It's become a tradition that every Final Fantasy game features a rag-tag group of characters going up against a powerful main villain. In addition to this, some heated rivalries have emerged throughout the games too. This can take place between one of the heroes and the villain themselves if there's a personal connection between the two of them. But most of the time, it's simply two people who are clashing heads for one reason or another.

There's an endless list of reasons why two characters could end up becoming rivals. Some want to test who's stronger, while others have a tense relationship because of their social standing. In the case of Final Fantasy, these dynamics have resulted in some amazing feuds that have gone down as iconic. It's the perfect time to reflect on some of the most intense and passionate rivalries that have ever been seen in Final Fantasy games to uncover why they started, and how heated they would eventually become.

7 Hardest Final Fantasy Spin-Offs, Ranked

From Final Fantasy Explorers to Dissidia Final Fantasy, these are the trickiest spin-offs in the Final Fantasy series.

7 Kimahri & Biran/Yenke

Biran & Yenke Constantly Mock Kimahri

Kimahri facing off against two Ronso on a snowy mountain
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD

PC , PS3 , PS4 , PS Vita , Xbox One
March 18, 2014
Square Enix

Kimahri doesn't give much away about his past or upbringing for much of Final Fantasy 10. One thing that is clear, though, is that he's not on great terms with two Ronso in particular: Birian and Yenke. At numerous points throughout the story, Biran and Yenke mock Kimahri for his broken horn. They call him a "Disgrace" and talk down to him as if he's unworthy of being a member of the Ronso tribe.

Kimahri may brush these comments off as useless insults, but it's clear from the way he talks to Tidus about it that it does affect him. This results in a rivalry which spans all the way to the later stages of the game. Once Kimahri finally gets to face off against the two at the top of Mt Gagazet, he proves that he's more than worthy of being called a Ronso. He manages to best them both in battle, ending the fiery rivalry once and for all.

6 Snow & Lightning

Snow Tries To Prove His Strength To Lightning

Lightning putting a sword to Snow's neck
Final Fantasy 13-3

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360
February 11, 2014
Square Enix
Action RPG

Lightning didn't have the best impression of Snow when she first met him back on Bodhum. After Lightning's sister Serah reveals that she's been branded a dangerous L'Cie, and that she's Snow's fiancé, Lightning immediately puts part of the blame on Snow. She sees him as an incompetent future husband who could never have what it takes to care for her sister. As the party try to find a way to save Serah from her predicament, Lightning and Snow are constantly trying to out-do one another to show who is more suited to protecting Serah. This leads to some intense and even violent moments between the two.

Lightning does come off as pretty cold towards all the party members, but she has a particular hatred for Snow. He's always going on about his plans of becoming a 'Hero' and saving the world, which she tries to talk him down from. Eventually, after Snow proves his worth, the two do begin to reconcile. Still, it's hard to say if they will ever fully shake off the rivalry that they shared during the events of Final Fantasy 13 and its sequels.

5 Auron & Yunalesca

Yunalesca Took Everything From Auron

Auron aiming his sword at Yunalesca
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD

PC , PS3 , PS4 , PS Vita , Xbox One
March 18, 2014
Square Enix

After a long and arduous pilgrimage with his close friends Braska and Jecht, Auron and his companions realize that everything was not as it seemed. They are approached by Lady Yunalesca, the woman who kicked off the summoning ritual in the first place. After Yunalesca reveals that one of them would need to be sacrificed in order to become the Final Aeon, Auron argues against this. He stated that it would only result in Sin returning, and therefore, the sacrifice would be in vain.

On that same day, Auron lost two of his closest friends. Yunalesca also blinded him in one eye, and dismissed him as a foolish guardian who was not smart enough to accept her traditions. Therefore, Auron possesses a hatred for Yunalesca underneath his stoic exterior. This becomes apparent when he projects his emotion and anger towards her during their confrontation near the end of the game.

