Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion has some wild lines in it. One article would not be enough to commemorate some truly hilarious dialogue that is both intentional and unintentional. The game tries to have a serious tone with themes of honor, friendship, love, and the list goes on. The game truly does have moving moments, like with the end almost daring players not to cry.

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It could be said overall that Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion has the right ingredients for an epic tale, but the writing has trouble conveying these heartfelt messages sometimes. Of the many truly great or funny lines in this game, these rank among the best.

This list includes spoilers.

8 “Ah Good, Unobtainable Dreams Are The Best Kind.”

Lazard in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

Lazard asks Vincent what his dreams are in the SOLDIER program at the beginning of the game. Zack wants to be a hero, which prompts this quote from Lazard. Zack’s reply of “Uhh, thanks” is a great one as he is confused.

The poor boy just wants to save people, and it doesn’t seem like a lot of characters believe in his tenacity. The world of Final Fantasy 7 is very cynical and dark, and Zack tragically is just too good of a person to be in it. He is the hero the world needs but doesn’t deserve.

7 “Honor Can Be Quite The Burden At Times.”

Angeal in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

This quote is said by Angeal to Zack after Angeal tells him a backstory about how there were some delicious apples he couldn’t have as a kid. Zack wants to know why Angeal didn’t just ask for an apple, which is when he starts talking about honor.

That’s a big theme throughout Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, and from Angeal’s point of view, he’s talking about Genesis. He has his honor as a member of SOLDIER to protect people, but he also has honor when it comes to protecting his friend Genesis. Should he stick with Zack or go help his friend in danger?

6 “What Were You Expecting You SOLDIER Perv?”

Zack and Yuffie in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

There are a lot of cameos in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, even when some of them don’t make sense. The game was seemingly created to both shine light on events leading up to Final Fantasy 7 as well as provide fan service. The introduction of Yuffie is one instance of fan service seen early in the adventure.

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She appears during Zack’s invasion of Wutai and comes back in a series of side missions afterward. At one point, she calls Zack a perv which is just a great line out of nowhere. Zack is many things, but a perv is not one of them.

5 “What Do Angels Dream Of?”

Angeal in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

This game has a convoluted dramatic story that comes across as just plain wacky at times, and that’s saying something for an RPG. For example, it’s a big revelation that Angeal has the same monster genes as Genesis, giving him an angelic wing.

When he reveals this to Zack, he screams this line about dreams into the sky. It is too over the top to be taken seriously, even though the game is trying to make this moment heartfelt. Even Zack looks like he feels out of place when this melodrama is dropping.

4 “Midgar Full Of Flowers…Wallet Full Of Money?”

Aerith in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

Similar to how Cloud falls into the church to meet Aerith in Final Fantasy 7, Zack has the same experience. After their meet cute, Zack tells Aerith to sell her flowers to make the slums of Midgar a brighter place. Aerith repeats this line with a confused tone before accepting this as a good idea.

It does set up her being a flower girl in the original game, but the way Zack says this line to Aerith makes it feel like it should be a bigger revelation. In actuality, this shop idea should have been obvious to Aerith. She probably doesn’t even need the money, assuming Shinra gives her mother a stipend for living expenses through the Turks.

3 “Sephiroth!”

Cloud in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

Cloud is not in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion much, but every second of screen time with him is quality. His best scene is when Sephiroth defeats Zack, and Cloud picks up his sword in Zack’s stead, screaming the silver-haired villain’s name as he charges at him.

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This is one of the greatest scenes in Final Fantasy 7 once Tifa and Cloud’s subconscious figure out what really happened in Nibelheim all those years ago. Another great line at this moment is when Cloud sticks Masamune through his body further and throws Sephiroth into the reactor core. Before this happens, Sephiroth mutters, “No, impossible,” in utter disbelief.

2 “Of Course Not!”

Zack in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

Again, this game is full of melodrama that makes the motivations of some characters mysterious. For example, Genesis is never truly straight with anyone he talks to. All he wants to talk about is the Loveless play, as he quotes away.

Toward the end of the game, Zack corners him in Gongaga. Genesis asks Zack if he is familiar with a certain line from the play, and that’s when he practically yells, “Of course not,” as if he is speaking for the audience. At this point, players have more than had enough Loveless in their lives, and Zack assuredly feels this pain too.

1 “My Honor, My Dreams, They’re Yours Now.”

Zack in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

“For the both of us, you’re going to live; you’ll be my living legacy.” That’s the full quote Zack says before telling Cloud his dreams are his now. The ending to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is one of the darkest in any mainline or spinoff entry in the series, although Final Fantasy 15 is close. It was a moment in Final Fantasy 7 that may have taken players by surprise more than Aerith dying. Cloud was not Cloud all along and some guy he was imitating, Zack, sacrificed his life to save Cloud’s. It was a mind-blowing moment in the game that became even greater when Crisis Core debuted on the PSP. It’s an even more heartfelt moment now in stunning HD.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion was released on December 13, 2022, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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