Everyone loves a good game of something. Whether it's a casual get-together with colleagues after work or a regular family reunion, the right game can spice up any occasion. Party board games have become increasingly popular over the last few decades due to the wide variety of genres they cover.

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Ranging from simple word games to intense, palm-sweating social deduction ‘death matches’, party board games offer varying experiences for all sorts of crowds. These games are perfect when shifting the mood and can ensure that everyone is involved in some capacity. Thus, as different games will suit different crowds and environments, game masters should select the perfect game that will bring the party to the next level.

Updated March 2, 2023, by Evangeline Bryce: Board games continue to be an excellent way for groups of people to pass the time together with some fun. In the wake of constant technological advancements, there's a grounded simplicity that these kinds of games offer when compared with the latest console or VR headset. Their tangibility gives them a uniquely accessible edge and makes them a great equalizer for large groups of people. New party board games are being developed and released all the time, so there's always something novel on the horizon. For those looking for the perfect game to bring to their next catchup, here are some of the top board games that will brighten any party's vibe.

12 Anomia


More than just a simple card-matching game, Anomia is a fast-paced trivia game that puts every weird fact players have ever learned to good use. The game involves a central stack of cards that each player in the circle will draw from when it's their turn. The cards have a symbol and a category on their upturned side.

As the play moves around the circle, some players will draw a card with a symbol that matches another player's card. This kicks off the showdown. Players will need to name something that falls under their opponent's category before their opponent has the chance to do the same. Whoever blurts out a correct item first, wins their opponent's card, and whoever ends up with the most won cards wins. It sounds simple, but the frantic nature of racking one's brain for the answer makes Anomia impossible to play without leaping out of a chair.

11 Mysterium


Mysterium puts its players within a haunted mansion, where they must work together to solve the mystery of the manor's resident ghost. Like other murder mystery investigation games, players must deduce the suspect, location, and murder weapon involved. But, unlike other popular games such as Clue, the ghost of the victim can communicate with players through visions.

A group of up to seven players will choose one among them to play as the ghost, the rest becoming mediums who will investigate the murder. The ghost will be unable to communicate with the mediums except through special illustrated cards. These cards will give hints about the chosen suspect, location, and murder weapon. Played in three main rounds, the game requires collaboration and excellent deductive skills in order to solve the mystery.

10 Wits And Wagers

Wits and Wagers

Not a trivia buff but still enjoy trivia games? Then Wits and Wagers is a perfect choice. This game is played in seven rounds where in each round a question is asked that will have a numerical answer. Players will write down the answer they think is correct, then reveal their answers to the group. Where the game departs from its trivia counterparts is the ability to place bets on the most likely answer.

Players will be able to bet up to twice each round on which answer they believe is the closest (without going over) to the real answer. Those that place their bets correctly will receive a payout of chips, as does the person whose answer is closest. By the end of all seven rounds, whoever has the most chips wins.

9 Resistance: Avalon

Resistance Avalon

As a social deduction game set in the realm of King Arthur, up to ten players will roleplay as Arthur’s servants going on quests for the good of the kingdom. However, some of these servants are secretly minions of Mordred who must blend in with the others and sabotage the quests.

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The game plays similarly to Mafia or Werewolf where everyone’s identity is a secret. In each round, a player will select up to three people to embark on a quest. The chosen three will then receive a token and choose the side that says success or failure. If there is one failure, the quest fails. The good guys win if they get three successes while the bad minions need three failures to win. There are also additional roles that can spice up the gameplay.

8 Sushi Go Party

Sushi Go Party

Sushi Go Party is a simple card drafting game where up to eight players have to play matching suits of cute sushi to earn points. Players can also ‘customize’ a menu in which different cards will be up for play.

Reminiscent of Uno, players will play a card from their hand but will then pass their entire hand to the left. This allows players to deny opponents a particular card they wish to play and offers a little bit of strategy. Fun, delightful, and easy to pick up, Sushi Go Party is a solid choice for casual gamers looking for something different.

