Rogue Legacy 2 is one of the easiest roguelikes to jump into. That was true of the original game as well, but it is even more true now. There are a lot more ways to get advantages over the hazards in the game. There are several assist features, for example, that can weaken enemy defenses.

There are also items players can collect in the form of Relics. By spending Resolve, which changes between classes, these Relics can boost certain stats randomly or give players special abilities. Of the many Relics in Rogue Legacy 2, which are the best that will turn the tables in the player’s favor?

8 Hyperion’s Ring

The Hyperion’s Ring relic in Rogue Legacy 2

Hyperion’s Ring is easily the best Relic players can find in Rogue Legacy 2. It will automatically revive players up to 50% of their health. This object is a one-time use, but there are ways to game the system.

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Namely, there is a trait that heirs can inherit called Compulsive Hoarder. If a character has this trait, there are chances Relics will have double the effect, meaning that Hyperion’s Ring can heal twice. To get that trait and this Relic together would require luck, which is part of any run in a roguelike.

7 Marble Statue

The Marble Statue relic in Rogue Legacy 2

The Marble Statue is a Relic that will level up the player’s landing capabilities. If players jump into the air and then land, they will create a mini earthquake of sorts. This will damage enemies and objects as well. It’s not a strong attack, but every bit helps in combat.

The most useful thing about the Marble Statue is how it can help get rid of barrels, boxes, and the like quickly. Every bit that allows players to save time in a roguelike, no matter how small, is worthwhile.

6 Cosmic Insight

The Cosmic Insight relic in Rogue Legacy 2

Any kind of mage class should be lucky to stumble upon the Cosmic Insight Relic. Every time players get hit, they will recharge 100 points of magic. This can even spill over into an overcharged account. This means players can total MP that exceeds their max limit. For players looking to create the ultimate spell caster in Rogue Legacy 2, this relic is required.

The goal of a roguelike, or any video game, is to not get hit. HP is valuable especially to mage-like classes, as they tend to have lower health. While there is a cost to the benefits of Cosmic Insight, the Relic will at least give players something in return for getting damaged.

5 Weird Mushrooms

The Weird Mushrooms relic in Rogue Legacy 2

Weird Mushrooms does not sell itself enough in the description to sound enticing. This Relic will infect enemies with something called Spore Burst. Once enemies are defeated, they will explode. If there are enough enemies gathered around it, they too may become infected and create a chain of explosions.

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The first time players can see a massive line of enemies explode into a puff of spores will undoubtedly be exciting. It’s a cool set of visuals and a useful Relic at the same time.

4 Voltaic Circlet

The Voltaic Circlet relic in Rogue Legacy 2

The Voltaic Circle may not sound that powerful at first. When players hit an enemy, they will generate an aura for 1.5 seconds at a time. This aura will damage enemies within its small radius. If players keep hitting an enemy, then this time will stack.

The Relic is most useful during boss battles, since their health far exceeds any other monster in Rogue Legacy 2. It is almost completely useless on ranged characters like the Gunslinger. However, it is good as a shield to ward off smaller enemies.

3 Glowing Ember

The Glowing Ember relic in Rogue Legacy 2

The Growing Ember is a Relic with a stacking ability. The sixth attack will hit 75% stronger as long as this Relic is equipped. The stronger the weapon a class has, the stronger this Relic’s effect will be.

Like the previous entry, this another Relic that would be good to have during a boss fight. If this were stacked with Voltaic Circle, bosses could be destroyed in a manner of seconds. That might sound like a bit of a stretch of the power behind both Relics, but the point is the combo is worth noting.

2 Boxing Bell

The Boxing Bell relic in Rogue Legacy 2

This Relic is the same innate talent of the Boxer class. The Boxer class's boxing gloves should not surprise anyone. They may look weird in a roguelike, but they are powerful weapons. That’s because every hit will generate a combo meter like in a fighting game. The higher the combo gets, the more devastating the blows will become.

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The Box Bell is a Relic that adds a combo to any weapon the player is holding. The combo idea was made for the Boxer and his gloves, but the Relic can still be useful on a sword or other weapon. It just won’t be quite as powerful as with the weapon it was intended for.

1 Body Buffet

The Body Buffet relic in Rogue Legacy 2

Healing is a tricky thing in Rogue Legacy 2, or any roguelike for that matter. Sometimes rooms will have a magical apple in them that will restore health, or give players more health at the cost of damage. Rarely, players will stumble across a piece of meat on an enemy, or in an object like a barrel. The chances of that are rare. Finally, the Chef class can heal itself with its special cooking ability.

Body Buffet makes this healing aspect a little easier. It is a Relic that increases the chance that food will drop by 16%. That rate is low for a Relic, but if the game starts at 1%, then this is a huge improvement.

Rogue Legacy 2 was released on April 28, 2022, and is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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