The story is prominent in a role-playing game. Narratives are instrumental in shaping the title's trajectory, dictating where the party goes and what it does. In that, it's a massive part of what draws players in and makes these titles immersive.

Among other means, writers have sometimes achieved this through plot twists. These unexpected swerves destroy any preconceptions which audiences may have, making them question everything they've seen and look back with a new perspective. This usually makes the tale more engaging. As such, RPGs have plenty of great plot twists. These reveals shock players the world over to their very cores.

7 Crono's Death (Chrono Trigger)

Lavos in Chrono Trigger

Players typically control a party of heroes in JRPGs, but central protagonist always delivers the final blow to the bad guy. Chrono Trigger spits on that idea by having Crono die in battle against Lavos. It's a slap in the face that raises the stakes of all subsequent fights. Such a decisive defeat would be impactful enough, but it's made more so by how it lasts.

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Crono is now out of the party, and could potentially stay dead for the rest of the game. Players may miss or skip the series of tasks to revive him. As a result, the game's ending becomes far more somber. It truly cements the power of this twist.

6 The World of Ruin (Final Fantasy 6)

Celes, Sabin, and the World of Ruin in Final Fantasy 6

The story of Final Fantasy 6 may be messy, but it boils down to a standard scenario of heroes thwarting an evil empire. It predictably culminates in a showdown with Kefka and the evil emperor. The stage is set for a glorious climax, but fans are in for a rude awakening.

The heroes essentially lose, and they do so in devastating fashion. Kefka harnesses the Espers' power, reduces the world to a charred wasteland, and makes himself the ruler of what's left. That subversion frames the rest of the game. Players must follow scant clues to regather their allies, who may not even be alive. The apocalyptic twist saps all hope from the tale, a poignant sense of failure permeating the events. This makes the eventual strike back far more satisfying.

5 The Collectors' Identity (Mass Effect 2)

Collectors in Mass Effect 2

Fans know the Reapers are harbingers of mass extinction in Mass Effect. The malevolent machines exist to wipe entire civilizations so that the galaxy can start with a clean slate. They previously enacted this approach with the Protheans, but that's not the whole story.

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Mass Effect 2 reveals that the Collectors, a group of insectoid enemies, are actually Protheans corrupted by the Reapers. How such an advanced people could morph into something so grotesque is a disturbing thought. The very foes that Shepard and company have been fighting are really the victims. There's a beautiful irony in that, and it makes the Reapers that much more terrifying.

4 Time Loop Death (Nier: Automata)

9S and 2B in Nier: Automata

A golden setup for any twist is the closest ally becoming the great enemy. That's exactly what happens with the cyborg heroes in Nier: Automata. When her sidekick, 9S, becomes infected with a virus, protagonist 2B is forced to kill him. That would ordinarily create a heart-wrenching ending, but it's only the beginning.

A few playthroughs later, the game reveals 2B was meant to kill 9S. Her programming dictates that he must never learn the (admittedly obvious) truth: the human race is long extinct. That means the deadly conflict across the whole story is utterly meaningless. What's more is that 2B is aware of this; she just hopes for a different result each time. This cleverly incorporates repeat playthroughs into the narrative. More importantly, it lends a tragic undertone to every interaction. Players hope for a more uplifting outcome, as well. This goes hand-in-hand with the theme of paving one's own future.

3 The Secret Of Onomichi (Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life)

Hirose in Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

Watch out for the quiet ones. The Onomichi crew are laid-back as far as yakuza go, led by an unassuming old man named Toru Hirose. Whenever he does pipe up, it's usually to offer a casual suggestion. This often happens to be the right course of action to get the plot moving. However, that's by intention.

Hirose is the subtle engineer of most misadventures in Yakuza 6. He masterfully manipulates Kiryu and his allies to protect the secret of Onomichi. It's a guard duty he's maintained his entire life. Every victory and setback suddenly shines in a whole new light. That's key to any great twist.

What's more shocking, though, is Hirose himself. This series' villains are typically intense. Cheekily flipping the script, the most downbeat figure here is the most driven yakuza of the bunch. What a refreshing change of pace!

2 Aerith's Death (Final Fantasy 7)

Aerith and Cloud in Final Fantasy 7

It's clear from the get-go that Aerith is very important to Final Fantasy 7. Players soon learn she's descended from the Cetra, ancient beings spiritually bound to the planet. However, she offsets her great status through her humility and endearing purity. This positions her as the ideal savior, but not if Sephiroth has anything to say about it.

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Driven mad by revelations of his own heritage, Sephiroth believes himself destined to rule the world. Thus, in the Cetra's forgotten city, he mercilessly murders Aerith. Snatching her destiny away is certainly unexpected after hours of buildup. Moreover, seeing such a selfless character struck down is enough to emotionally destroy the most stalwart soul. It's not fair, and the game knows that. Players feel just as helpless as the party. Thus, they still look back on this moment with equal parts surprise and sadness.

1 Revan's Reveal (Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic)

Revan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Mystery surrounds the player's identity throughout Knights of the Old Republic. He/She has an affinity for the Force, which is normal for Star Wars games, but the other Jedi are clearly apprehensive. They wonder what kind of person their latest recruit is, and they're obviously hiding the reason for their distrust. The game is similarly vague about Darth Revan. The Sith Lord was pivotal in shaping the current conflict, but no one knows what happened to him or why his goals diverged from the Jedi. These two mysteries converge in an extraordinary way.

It turns out that Revan and the player character are one and the same. This brilliantly pays off hours of organic development. Further, it takes the personal journey typical in RPGs and imbues it with unprecedented weight. This plot twist gives "I am your father" a run for its money.

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