
  • Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel simplifies mechanics and offers a beginner-friendly experience, making it perfect for a quick casual gaming session.
  • Teamfight Tactics has a steep learning curve but rewards players who stick with it, allowing them to craft and execute winning team compositions.
  • Civilization V remains a benchmark for strategy games, with complex mechanics and a robust modding community for endless replayability.

From its humble beginnings as simple simulation games during the MS-DOS era, strategy games have blossomed into a complex and multifaceted genre that has catered to every player's needs. This genre can range from massive story-rich campaigns with decisions, mechanics, and gameplay occurring in real-time, to competitive player-versus-player digital card games. It is not a surprise that this genre has maintained relevancy since the dawn of modern gaming with aspects of said genre being found in other non-strategy games that can be overt such as the base building mechanic in Fallout 4, or subtle like pre-planning and optimizing the best route to travel in Death Stranding.

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With many strategy games often having a high skill ceiling to fully understand the depth of the mechanics, or dedicating a substantial amount of time to see the tangible results of their actions, it can be quite daunting to begin a campaign, much less have time for them. This topic will cover a multitude of strategy games that not only offer satisfaction for besting an opponent or system but for it also to be played in one sitting.

6 Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel

Green spell card highlighted with golden light with the background being dimmed
  • Platforms: PC, macOS Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Android, iOS

A one-to-one translation of the popular trading card game (TCG), Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel offers both a gateway for those interested in the TCG and for experienced players to hone their skills and test their new decks. The game is very beginner-friendly with a tutorial for newcomers, and also one that can be completely skipped for those who are already familiar.

Additionally, the mechanics have been simplified such as the deck-building process, allowing all players to build a deck of their choosing and jump right into the game quickly. With matches generally ranging from 10 to 15 minutes, Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel is perfect for those looking for a quick casual gaming experience.

5 Teamfight Tactics

Promotional image with characters Sion, Jinx, Ashe, and Yasuo fighting each in an arena
  • Platforms: PC, macOS

With sleek graphics, engaging gameplay, and constantly evolving meta, it is no surprise that Teamfight Tactics is one of the most popular auto-battlers in the genre. It also helps that the game is tied to the free-to-play MOBA, League of Legends, as both games are found within the same client. Just like its MOBA counterpart, Teamfight Tactics has a steep learning curve with a plethora of mechanics that can leave players frustrated.

Nevertheless, players that decide to stick with the game and learn the systems inside and out are rewarded with a satisfying experience of perfectly crafting and executing team compositions that can best any player. With a quick play mode, players can learn the game at their own pace and optimize their compositions before heading into ranked to climb the ladder and be the best. There is also an event pass that rewards players with free emotes or items to entice them to continue playing the game. A win-win for everyone.

4 XCOM 2

Blue XCOM 2 Logo On The Left With A Depiction Of A Gray Alien Made With Human Skulls On The Right
  • Platforms: PC, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS

Although the game is the sequel to the reboot, XCOM 2 is still a great entry for those who are fans of turn-based tactical games. Featuring a simple gameplay loop of issuing commands to a human squad to fight back against the alien invaders, players are quickly able to learn the mechanics of XCOM 2 and can beat back the enemies, while also completing secondary objectives that can aid the humans.

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There is also a time limit which to some can be seen as a detriment, however, it incentivizes the player to devise the optimal strategy and to think ahead when making the next moves. Moreover, the plot of XCOM 2 is compelling which is an added bonus to an already fantastic strategy game.

3 Starcraft 2

A 3 way split of Starcraft with the left most being Sarah Kerrigan, the center being Artanis with the logo on top, and the right most being Jim Raynor
  • Platforms: PC, macOS

Building off of the foundations and success of the first game, Starcraft 2 is a real-time science-fiction strategy game that is considered one of the best in the genre. Merging various aspects from other strategy games such as specialty units that have specific functions, resource management, and base-building, Starcraft 2 is perfect for those who are looking for a complex and satisfying strategy game, where every decision counts.

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Starcraft 2 is known to be difficult, however with the game being free-to-play and also having a multiplayer campaign, it is a must-play for those who enjoy sci-fi games.

2 Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude on the box art of the game.
  • Platforms: Nintendo Switch

Despite only being released on the Nintendo Switch, Fire Emblem: Three Houses became an instant success and is widely considered one of the best games to play on the Switch. A tactical role-playing game that seamlessly blends elements of the visual novel genre with compelling and likable characters (with whom players can romance), this is a great game for newcomers to the genre or franchise and for seasoned veterans as well. With the tried and true systems that were found in the previous entries, players are able to quickly pick up the gameplay loop, even after the tutorial. Unlike most tactical role-playing games, Fire Emblem: Three Houses does not have a time limit (in most levels), allowing players to strategize the optimal way to quickly defeat the enemy without worrying about the clock running down.

Besides combat, the game also has entire visual novel sections that not only serve as downtime between missions, but also as a clever way for the player to form friendships (or even a relationship) that can potentially strengthen their units. Players can also run around the hub where they can buy new equipment, gain insight into the world of Fodlan, or even fish. With three different story routes that can drastically change the game, players can expect to be playing Fire Emblem: Three Houses for quite a while and enjoy every second of it.

1 Civilization V

Civilization 5 Logo
  • Platforms: PC, macOS, Linux

Considered one of the greatest games of all time, Civilization V is a 4x strategy game that has set the benchmark for what strategy games can be. It is both complexly layered with its myriad of real-time mechanics such as the diplomat system, while being simple to understand once players have invested enough hours into the game. Although there is a quick-play feature, players may find themselves playing a campaign for countless hours to achieve victory or lose the game. However, this issue is mitigated with the quick save feature, so players can continue whenever they want.

Although Civilization V is 9 years old, it still maintains a robust modding community, giving the game a near-infinite amount of replayability. Civilization V is considered one of the best strategy games for a good reason.

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