No ARPG can compete with Path of Exile's customization. A passive tree that spans hundreds of nodes and seven classes to pick is enough to keep any dungeon crawler enthusiast happy, but Path of Exile doesn't stop there. Skills, Support Gems, and Ascendancies allow for a near-infinite number of build possibilities.

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Ascendancies, in particular, contribute heavily to a build's identity. They can add new mechanics, reward powerful passive benefits, or grant skills entirely. No Ascendancies are unusable in Path of Exile, some of the "worst" usually play an important role in a very specific aspect of the game. But the community has identified a handful of class specializations that simply perform well regardless of the circumstance.

Updated on May 5th, 2023 by Hodey Johns: Few games are as apt to change as Path of Exile. An overpowered class one year is just a nerf or two away from being near the bottom of the charts in the following year. Similarly, bad Ascendancies usually get some love that brings them level with the best-performing Ascendencies. More than simple balancing, as different challenges are added, different roles are given a chance to shine in their particular aspect. This list has been completely overhauled to reflect the latest power rankings based on the results gathered in various modes of play. No Ascendancy class is the best in every aspect of the game, but some seem to shine in any scenario.

30 Marauder: Berserker

The Berserker excels at dealing solid amounts of attack damage thanks to the Rage mechanic. They also excel at dying. Players that play risky will face more deaths than normal as a Berserker, but many softcore players sometimes swear by Berserker's immense damage multipliers.

The better a player is at dodging attacks, the better this spec gets. However, against drawn-out fights, taking hits is inevitable. TheBerserker becomes a detriment and, consequently, is a terrible choice in hardcore. The damage is also not higher than that of other classes, making the tradeoff of weaker defense tough to justify. For getting more Sulphite, the Berserker is fine. But when it comes to high ranks in terms of damage, this Ascendancy needs an overhaul.











19 Templar: Inquisitor

Path of Exile Lightning Tendrils

Grinding Gear Games overhauled the Inquisitor to make this Ascendancy more focused on a hybrid playstyle between spell casting and attacks. Unfortunately, even when played correctly and in the hands of pros, this is not a class capable of getting deep into Delve levels.

The cast speed buffs and survivability aren't bad, they're just not sustainable over the course of a long instance or boss battle. Being forced to split between too many different areas of focus, the Templar finds that the Inquisitor class has a low ceiling with even the best build.

18 Duelist: Champion

Path of Exile Champion Ascendancy.

The leveling experience in Path of Exile is something that other ARPGs should learn from this one and few classes level better than the Champion with its fortification buffs. Other buffs allow the Champion to dish out strong bursts of damage.

With a certain build, Champions also serve as good support characters, taunting enemies while gaining a passive 35% increased aura effect from their tree. The general drawback to the Champion is that their skills don't tend to scale as well with better gear.

17 Ranger: Raider

The Raider has become one of the best leveling and mapping Ascendancies for all softcore gamers. A permanent 30% speed increase is absurd for leveling, while her frenzy and phasing benefits make the Raider particularly deadly in tougher content.

The Raider can never truly flourish in hardcore due to this spec's reliance on Evasion and Dodge. Evasion will eventually fail, forcing the player to take a devastating hit. That's a weakness that will only matter for a specific mode, though, so for most players, using the Raider will make this feel like one of the best games in the Epic Games Store.

16 Templar: Guardian

Path of Exile Guardian

No Ascendancy in Path of Exile has such mixed opinions amongst the player base. Guardians are one of the best Ascendancies for supporting other players, but struggle to find a really strong build when playing through content enough.

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The Guardian's strong aura benefits are only useful on minion builds for solo players. Even then, Necromancers have them beat for damage output and survivability for minion builds. Still, the Guardian knows what it is and few groups would ever find themselves wishing for any other Ascendancy class in their ranks.

15 Marauder: Chieftan

Now that players can easily craft explosive Crusader chest plates, Chieftan can much more easily create fire-heavy clear speed builds. Rotating between lightning speed and heavy damage makes this the premier farming class. Some say the gameplay is dated when compared to modern ARPGs, yet the Chieftan feels fresh and exciting.

Every class can appreciate Chieftan's inherent survivability buffs. Better yet, Chieftans get boosts to damage and attack speed bonuses from totems, giving them some support capabilities as well. There are events where speed and mobility aren't huge factors, true, but the Chieftan is plenty competent even while standing still.

14 Duelist: Gladiator

Every Duelist Ascendancy is a fantastic choice, and the Gladiator is no exception. Any bleed-based build or Hardcore character will appreciate Gladiator's benefits. Reaching the block cap of 75% is incredibly easy as a Gladiator, but they can also pack a decent amount of damage from bleed effects.

The big drawback is that the Gladiator relies heavily on gear to push out great damage. They might have a powerful defensive mechanic to lean on, but players will still need to add defensive layers and high-damage gear to get the most out of this spec. After gearing up, this Ascendancy is one of the big reasons the game feels like one of the most fun free games on the Steam Deck.

13 Shadow: Assassin

Path of Exile Assassin Splash Image.

The abilities of the Assassin grant a strong defense layer, allowing the class to survive where many other melee classes would not. The Assassin's copious amount of critical bonuses makes any non-minion build scale well into the endgame.

With a Poison build, the Lake of Kalandra's trials hold no threat over a Shadow of this specialty. With enough attack speed, the critical hits happen regularly enough to create a consistent damage burst that can be counted on in protracted battles.

12 Witch: Elementalist

Path of Exile Witch Ascendancy options.

Elementalists get to specialize in what damage they deal. Players can spec for Fire, Cold, Lightning, or a mix of all three. Players that prefer this class often change their style up every few patches to experiment. The Elementalist may not be on top of the charts, her different sources of damage almost guarantee she'll never be at the bottom.

This Ascendancy can force shocks, chills, or ignites, throwing down debuffs in addition to their incredible casting abilities. Golem builds are also alive and healthy, giving them some summoning and tank capabilities. When it comes to capturing beasts, the monsters don't stand a chance.