Ray Chase is undoubtedly one of the most talented voice actors to contribute their voice to a video game. Having lent his voice to over fifty fictional characters throughout his career, Chase has become an expert voice actor by adopting a unique approach for each of his roles. He is as versatile as he is gifted, creating some of the best video game characters in the history of gaming.

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Known for his incredible range, Ray Chase's talents do not confine him to one particular style of acting. Since his first voice acting role in 2013, Chase has gone on to contribute his voice talents to a vast assortment of fictional beings. His ability to breathe life into his characters is a testament to his extensive acting abilities.

5 Evfra De Tershaav (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

Evfra de Tershaav in Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda sees Ray Chase deploying an incredibly gravelly voice for the character of Evfra de Tershaav. Evfra is the leader of the Angaran Resistance, a movement that aims to defeat the Kett, a militaristic race hellbent on taking over the galaxy. Evfra joins the Angaran Resistance in the hope of educating its members and improving their combat abilities. He is regarded as a leader and is held in great esteem by those who know him.

Unlike most of his other voice acting roles, the role of Evfra sees Chase adopting a less exaggerated tone than what he is known for, but this alternative approach does not diminish his ability to convey real emotion. Evfra's family was captured by Kett forces and sent to a slave camp ten years before the events of the game, resulting in Evfra losing his ability to trust people. Though he eventually begins to form a bond with Ryder, the opening segments of the game paint him as a cold and emotionless soul. Chase's voice acting allows the player to acknowledge the pain Evfra feels through his detached line deliveries.

4 Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy 15)

final fantasy 15 old noctis

Chase's approach to bringing the character of Noctis to life was far from easy. Final Fantasy 15 presents Noctis as an irritable and entitled brat due to inherit a kingdom. Noctis seems to believe himself to be superior to others, especially his three friends who accompany him throughout the majority of the game. When the Niflheim Empire attacks the city of Insomnia, his entire life is uprooted, forcing him to search for a way to reclaim his stolen future.

Noctis slowly learns that the world does not revolve around himself alone, thanks to the influence of his friends. This change in outlook also brings with it a subtle change in Chase's voice acting. The false confidence Noctis displayed at the beginning of the game slowly fades away, revealing Noctis' fear and sincerity. Chase subtly changes his approach to voicing the prince of Insomnia as the plot progresses, providing the player with a deeper look into the emotions behind Noctis' more vulnerable voice.

3 Eve (NieR: Automata)

Eve in NieR Automata

The character of Eve is perhaps one of the most terrifying villains in the NieR series. Introduced during the beginning of NieR: Automata, Eve is presented as a childish personality with little interest in his surroundings, often relying on his brother, Adam, for insight. Adam spends his time studying humanity and attempting to relay the information he uncovers to Eve, but Eve would rather engage in physical activity. Eve's true nature is revealed once his brother is killed by 2B, resulting in a total loss of sanity.

Chase approaches voicing Eve from two different perspectives. The beginning of the game sees him using a more soft-spoken tone to convey Eve's childlike tendencies, but the later stages require a more emotional touch to emphasize Eve's loss of control. Chase characterizes Eve's descent into madness by altering how he speaks. The once calm and collected voice transitions into a deranged and maniacal one. This new style of voice acting serves to highlight Eve's grief, while also presenting Ray Chase's incredible acting range.

2 Marlon (The Walking Dead: The Final Season)

marlon walking dead the final season firing a gun

Marlon is introduced in the fourth season as the heroic leader of Ericson's Boarding School. He is regarded by his peers as a noble man who will stop at nothing to protect them, but his methods in doing so are questionable. After he saves Clementine and Alvin Jr. from being eaten by walkers, the player is eased into a false sense of security until his true intentions are revealed. To ensure the safety of those who live in the boarding school, Marlon is forced to offer Sophie and Minerva up to a group of raiders.

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This exchange also requires a division of territory, resulting in Marlon restricting the distance his friends are allowed to travel. Marlon becomes a panicked mess once his secrets are revealed. He accidentally kills Brody and attempts to blame it on Clementine, allowing his manipulative nature to fully reveal itself. Chase gives Marlon an array of different personalities, but the manner in which he voices his final scenes showcases his ability to voice hysteria.

1 Master Of Masters (Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue)

The Master of Masters is one of the most enigmatic video game characters in the Kingdom Hearts series. He is an unpredictable and unhinged individual, often concealing his true motives behind his sense of humor and exaggerated movements and mannerisms. Many fans were uncertain if he was an ally or an antagonist upon his introduction to the series, but certain revelations have confirmed him as one of the biggest threats to Sora and his friends.

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Though the Master of Masters is an incredibly well-written villain, it is Chase's voice acting that cements him as one of the most likable characters in gaming. The Master is arguably the most charismatic character present in the series, perhaps even more charming than Sora. He very rarely takes himself seriously, using humor to cloak his sinister motivations and goals. Chase's exaggerated approach to voicing the Master serves to further disguise his true nature, resulting in the creation of one of the most erratic personalities in gaming.

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