
  • Video game rebellions tell inspiring stories of underdogs rising up.
  • They challenge players' perceptions of the enemy, blurring good and evil.
  • Protagonists like Detroit: Become Human's Markus and Far Cry 4's Ajay face ethical dilemmas in leading revolts.

Rebellions in video games are great for two reasons. First, they allow games to tell inspiring stories about underdogs rising up against their oppressors. Second, they can challenge the player’s perception on the enemies they face throughout the game. Sometimes, the opposing side is so unambiguously evil (or ambiguously human) that players can mow them down without a second thought. Other times, there are real people on both sides of a conflict, making players reconsider just how much of a “hero” they truly are.

Best Anti-Hero Games That Don't Involve Superheroes

Superhero games are fun, however anti-hero games are just as incredible and these are the best of the lot.

Both of these aspects are reinforced tenfold in games where the protagonist isn’t just a member of the resistance — they’re the head honcho. What choices will they be forced to make? What expectations or public opinions are on their shoulders? How successful are they in overcoming the ruling class? These games explore these questions in depth.

6 Freedom Fighters

Christopher Stone Becomes The Freedom Phantom

Collage Maker-05-Mar-2023-05-32-PM-2007
Freedom Fighters

Nintendo GameCube , PlayStation 2 , Xbox , PC
October 1, 2003
EA Games
Third-Person Shooter

It’s hard to say whether Christopher Stone was at the wrong place at the wrong time or if he was right where he needed to be. He was just a plumber trying to do his job when the Soviet Union invaded New York. From there, he’s molded into the “Freedom Phantom,” the Mockingjay-esque figurehead of the resistance movement.

Unfortunately for him, the big twist Freedom Fighters is that Mr. Jones, the mastermind behind Chris’ success, is actually a KGB agent who’s using the resistance to fuel his own agenda. That’s when Chris decides to fully don the proverbial mask, recruiting as many people asc he can to his cause. The game ends with them winning the battle, and gearing up for the war ahead.

5 Detroit: Become Human

Markus Becomes An Android Leader Of The People

Markus Sing
Detroit: Become Human

PS4 , PC
May 25, 2018

In the not-so-distant future, androids have emerged as the latest model of second-class citizens. They’ll run errands, care for the elderly, and basically do any labor-intensive or demeaning task that “real people” can no longer be bothered to do themselves. Is it any wonder, then, when androids begin gaining sentience, why they start to revolt?

One of the three core protagonists of Detroit: Become Human is Markus, an android who’s seen the best and the worst of how his people are treated by society at large. He eventually becomes the leader of the revolution, speaking out for his people’s agency and desire for equal rights. Whether his movement is peaceful or riotous is left up to the player, leading to several drastically different endings for Markus’ story. Regardless, his impassioned pleas shake the world, making humanity truly question what it means to be “real.”

4 Far Cry 4

Ajay Ghale Discovers The Ethical Implications Of Victory

Far Cry 4 Promo Image
Far Cry 4

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
November 18, 2014
FPS , Open-World

As most entries on this list show, a rebellion is never clean. They’re often filled with ethical dilemmas, morally ambiguous power players, civilian casualties, and an ending that’s not much better than the beginning. But no game shows that better than Far Cry 4, showing a civil war that’s just as bloody and power-hungry as all get out. And as it turns out, being a revolutionary runs in the family.

Far Cry Setting Tier List

The Far Cry franchise has explored a huge range of settings over the years, with some clearly suiting the IP's themes much more than others.

Ajay Ghale may not be the “leader” of the Golden Path, but he quickly cements himself as one of its biggest players. The choices players make will invariably swing the Path’s future one way or the other, forever shaping the future of Kyrat. Neither path is all sunshine and rainbows, either, leaving players wondering whether they chose the right side - if there was even a “right” side to begin with.

3 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

A New Leader of the “Punching Nazis” Rebellion Rises

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Poster
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
October 27, 2017

The Wolfenstein series takes place in an alternative version of history that’s horrifying to even consider: a world where the Axis powers won. Nazis have taken over the world, and the results are just as dystopian as they sound. The series protagonist is B.J. Blazkowics, a Jewish-American soldier who joins the resistance movement to remove Nazi occupation from America once and for all.

Blazkowicz has always been an important member of the rebellion, but it’s in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus that he finally takes over the position of leadership. This comes after the grievous loss of his good friend Caroline Becker, who used to be the head of the operation before losing her own. Even with the grief that comes with succeeding her title, fans can agree that Blazkowics has more than earned it.

2 XCOM 2

Call The Shots For The Survival Of Humanity

Blue XCOM 2 Logo On The Left With A Depiction Of A Gray Alien Made With Human Skulls On The Right

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
February 5, 2016
2K Games
Strategy , RPG

The first XCOM game, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, centered on a military organization trying to fend off an alien invasion. In its sequel, XCOM 2, set two decades after the first, players get to see how well that panned out. Long story short, it didn’t. The aliens have taken over, and much of humanity’s leadership has bowed to their new overlords. But XCOM hasn’t given up the fight yet.

Instead of following orders, this paramilitary group has refashioned itself into a resistance movement. Players take the role of their unnamed Commander, as they call the shots for humanity’s last stand against the invasion. While most of the game is centered on turn-based strategy, the story is all about inspiring the rest of humanity to join the fight. The Commander’s quest to unearth ADVENT’s corruption might just be enough to finally turn the tide, once and for all.

1 Half-Life 2

A Reluctant Hero Battles The Combine

Gordon Freeman in Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2

PC , Xbox 360 , Xbox (Original) , PS3 , macOS , Linux , Android
November 16, 2004

Gordon Freeman never asked for his mythical status, but darn if doesn’t know how to make the most of it. Back in the first Half-Life game, he was just your average genius scientist trying to survive a disaster at work. Sure, the incident in question may have involved opening a portal to a hostile alien world but, still, he was just an ordinary man trying to survive a terrible situation and make sure it didn’t doom humanity.

But by the time the events in Half-Life 2 happen, the tale of Gordon Freeman is known to all. He wakes up out of stasis to find he’s become a legend among the Resistance. It’s to the point where no one questions it when he assumes control over the battle against the Combine. Now, he’s just a guy who’s going to finish what he started, even if he didn’t really mean to start it in the first place, because that’s just the kind of guy Gordon Freeman is.

The Best FPS Games On The PlayStation 2, Ranked

The PlayStation 2 was one of the most successful video game consoles of all time, and here are the best FPS games available on the system.