Survival horror games set the stage for players to use their environment and get through each level with whatever weapon they have at their disposal. Resources are usually in low supply, and save points are few and far between stages on top of enemies and hazards that can overwhelm players if they are not careful.

The first PlayStation console has no shortage when it comes to survival horror games, but which ones are the best ones to experience? From foreboding locales, pulse-pounding scenarios, and unnerving and terrifying enemies lurking just around the corner, here are some survival horror games that are challenging and fun to play.

19 Best Survival Games Of All Time

Survival games are fairly common, but these titles are the best of the best, showcasing what exactly entices gamers to play out a fight to survive.

8 Nightmare Creatures

Nadia encountering a monster


Kalisto Entertainment



Release Date

September 30, 1997

Set in 1834 London, Nightmare Creatures sees players control Ignatius Blackwood, a priest who is knowledgeable about the occult. He comes across the diary of Samuel Pepys which contains chapters upon chapters of demonic rituals of the demon-worshipers called the Cult of Hecate, as various reports of monster sightings and cases of people mutating into grotesque abominations.

Players choose to control either Ignatius or Nadia, and set about exploring different stages as they try to uncover who or what is behind such phenomena befalling London. The game’s environment gives a foreboding atmosphere, and its streets and rooms are cramped. Enemies such as ghouls and other monsters lurk in the shadows and attack the player when they least expect it.

Managing the player’s life bar is essential since enemies can deal massive damage if their attacks aren’t blocked. A Pistol is also available, but has limited ammo and should only be used if the occasion calls for it.

7 Parasite Eve

Aya walking on a hallway




Square Electronic Arts

Release Date

September 9, 1998

Parasite Eve is Square’s stab into the survival horror genre. Known for their popular RPGs like Final Fantasy, Parasite Eve employs the Active Time Bar (ATB) combat mechanic as players explore. Once they come across a “hot spot”, enemies suddenly appear at the location, and players have to move around the location as they wait for their ATB to fill up, signaling that it’s their turn to attack.

Enemies can attack the player as they wait for their ATB: players can dodge attacks by moving away from enemies, but in some cases, enemies can overwhelm the player if they are not careful. During a player’s attack, they can target one or more enemies, depending on what weapon they equip, so it is essential for players to arm themselves with the correct weapons to eliminate enemies.

6 Clock Tower

Jennifer running away from Scissorman


Human Entertainment


ASCII Entertainment

Release Date

October 1, 1997

The Clock Tower games are considered to be cult classics of the survival horror titles during the early days. As a point-and-click game, the first Clock Tower sees players control Jennifer Simpson as she investigates and tries to survive various scenarios within the titular place.

Best Point & Click Horror Games

Point-and-click games are still going strong, especially in the horror genre, and these are the best examples of them.

Players need to manage Jennifer’s stamina since letting her run or conduct strenuous activities will deplete her stamina meter. Apart from solving puzzles and collecting clues in rooms, players also need to keep Jennifer safe from the Scissorman, the main antagonist in the game.

When Jennifer encounters Scissorman, Jennifer enters Panic Mode: depending on her Stamina, Jennifer can either escape or get killed by the Scissorman due to her tripping, or struggle to get away from his clutches. While Jennifer cannot attack Scissorman, she can hide in certain locations or spring traps to incapacitate Scissorman for a short duration.

5 Echo Night 2: Lord of Nightmares

a player encountering a Spirit





Release Date

JP: August 5, 1999

FromSoftware has dabbled in the Survival genre during their early years. This includes the Echo Night series, a first-person Survival Horror game where the player is confronted with various ghosts as they progress through the story. Released exclusively in Japan, Echo Night 2: Lord of Nightmares continues the gameplay of the first title, utilizing the environment to convey a haunted mansion filled with spirits.

Unlike conventional first-person games, Echo Night 2 does not give players any weapons nor firearms: they have to look for light sources whenever they encounter spirits to prevent them from attacking and one-shotting the player. Some spirits also require players to complete certain tasks, and doing so will reward them with key items players need to complete areas.

4 Fear Effect

Hana exploring the roof area


Kronos Digital Entertainment


Eidos Interactive

Release Date

February 24, 2000

In a sea of survival horror titles back in the 2000s, it takes a lot to stand out. Fear Effect is one of those games that stood out for its striking cell-shaded art style to go with looping full-motion video backgrounds.

As with conventional horror games, Fear Effect uses tank controls to move the protagonists, Hana, Deke, and Glas, around stages. But in terms of combat, players can equip dual weapons and shoot at multiple enemies: they can also roll away from enemies that get too close to avoid getting damage.

That said, while Fear Effect’s gameplay is more action-packed, the game still adds the survival aspect by giving players limited ammunition when going through levels. Players need to decide when to fight and use their bullets during skirmishes.

3 Dino Crisis

Regina battling a Velociraptor


Capcom Production Studio 4



Release Date

July 1, 1999

The Dino Crisis games are one of Capcom’s most beloved franchises during the late 90s to the early 2000s. Players control Regina, a Special Operations agent sent to investigate a clandestine research facility that has been overrun with dinosaurs.

5 Most Wanted Capcom Remakes That Are Not Resident Evil

After the huge success of the Resident Evil 4 Remake, fans feel that it may be time for remakes of Capcom's other classic titles and franchises.

Dino Crisis plays similarly to the Resident Evil games: Regina moves using tank controls, and has a 180-degree turn to give her more mobility. The eponymous dinosaurs are plentiful and are bloodthirsty. They can chase down Regina and can deal significant damage if they manage rip into her. Weapons, ammo, and health pickups are few and far in between as well.

Regina slows down when her health gets compromised: she will clutch her hand on her stomach and move gingerly, or blood stains can trail her if she’s sustained an injury that causes her to bleed. Players have to tend to Regina’s injuries to make her move normally again.

2 Silent Hill

Harry investigating a graveyard


Team Silent



Release Date

February 23, 1999

As far as setting the tone is concerned, few survival horror games come close to Silent Hill. Having the players navigate through the iconically creepy town that is constantly under a thick fog ramps up the tension since players cannot see the dangers lurking until they are a couple feet away.

Adding to the horror is the fact that the protagonist, Harry, is a normal human and while he can wield a melee weapon or firearms, he is not invulnerable to say the least. Enemies are hard to take down, and conversely, they can eliminate Harry with just a couple of hits.

1 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Jill Valentine coming out of a safe room





Release Date

September 22, 1999

Hands down, the best survival horror games in the PlayStation are the Resident Evil titles. Among the three games released on the console, the best one is Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Coming from the successful Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 ups the danger and frantic survival atmosphere by introducing Nemesis, a hulking pursuer that stalks Jill Valentine throughout the game.

Wielding a rocket launcher, Nemesis shows up at the least opportune times to further test the mettle of players whose odds are stacked against them even further whenever this behemoth shows up. Choosing to run away is always the right option, as using what little ammo players have against Nemesis and the other infected is not a good strategy since Nemesis can take out Jill with just a couple of strikes.

More: Easiest Resident Evil Games, Ranked