The Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anime series is well-known in the anime community for its many iconic characters. With various arcs featuring different protagonists with the nickname Jojo, the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anime series has a wide variety of characters locked in the battle between good and evil.

The characters in the series are known not only for their unique sense of self, but also for their iconic poses. These mesmerizing star poses showcase their determination and attitude toward life. Furthermore, many of the poses serve practical purposes in addition to looking cool.

10 Yoshikage’s Kira’s Killer Queen Pose

Yoshikage’s Kira’s Killer Queen Pose

As the major antagonist of the Diamond is Unbreakable Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure series, Yoshikage Kira is quite unique. Not caring about good or evil, Yoshikage just kills, as he says it is in his nature. As a villain, Yoshikage is one of the best portrayed in the Jojo Bizarre Adventure series.

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However, his glory as a great villain is not due to his personality and mannerisms alone, but also to his unique stand, the Killer Queen. Yoshikage’s stand Killer Queen pose reflects the charisma and confidence of his stand while also portraying the attention to detail he has as a prominent serial killer who takes pleasure in his work.

9 Jack The Ripper Pose

Jack The Ripper Pose

Who strikes a pose while attacking? None other than Jack the Ripper, an antagonist portrayed in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood series. A serial killer transformed into a zombie by Dio Brando, Jack’s strength and attacking prowess underwent a huge increase, and apparently, so did his posing skills.

While throwing numerous knives at his opponents, Jack strikes an iconic pose, showing off his flexibility and finely tuned muscles in conjunction with his knife skills. With the scalpels hidden in his undead body, which feels no pain, Jack expels them with deadly accuracy by contracting his muscles and striking a pose while doing so.

8 Lisa Lisa’s Beauty Pose

Lisa Lisa’s Beauty Pose

From the third Jojo series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency, Lisa Lisa is a prime example of beauty with brains. Aiding Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli to better understand and control Hamon, she shows she is more than capable of handling herself in the face of tough opponents.

With exceptional strength and beauty, Lisa Lisa stands out as one of the most beloved characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. And as a beloved character, she does know how to showcase her beauty. With a mesmerizing pose, many characters and fans alike love her for her exceptional beauty, and her poses accentuate it well.

7 Dio’s Wryyy Pose

Dio’s Wryyy Pose

As the main antagonist of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anime series, Dio is the incarnation of an unending thirst for power. Raised by an alcoholic father whom he eventually killed, Dio learned the art of manipulation and wormed his way into the Joestar household, eventually killing Jonathan Joestar.

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Although Dio has many iconic poses, his ‘wryyy’ pose stands out, as he shouts "Wryyyyy!" after unleashing the pose. Standing in a gravity-defying, back-breaking posture while brimming with confidence and anger, Dio showcases his unique pose to intimidate his opponents and show off his power as a charismatic villain.

6 Jolyne’s Jail Pose


As the only female Jojo to date, Jolyne Kujo’s importance in the Jojo Bizarre Adventure series cannot be understated. Furthermore, she is the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, further cementing her unique place in the hearts of fans. Like her father, Jolyne is quite tough and knows how to strike a pose even in moments of pain.

One of Jolyne’s most iconic poses was struck when she was in jail. Despite being in prison for a crime she did not commit, Jolyne gave out a sensual and alluring pose that captivated fans. With neither fear nor insecurity in her eyes but sheer tenacity, Jolyne’s pose was that much better.

5 Joseph Joestar’s Handsome Pose

Joseph Joestar’s Handsome Pose

Joseph Joestar is the second-most-occurring Jojo in the series and appears in the Battle Tendency Part. As the grandson of Jotaro Kujo, Joseph lives up to his Joestar name. Although he was not initially as talented as other Joestars when it came to using hamon, he trained under Lisa Lisa and became a master. He even eventually became a stand user.

Joseph’s incredible looks make him well-wanted by the ladies, and he does not forget to accentuate them by giving incredible, relaxed, handsome poses. He puts his manly swagger on full display and disposes of his enemies elegantly.

4 Jotaro’s Yare Yare Daze Hat Tug

Jotaro’s Yare Yare Daze Hat Tug

Jotaro Kujo, the most well-known character of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, is well-known for a plethora of things. He is the first Jojo with a stand and lived an ordinary delinquent life until the re-appearance of Dio, the Joestars’ old enemy. With his mother’s life on the line, Jotaro travels to Egypt to save and defeat Dio.

As a Jojo, Jotaro does things with such flair that characters and viewers alike love them. With his charismatic, cool-headed Yare Yare Daze Hat Tug, Jotaro shows confidence when dealing with enemies he feels are a drag.

3 Stone Ocean Group Shot

Stone Ocean Group Shot

The girls portrayed in the Stone Ocean series of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure are nothing short of impressive. With Jolyne Kujo captivating the hearts of fans with her closest allies in the Green Dolphin Street Prison, her group becomes quite badass.

Despite the more muscular frames of Jolyne, F.F., and Ermes, that does not mean they cannot strike alluring poses. Unfortunately for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anime-only watchers, the group’s iconic pose is limited to the cover of the manga. This group’s pose matches the intensity of the Stardust Crusaders Crew’s pose, albeit in a more feminine way.

2 The Hand Pose

The Hand Pose

Jonathan Joestar, the first-ever Jojo, has a lot of influence on the Jojo Bizarre Adventure series, as he grew up with Dio Brando, the franchise's primary antagonist. With his simple and honest mannerisms, Jonathan set the standard for the hand pose.

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By simply splaying his fingers across his face with spaces in between, while maintaining direct eye contact with his opponent, Jonathan set the standard for the hand pose. Other characters like Caesar Zeppeli also displayed the hand pose, showing its simple nature yet iconic bearing. Although not as intense as other poses, the hand pose retains its legendary status.

1 The Stardust Squad Off To Egypt Pose

The Stardust Squad Off To Egypt Pose

When powerful and determined men gather together to accomplish a task, few things can hinder them. Add to their already imposing figures loads of charismatic manliness, and they become a sight to behold. Going to Egypt, the Stardust Crusaders march onward spectacularly.

Jotaro, Joseph, Kakyoin, and Avdol strike a captivating pose when on their way to Egypt to confront the Vampire Dio Brando and save Holly, Jotaro’s mother, from her illness. With a full-blown confident pose, the Stardust Crusaders go on to face what awaits them without a shred of uncertainty about their success.

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