The Rurouni Kenshin anime series explores the life of its titular protagonist, who has made a vow to never kill again. In the past, Kenshin was known as Hitokiri Battosai, a cold and ruthless swordsman with a flair for killing. However, Kenshin seeks to change his ways and wanders Japan, helping those in need to atone for his past crimes.

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The original Rurouni Kenshin anime series was released in the late 90s, but with a new remake on the horizon, both old and new fans of the series are eager to see some of the most intense and emotionally charged fights re-animated with better quality. Fans are sure to be excited to see these battles on their TV screens once again.

10 Kenshin Vs. Cho

Kenshin and Cho in a sword fight

As a member of Shishio’s Juppongatana, Cho, the Swordhunter, faces Kenshin in a battle for a sword that both men require. Although he has a handicap, Kenshin battles Cho and overpowers him. Cho steals a baby to regain the upper hand, using it to distract Kenshin.

Angered by Cho’s dirty tactic, Kenshin steels his mind to break his vow and draws upon a sword to kill Cho. Luckily, the sword he used is also reverse-edged, so Cho does not die from the attack. However, he suffers grave injuries as Kenshin leaves a crater on his chest.

9 Kenshin Vs. Saito

Kenshin Vs. Saito in the anime

The ex-captain of the third unit of the Shinsengumi, Saito Hajime, is a justice extremist. Living by his Shinsengumi code, ‘Swift Death to Evil’, Saito is sent to battle Kenshin. In the past, Saito and Kenshin (then Hittojiri Battousai) clashed, and Saito considered him an enemy.

As both men duke it out, they go all out against each other to determine who is the better warrior. With Kenshin having to revert to his Battousai personality, Saito proves a capable warrior. Even with Kenshin reverting to his darker self, Saito manages to fight him to a standstill. Luckily, both men come to see the bigger picture and end their rivalry for a greater cause.

8 Seijuro Vs. Fuji

Seijuro and. Fuji fighting

As the twelfth successor of the Flying Heaven Govern Sword-Style and Kenshin’s master, Hiko Seijuro is a serious samurai. He faces off against Fuji, a giant man and member of the Juppongatana. Although their fight does not last long, it highlights Seijuro’s prowess against even those more than twice his size.

As Fuji swings down his giant katana with both hands, doubling his attack power, Seijuro manages to hang onto the giant blade and ends the battle with a single attack. As the strongest man in the series, the Seijuro vs. Fuji battle highlighted his strengths perfectly.

7 Sanosuke Vs. Anji

Sanosuke and Anji fighting

The ex-member of the Sekiho Army, Sanosuke Sagara, dukes it out with Yukyuzan Anji, a member of Shishio‘s Juppongatana. Before the battle, Sano and Anji met without any awareness that they were about to face each other. During their short time together, Sano learns Futae-no-Kimwami, Anji’s trademark technique.

Because of this, Sano feels he must battle Anji when it is revealed that their fate is one of opposition. However, as the duo duke it out, Sano battles not to merely defeat Anji, but to show him the path out of the darkness.

6 Kenshin Vs. Aoshi

Kenshin and Aoshi pre battle stance

With great intelligence and analytical skills, Shinomori Aoshi leads the revered Oniwabanshu, an elite cadre of ninjas. Aoshi uses a hired gun to kill Kenshin. However, he fights Kenshin not for his employer but to prove he is the better warrior.

With a bigger frame than Kenshin’s, Aoshi temporarily overpowers the Rurouni (wandering samurai) and almost kills him. However, Kenshin, being the skilled samurai that he is, manages to pull off a high-level technique by using his bare hands to catch Aoshi’s blade and emerges victorious in their battle.

5 Yahiko Vs. Henya

Yahiko staring and Henya flying

One of Yahiko's most challenging battles comes from the cunning Juppongatana member Henya. This fight shows that winning does not require extraordinary tricks but rather a bright mind and courage. Despite the fact that Yahiko was a younger fighter with a simpler skill set, he manages to emerge victorious in the battle by incorporating some of Kenshin’s battle tricks.

This battle shows fans that grit always prevails since Yahiko shows that he is capable of astounding victories even in the absence of superhuman talent by using his opponent's attack to his advantage.

4 Saito Vs. Usui

Saito and Usui battling

The blind swordsman Uonuma Usui is pitted against Saito, while Kenshin proceeds to battle Shishio. Before the battle, Usui mentions he is stronger than Shishio and merely stays his Juppongatana as he can kill Shishio anytime. However, during his battle against Saito, Saito reveals that Usui is merely an arrogant coward who can only take out his rage over losing to Shishio against weaker opponents.

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As both individuals duke it out, Saito manages to emerge victorious, albeit with grave injuries. This battle is particularly intriguing as both characters battle psychologically and physically, seeking to win in a battle of minds as well as in a battle of physical strength.

3 Kenshin Vs. Udo Jin-e

Kenshin slash attack against Udo Jin-e

As a bloodthirsty man-slayer, Udo Jin-e had a tendency to kill for fun. Before fighting, Jin-e liked to instill fear in his opponents, as shown when he poisoned Kaori before fighting Kenshin to raise the stakes of their battle. Jin-e showed exceptional techniques in his battle against Kenshin as he seamlessly wielded his blade in either hand, confusing Kenshin and finding an opening to strike.

With the fear of losing Kaori, Kenshin almost reverted to his Hitokiri persona during their battle. However, he manages to stop himself from doing so. After the battle, Jin-e kills himself by committing seppuku because he cannot bear the shame of losing to Kenshin.

2 Kenshin Vs. Sojiro

Kenshin and Sojiro battling

The strongest among Shishio’s Juppongatana was undoubtedly Sojiro. In his second battle against Kenshin, Sojiro had the upper hand for most of the fight. He was able to overpower Kenshin in speed, which is a big deal as one of Kenshin’s strongest points is his speed.

During the battle, Kenshin only gained the upper hand by breaking through Sojiro’s mental defenses. As Sojiro always wore a smile on his face, his actions were nigh unpredictable, and Kenshin needed to break through to defeat him. After successfully defeating Sojiro by cracking his mental state, Sojiro became humble and accepted his loss.

1 Kenshin, Saito, Aoshi, and Sanosuke Vs. Shishio Makoto

Kenshina and Shishio Makoto battling

The leader of the Juppongatana and main villain of the Rurouni Kenshin Kyoto Arc, Shishio Makoto, finally dukes it out with Kenshin. Like the cunning man he is, Shishio uses different members of his Juppongatana to wear our Kenshin before he faces him. Thankfully, Kenshin’s allies come to help him, even though Shishio disposes of them quickly.

While their swords clash and fire burns, the duo are involved in a battle that will determine the fate of Japan. Due to Shishio’s unique weakness—extreme hyperthermia due to a lack of sweat glands—their battle is one of attrition. With skill and perseverance, Kenshin manages to hold out, and Shishio’s searing body eventually reaches its limits, catching fire and killing Shishio in the process.

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