In the world of gaming, RPGs have been a staple genre since before games even went digital. Video games have since evolved into experiences where players can become parts of the stories themselves, and influence the virtual world around them. Streaming has sort of taken this concept to the next level, pushing games even further.
It isn't enough to just beat a game for an audience all the time anymore. Now, streamers impose challenges on themselves, beat games in record times, or even let their chats make decisions with them to create a better viewer experience.


Xenosys playing FFXIV
One of the biggest twitch partners for Final Fantasy XIV, XenosysVex is a consistent entertainer. He knows about the game he plays and it shows in his game play and interactions with the chat. His trademark bald head and red beard set him apart as a "dad of Final Fantasy".
XenosysVex streams regularly during the week, for at least 4 hours at a time. It's easy to follow his streams in the background as well because he's great at calling out what he's doing, in case fans don't want to pay full attention to the stream.


Lobos is an action RPG player who plays games like Dark Souls and Sekiro mostly. His streams are especially entertaining because he always pushes the games to the next level with wild challenge runs.
Just recently, he completed a challenge run of Demon's Souls remake on PS5 that involved only using shields. His streams are usually daily from the afternoon until the early evening, but sometimes they can run a lot later.


Bizkit047 in Kingdom Hearts 2 speedrun
For fans of the Kingdom Hearts series, Bizkit047 is a great stream to watch full of unique entertainment. His stream overall focuses on Kingdom Hearts speedruns and challenges. Watching the streams are a great way to feel the nostalgia of playing the first games, while also learning about all the tips and tricks of the pros.
Watching speedrunners tackle Kingdom Hearts games truly looks like they're playing a different game. The long combos, tricky movement, and optimal equipment loadouts make Kingdom Hearts look a lot deeper than it ever seemed on release.

Admiral Bahroo

Admiral Bahroo playing Stardew Valley stream
Bahroo is a streamer that tackles all different reaches of the RPG genre. Playing games from Stardew Valley to Yakuza: Like A Dragon, you never really know what games he'll play on a certain stream.
Watching Admiral Bahroo is a good way to expand tastes, if fans are looking to try a game they wouldn't normally dive into. Recently he played Cyberpunk on stream for a few days, then even more recently played the Monster Hunter Rise demo. There's obviously overlap of fans for those two franchises, but for people who might not have been interested in one or they other, they might give them a shot now.

Pokemon Challenges

Pokemon Challenges is a channel that is exactly what it sounds like. They perform Pokemon challenge runs with extreme difficulty. The runs are entertaining to watch because they take so much preparation and understanding of Pokemon's mechanics to complete.
A classic run done on the channel is a hardcore Nuzzlocke. These runs dictate players can only catch one Pokemon from each area, and it has to be the first Pokemon they encounter there. Not only that, but they also have to intriduce permadeath to their team. This means that any Pokemon who dies can't be used again or revived, ramping the difficulty up to a 10.


As one of the biggest Genshin Impact streamers, Tectone is always a fun stream to catch. Gacha games are hard to keep up with because of the constant expansions and character additions, and Genshin Impact is no exception. The game has a huge open world on top of gacha elements thrown in for weapons and characters to collect.
Tectone is an expert at spinning discouraging situations into funny ones that bring viewers back for more. When they're not playing Genshin, they have a variety of other RPG options under their belt like Pokemon.


Zhakaron is a streamer to follow for fans of classic RPGs like Elder Scrolls. They're the biggest Skyrim streamer, that also produces content for Elder Scrolls online. Overall, their genre of choice is open world games.
They interact with chat in fun and novel ways, that make joining their stream a lot of fun. Because of the types of games they play, their streams can go on for extremely long periods of time, which make them great for casual listening in and learning about the extensive games played.


Another popular Rust streamer , Welyn mainly focuses on first person shooters. First person shooters transcend to so many genres that he plays more than just RPGs, but they are his main source of content. He doesn't seem to have a set schedule but streams during the general same times everyday, from early afternoon to the evening. His interactions with chat are some of the best so fans of shooters and Rust should definitely tune in for interesting challenges and world building.


Afro is generally a video creator, more than streamer but his streams are a treat to catch. He streams a variety of games and his schedule is unpredictable compared to most dedicated streamers.
When he does stream, it can range from chats to Final Fantasy XIV and anything in between. If he isn't playing MMOs, he streams games he's making videos on like Sekiro, Persona, or Genshin Impact.


Shroud is one of the biggest RPG streamers on Twitch who mainly focuses on Rust and World Of Warcraft. He'll switch up his games on stream pretty regularly playing other first person shooter RPGs. Recently, he's been the biggest CyberPunk 2077 streamer on all of Twitch.
He's also one of the biggest Escape From Tarkov streamers which has a cult following due to its interesting design and extreme difficulty. His content is very well produced and polished, making him a great streamer to follow for consistent videos and quality streams. NEXT: Twitch Streamer Shroud Mocks Among Us As Not Being A Real Game