7 Deception: Murder In Hong Kong

Deception game showing components and nice badges

A social deduction game where players take on the role of police investigators tasked with solving a crime that has taken place on the blood-soaked streets of Hong Kong. However, one of their own is secretly the murderer and is aided by an accomplice. One player will don the mantle of a forensic scientist (knowing who the murderer and accomplice are) and must piece together clues for their fellow investigators.

Played over three rounds, every player receives two sets of four cards. Blue cards denote the murder weapon and cause of death whilst red cards highlight the key evidence left at the scene of the crime. The murderer must select a combination of these cards and survive the three rounds. The game employs more logic than most other social deduction games as the investigators must select the exact combination to win the game. The expansion of this game adds additional roles for players and supports up to 14 players.

6 Monikers

monikers card game box

Similar to the hit game Celebrity,Monikers is a game where players must take turns describing or imitating well-known figures for their teammates to guess. The team with the most correct guesses wins, however, it's not as straightforward as it may seem. The twist is that the game comes in three rounds and includes all sorts of random subjects.

In the first round, players can say whatever they want apart from the subject matter. The second only allows players to say one word. Finally, round three only allows players to make gestures. Funny, witty, and with no real limit to how many players, the game is an excellent imitation of classic charade-type games.

5 Captain Sonar

captain sonar game in play

Imagine the game Battleship, but there is only one ship on each side and the ships are simultaneously moving. That's the premise of Captain Sonar, a real-time hidden movement party game. The splits its eight players into two teams who assume the role of crew members of a submarine.

The game can be played either in real-time or turn-based, but it truly shines in real-time play as players attempt to sink their opponent’s ship. Each player is assigned a unique role: captain, chief mate, radio operator, and engineer. Teams must move their submarine on a grid, arm weapons, and abilities, and anticipate the enemy’s movements. Though the game does require eight players, the thrill and intensity of this game are unmatched.

4 Funemployed

funemployed 1st edition box

A fun party game that focuses on improvisation and using what players have, Funemployed has players spew a nonsensical CV from cards that say random things to convince the manager player why they’re perfect for the job.

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Similarly, the manager player can ask follow-up questions to the interviewees and watch their fellow players squirm. An extremely hilarious and silly game, the game shares similarities to games like Cards Against Humanity. Funemployed shines with players who can think on their feet and have a creative imagination.

3 Wavelength

wavelength game showing components and dial

A game that’s different from the rest, Wavelengthis a social game that puts things on a spectrum and has players try to read each other’s minds. Surprisingly deep and poignant, the game encourages players to discuss their opinions on various topics and have in-depth conversations.

One player is known as the psychic and will draw a card of opposites (Ethical, Nonethical Fashionable, Outdated) and will select where a bullseye should be located on the spectrum. Once that is done, the psychic will announce a clue to give their side an idea of where to place the dial. If the team gets the dial right on the bullseye, they score points and the game carries on until one team reaches 10 points.

2 A Fake Artist Goes To New York

fake artist game showing components

A party game for five to ten players, A Fake Artist Goes To New York has players take turns being the Question Master whose job is to provide a subject on some dry-erase cards and hand them out to players. One player however will have an ‘X’ or ‘Fake’ written on their card, meaning that they are the fake artist!

The Question Master will then share the category of the subject, so all players can see. Players will then take turns adding one continuous line that matches the subject established by the Question Master. After two rounds, a vote is called and players must point to who they think the fake is. If there is no majority vote, then the fake player wins! But even if they’re outed, they can win by guessing the prompt. Social deduction at its finest, this game is perfect for those who want to show off their art skills.

1 Blood On The Clocktower

blood on the clocktower print and play components

When it comes to social deduction, Blood On The Clocktower takes it to the next level. In this game, everyone has a special ability and role and isn’t just another generic person involved. As a demon hides among the villagers of Ravenswood Bluff, villagers must deduce the identity of the demon whose purpose is to slay the inhabitants. Villagers win if they manage to kill the demon whilst the demon wins if the number of living townsfolk is reduced to two.

Villagers will have unique roles that give them bonus information or bless them with abilities that can protect or fight evil. However, evil minion players will have similar powers to aid their plight. Latecomers into the game can arrive as travelers whose abilities may aid or hinder the village. With multiple special abilities and crazy combinations, players will never play the same game twice.

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