Saints Row may not live up to the expectations of every fan of the series but it is still worth a look. The glitches are prominent but given time, the team can hopefully smooth things over. Cyberpunk 2077 had a rough few months as well, but it eventually turned things around.

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Now there is even an anime based on Cyberpunk 2077 hitting Netflix. Will this new reboot of the Saints Row franchise get an anime treatment as well? Probably not but the story does have some entertaining quotes that could be turned into fun animated sequences. Let’s go through some of the best lines with spoilers.

8 “How Many Knives Did You End Up Buying?”

The Boss and Neenah in Saints Row

This quote was said by Neenah to The Boss while they were watching TV. It’s a scene that takes place after the two of them get fired from their respective posts at the Marshalls and Los Panteros gangs. The Boss is depressingly buying knives on a QVC-like network. Their response to Neenah is, “not enough” and these knives do come back for story purposes. The idea that The Boss would buy knives as a comfort mechanism is hilarious without context.

7 “I Survived Being Shot, And Now I Want To Thrive Without Being Shot Again.”

A cutscene featuring characters in Saints Row

Eli has a big brain on him but he is not the strongest physical member of The Saints. He gets better throughout Saints Row but even by the end, his skills with a gun are mediocre at best. Eli says this line after a plan goes south, causing him to get shot. It’s at this moment when The Boss decides that they should make their own gang and to say the hell with following orders anymore. Thankfully, the bullet wound was not terrible and Eli got to live another day all while inspiring The Boss.

6 “This Is Our Piece Of Abandoned Dirt!”

Fighting enemies in Saints Row

It’s a recommended tip to wear headphones while playing the game as audio can go in and out. Doing so will allow players to hear dialogue more clearly like while fighting enemies in the field. For example, there is an early mission called “Shootin’ The Shit” wherein The Boss trains Eli to shoot at a dirt site.

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The Marshalls eventually show up and start a ruckus. This quote can be heard randomly from one of the enemy soldiers and they often have a lot of great dialogue like this that is contextual missions. It’s a shame so much gets missed due to the aforementioned glitches.

5 “It’s In The Pie Family.”

Kev in Saints Row

Kevin, or Kev, is a jack of all trades in Saints Row. He can cook, become a DJ at parties, get a group together, and the list goes on. Kev is also objectively a bombshell of a human being between his looks and loyalty toward his teammates. Kev would be the perfect co-op partner on any mission in life. He says this line after The Boss points out that empanadas are not pies. His counterpoint can bring up a debate much like the discussion surrounding hot dogs. Are they a sandwich or something else? So then, are empanadas a pie, or are they something else too? Let the great debate begin.

4 “How ‘Bout I Just Throw Myself In Front Of Cars And Trucks?”

Playing the Shady Oaks mini-game in Saints Row

There are a ton of main missions in Saints Row on top of a staggering amount of side activities. One of these side adventures sees The Boss create the Shady Oaks insurance company. Tamira Bowens is the contact at Shady Oaks, who says she has software to hack the system to falsify insurance claims to get free money. The Boss is more into the idea of getting injured and robbing people the old fashion way. The Boss is a thief at heart which is why they say this great line to Tamira.

3 “Y’all Had Me At Murder Circus.”

Fighting enemies in Saints Row

“Aggressive Recruiting” is a main mission about halfway through the game. Eli brings up the point that they need to recruit new members to make The Saints bigger. The idea of The Boss participating in a Battle Royale-like experience on this island is what gets decided.

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The Boss was sold at “murder circus” as the quote proclaims. Later, while Kev, Neenah, and Eli are watching The Boss’ feed, Neenah exclaims, “So that’s what being good at murder means.” There are a lot of great lines said during this mission in general but those are two highlights.

2 “I’m Not Sure That’s How It Works.”

A cutscene featuring characters in Saints Row

The Nahualli is the secret MVP of Saints Row. He begins as a villain only to become an ally later on. While The Boss is introducing him to The Saints, the Nahualli is mystified the most by Kev not wearing a shirt. The Nahualli says this line to him after Kev says, “No shirt, more power.” That confusion probably hits the audience since shirts offer some form of protection even without a bulletproof vest or armor of any kind underneath. Somehow Kev can avoid getting shot through hours of the game.

1 “Money Fight!”

A cutscene featuring characters in Saints Row

“The Great Train Robbery” is one of the most epic missions in Saints Row. It has The Saints storm a Marshalls protected train in the hopes of obtaining a truckload of money at the end. They succeed after some shenanigans involving tanks, explosions, and so much more. Once they reach home base and part ways with the Nahualli, the main four start a money fight. This fight comes out of the left field and is the perfect scene to showcase what makes this group so lovable. They pull off some wild actions as a gang, but deep down, they’re just a bunch of friends trying to have a good time while making rent.

Saints Row was released on August 23, 2022 and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Saints Row: Fixes The Game Needs