Many fans are happy to see Sony's efforts to launch their exclusives on the PC, a move that was seemingly unthinkable until a few years back. PC players are happy to finally play some of Sony's best offerings, with games like God of War and Marvel's Spider-Man being an absolute blast to play through. Another title that has been ported over to PC is Returnal, a AAA roguelike that is hard but satisfying when players get through a particular grueling challenge.

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With its release on PC, many Returnal players are wondering about the mods that are available for this title. After all, the PC is a malleable platform, and modding is considered to be critical by many to enjoy the definitive experience. Here are some of the best mods players can download to augment their experience of playing Returnal quite a bit.

10 Free Shops

Choosing the Damage Augment in Returnal.

Players need to get as many upgrades and items as possible to get through Returnal's many challenging levels. However, gaining the Obolites every run to buy useful buffs and other items can be quite a task.

Players who want to mod the game and make it easier for them should check out the Free Shops mod. True to its name, this mod allows players to buy everything in the shop for free, which will make their runs way more manageable in every way.

9 Can Jump While Dashing

selene dashing to avoid enemy attack

Dashing is a crucial tool for both exploration and combat, with players needing to rely on Selene's fast reflexes to dodge the many damaging moves that enemies can unleash in the game. However, while dashing, players can't perform any other action, which can be grating after a point.

After all, jumping while dashing would definitely feel good to pull off. This mod allows players to do exactly the same, making movement and traversal feel more diverse and varied as players mix different moves together to make the game feel more entertaining.

8 Can Shoot While Dashing

returnal selene in combat

Jumping isn't the only thing Selene is incapable of pulling off while dashing. She can't shoot either, which can be quite annoying for players who are used to running and gunning in such shooters that require the fastest reflexes to get through these stages unscathed.

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Thankfully, mods have this base covered as well, with players being able to shoot while dashing with a simple download. It's a small tweak, but something that many players will appreciate if they want combat to be as action-packed as possible.

7 No Curses From Chests

Get gates open by shooting the yellow dot in Returnal

As is the case with most roguelikes, buffs aren't the only thing that Selene will enjoy during a run. The game has a nasty habit of cursing players at times when they least expect it, which can debilitate and weaken one run quite a bit.

Players who want to avoid this frustration altogether can just disable curses in specific situations via the use of mods. This particular one prevents chests from cursing players, which is bound to be helpful for obvious reasons.

6 No Curses From Items

Returnal Xenotech Prism

Being infected by a parasite while players just want to pick up items can be pretty irritating. After all, items are vital in any run, and adding a curse effect to them can deter most players from even seeking out help, regardless of how poor their run is going.

With this mod, no malignant item will perturb the player and derail their run. Avoiding these parasites becomes second nature in Returnal, and it helps that mods reinforce this behavior even more.

5 No Curses From Obolite Chunks

returnal obolite

Obolite is an extremely valuable currency that players can use to bolster their run and get more powers and the like. So, it can be pretty irritating if players have to risk the chance of getting cursed whenever they try to get as most Obolite during a single run.

This mod ensures that Obolite Chunks won't infect the player with parasites at all. This is quite helpful for obvious reasons, especially since Obolite is a temporary resource and will be reset in each run anyway, making a curse that much more annoying to deal with for this temporary currency.

4 No Curses From Keys

Anathema Key in Returnal

Keys are pretty important for progression in Returnal, so it can be quite irritating if these progression items end up cursing the player. The risk vs. reward balance in this game is pretty well-designed, but there are times when players don't want to deal with yet another parasitic infection.

With this mod, curses are completely removed from keys, making it safe to pick them up regardless of how things were otherwise. It's a simple yet great mod that Returnal veterans can use once they're tired of being cursed over and over again.

3 Free Reconstructor

selene standing in front of reconstructor

The reconstructor is easily one of the most useful things in Returnal, allowing players to come back for another run if they get taken out. However, they cost a lot of Ether, which is one of the most valuable currencies in the game.

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Instead of spending valuable Ether, players can just download a mod that makes the reconstructor completely free! A lot of the challenge in this game is negated with this mod, so players should only use it if they've experienced everything the vanilla game has to offer in terms of difficulty.

2 Performance Boost For Potato PC


The beauty of the PC platform is that players can check out the best games around even if their hardware isn't all that great, although performance dips are a norm for cheaper builds. Given how much Returnal is about being as accurate with one's movements, a dip in FPS or any stutters can end up being quite fatal.

With this mod, the game's more complex effects can either be reduced more than allowed or removed entirely, allowing weaker hardware to run this game more smoothly. It's a must-have for players with weaker PCs who don't want to die because of a performance hiccup.

1 Free Cthonos

Cthonos in Returnal

The Cthonos obelisk is one of the most important things players need to invest in if they want to see Returnal to the very end. Putting in enough Ether adds another artifact or consumable to the loot pool, making subsequent runs through the game easier and more rewarding.

Players who don't have enough Ether or want to save it for something else can download a mod that makes any investment in the Cthonos obelisk completely free! It's a great way to expedite runs for players who just want to see the end or have already gone through the game before!

Returnal is available on the PS5 and PC.

MORE: Returnal: Tips To Help You Break The Cycle