4 Cecil & Kain

A Child-Like Feud Becomes More Personal

Cecil and Kain clashing swords
Final Fantasy 4

July 19, 1991

Although Cecil and Kain were close friends when they were young, things got tense when they fell for the same girl, Rosa. This hostility amplifies once Kain starts to become possessed by Golbez. This causes him to act aggressively towards Cecil in an attempt to stop him, while still retaining hints of the affection that he once had for Rosa.

After Kain turns his back on his longtime friend, he tries to thwart his plans throughout Final Fantasy 4. He even goes as far as to threaten Rosa's life if Cecil didn't agree to hand over the Earth Crystal. This rivalry may have started over a love interest, but it became something more personal that helps to elevate the already amazing story.

3 Steiner & Beatrix

Fierce Rivals Who Learn To Respect One Another

Beatrix talking down to the Final Fantasy 9 party
Final Fantasy 9

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PS1 , Android , iOS , PC
July 7, 2000
Square Enix

Despite being temporary allies in Final Fantasy 9, Steiner and Beatrix don't get along well when they first meet. Steiner, the captain of the Knights of Pluto, is envious of Beatrix's superior position as a commander. Meanwhile, Beatrix sees Steiner as a knuckleheaded soldier who could never reach her level of combat expertise. This all started back when Beatrix was seventeen and lost a sword fight to Steiner. This prompted her to hold a grudge against the knight until she met him again during Final Fantasy 9.

Naruto: 7 Best Rivalries, Ranked

The series of Naruto includes some of the most heated, emotional, and iconic rivalries within all of anime.

They do have a few fiery interactions, such as when Beatrix mocks the knight in front of the other party members. However, Beatrix slowly but surely starts to confide in Steiner. It's fascinating that two characters as kind-hearted and well-mannered as Steiner and Beatrix could strike up such a heated feud, but this goes to show how much influence social positions can hold in the world of Final Fantasy.

2 Cloud & Sephiroth

One Of The Most Iconic Rivalries In Video Game History

Cloud and Sephiroth clashing sword
Final Fantasy 7

January 31, 1997
Square Enix

Believe it or not, there was once a time when Cloud actually looked up to Sephiroth. The mighty warrior was the main reason that Cloud decided to become a soldier in the first place. This all changed when Sephiroth discovered his origins and, in a fit of rage, burned down Cloud's hometown of Nibelheim, while slaughtering his mother and friends. Ever since, Cloud has been dedicated to killing Sephiroth, despite knowing that the Ex-Soldier is far stronger than he could ever hope to be.

Sephiroth is obviously the main villain of Final Fantasy 7. His dream of destroying the world through the Black Materia sets him up as a threatening antagonist. But personal hatred between him and Cloud makes both characters all the more intriguing. This rivalry has become so iconic that it's even been highlighted in other media outside the base game. Some examples include the crossover game Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and the Advent Children CG movie, where it is showcased on the front cover.

1 Squall & Seifer

An Intense Brotherly Rivalry

Squall and Seifer clashing swords
Final Fantasy 8

February 11, 1999
Square Enix

Many argue that the romantic sub-plot between Squall and Rinoa is at the heart of Final Fantasy 8's story. But another important aspect, shown off in the game's flashy intro cutscene, is the rivalry between Squall and Seifer. It's clear that the two are designed to be opposites of one another — in terms of not just their fighting styles and appearances, but also their personalities and beliefs. Seifer is known for being a brash and outspoken rebel, Squall is a more stoic, reserved rule-follower who prefers his own company rather than being surrounded by people.

What makes the budding rivalry between these two characters so memorable is how natural it feels. It harkens back to the days when rivalries were about proving who is the strongest. Although they clearly aren't afraid of harming one another in battle, several scenes show that they have some respect for each other, such as when they begrudgingly team up when arriving in Dollet. It's a fun and compelling rivalry that is expanded upon in subtle ways throughout the story. Players slowly learn how deep their relationship really goes, and where their rivalry started all those years ago.

Bleach: 7 Best Rivalries, Ranked

Throughout the story of Bleach, there have been a handful of very intense and competitive rivalries that have raged between certain characters.