling upon their Sailor Crystals that are the source of their Sailor Guardian Power.

The concept of the Sailor Crystals and the way they don’t present themselves within the transformations emphasize that the Sailors are growing more attuned to their identities as Sailor Guardians, and how their powers beginning to manifest purely through their own will rather than through gadgets.

6 Inner Senshi Planet Power Makeup (Crystal)

Inner Senshi Planet Power Makeup (Crystal)

After forcing viewers to endure two seasons of Power Makeup and Star Power Makeup’s badly implemented 3D animation, Sailor Moon Crystal’s third season finally provides transformation sequences that live up to Sailor Moon’s legacy as a cornerstone magical girl series.

The creators clearly wanted to try something new with the reboot, and admittingly the 3D style on the Sailor’s elements is undeniably cool. But animating the Sailors themselves in that divergent style is incredibly jarring for viewers, and makes their favorite girls look practically inhuman. Although the Crystal Power Makeup sequence is quite similar in appearance and quality to Planet Power Makeup’s, the latter has those unforgettable Star Power Wands.

5 Inner Senshi Power Makeup

Inner Senshi Power Makeup

As the first Inner Senshi transformation scenes in animation, these sequences have a firm place in the hearts of SailorMoon fans. Sailor Moon Crystal’s animation, especially once it did away with the 3D nonsense, is beautiful but there is an inherent magic in the nineties anime’s Power Makeup scenes that preserve their charm to this day.

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Although they didn’t come equipped with magical nail polish, the Sailors’ transformation pens were adorable and had fans dreaming of their own superpowered writing utensils (and of course made for some profitable merchandise).

4 Inner Senshi Star Power Makeup

Inner Senshi Star Power Makeup

Sailor Moon herself may have been the first to debut glimmering nail polish with Moon Prism Power Makeup but, for once, an aspect of her transformation pales in comparison to the other Sailors (at least where the nineties anime is concerned). Watching the tips of each girl’s fingers light up and tint in a swirl of sparkles as she powered up encapsulated one of the primary themes of Sailor Moon. That femininity can equate to incredible strength.

The Star Power Wands themselves also do well to capture the essence of magical girls, they may be small and pretty but they pack a mighty punch.

3 Moon Prism Power Makeup

Moon Prism Power Makeup

The one that truly started it all, not just for Sailor Moon but for the magical girl genre as a whole. As the titular heroine of the series, it’s no surprise that Sailor Moon claims the longest and most extravagant transformation sequences of the Sailors. The detail with which the ribbons that flare out and wrap around Usagi are drawn is absolutely spellbinding in this sequence, especially the frames illustrating her gloves materializing.

It may lack some of the striking choreography that elevates her future transformations but make no mistake, Moon Prism Power Makeup is still one of the most iconic magical girl moments in history.

2 Moon Cosmic Power Makeup

Sailor Moon

The heart motif that peppers Sailor Moon’s third transformation sequence reflects the themes of love and romance in the series. Symbolism aside, hearts are incorporated stylishly into the scene, accentuating Usagi’s movements, accessorizing her jewelry, and even creating her skirt. Moon Cosmic Power Makeup also marks the moment when her tiara gem is replaced by a crescent moon, her planetary symbol that she bore in her previous life and will eventually bear in the future.

The emotional significance of Usagi connecting with all versions of herself and the stunning ballet moves showcased in this transformation makes it one of the series’ best moments.

1 Moon Crystal Power Makeup

Moon Crystal Power Makeup

The best of the best. The choreography of the sequence is perfection, from the way Usagi places her Crystal Star Compact on her chest to the pose she strikes with her head thrown back as her tiara forms, a shot that even was used in the English dub’s opening (making the transformation even more nostalgic).

The angel wings that frame Usagi as the base of her Sailor suit materializes, foreshadow her future power of flight, as well as subtly remind the viewer of what makes Usagi the hero she is, her pure heart. Altogether, it’s a moment that is completely and utterly Sailor Moon.

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