Shonen anime fans have a fantastic selection of video games to play that are reminiscent of their favorite genre. While there are many anime-style video games such as Code Vein, and game adaptations of popular anime shows such as Demon Slayer, there are a ton of brilliant video games that don't feature an anime aesthetic.

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Some of these games are set in Japan or have an entertaining combat system, perfect for those intense battles during a playthrough that are similar to those found in Shonen anime. Fans of this genre will most likely enjoy video games that are within the Japanese role-playing game (JRPG), and action RPG genres.

8 NieR: Automata

Science Fiction Games No Humans Nier Automata

Arguably one of the most popular and well-known action RPGs as of late, NieR: Automata is another addition to the NieR franchise. Released in 2017, NieR: Automata quickly became the talk of the town, thanks to its gorgeous visuals and character designs. 2B was the focal point of the game's popularity, due to her likable personality and her iconic design.

While fans of NieR: Automata adore the characters, it's the story that truly sticks with players years after completing the game. NieR: Automata features three different playthroughs that must be completed to reach the final ending of the game.

7 NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139

NieR Replicant’s box art

NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139 is the updated version of the original NieR Replicant video game. It is the prequel to NieR: Automata, making it perfect for those who were already fans of Automata. Much like 2B, Kainé soon rose in popularity, with many fans of NieR creating an abundance of fan art for her, as well as many top-quality cosplays.

Once again, the environments found within NieR Replicant are gorgeous and provide the player with many hours of exploration. The story is also incredible, pulling fans in with the wonderful dialogue and story progression as they play.

6 Bayonetta

Bayonetta 3 - Wink

First released in 2009 in Japan, Bayonetta quickly became a favorite amongst action-RPG fans. Bayonetta, also known as Cereza, is a powerful protagonist who wields a plethora of weapons, ranging from dual-wielding guns to a katana. The overall character design of Bayonetta herself was appealing to many gamers, due to her extravagant outfits and cold personality. The combat system is also one of the main reasons why players enjoy the game so much.

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Bayonetta can summon demons from her hair and can shapeshift to use an assortment of weapons. Many fans of the game have compared the combat system to the one found in the Devil May Cry series, especially with the grading system after each battle. This is probably due to the fact that Bayonetta was directed by Hideki Kamiya, the creator of Devil May Cry.

5 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

sekiro gyoubu oniwa

Set in the Sengoku period in Japan, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice follows a protagonist named Wolf, a shinobi on a path of revenge. His target is a samurai clan that kidnaps his lord, and the player is taken along an arduous journey that features intense combat and stealth. Developed by FromSoftware, Sekiro is a souls-like video game, a genre created by FromSoftware following the highly successful Dark Souls series.

Souls-like video games are known for their difficulty, with extremely harsh bosses. While players can't customize their own character, like in Dark Souls, Sekiro still includes features such as upgrading gear and a skill tree. Sekiro's popularity spawned from the absolutely stunning environments and visuals, combined with the much-loved souls-like elements.

4 Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise-Gold Rathian-Image-2

Monster Hunter Rise is the sixth game within the Monster Hunter series. One of the main reasons why the Monster Hunter series is so popular is because of its incredible combat system. Players are rewarded with loot that can be used to create stronger weapons and armor.

As the player's stats improve, they can start to battle against monsters that have a higher difficulty. The environments found within the game are beautiful, and the attention to detail for each monster is the cherry on top.

3 Naraka: Bladepoint

naraka bladepoint

Naraka: Bladepoint is a unique entry, as it's a battle royale game. Players can choose Heroes which feature different skill sets, and once they have spawned in-game, they can loot the area to find health items, weapons, and armor.

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The entire battling system in Naraka: Bladepoint focuses on melee-type combat, while the safe zone shrinks throughout the match. Its been reported that Naraka: Bladepoint was heavily inspired by Sekiro and Devil May Cry, which can be seen by the detailed environment within the battle royale title.

2 Yakuza 0

Yakuza members in Yakuza 0

The Yakuza series is a popular choice amongst those who love action games. Yakuza 0 is the sixth entry in the much-loved series, but it is a prequel to the first game. The game is set in fictionalized areas of Japan. One of the main reasons why Yakuza is such a beloved series is the fact that players adore the characters involved. Yakuza 0 follows Kazuma Kiryu, offering players the chance to play as Goro Majima at certain points. Yakuza 0 is an open-world video game that allows players to wander freely through the abundance of streets.

Yakuza 0 features charming mini-games found throughout the map such as the iconic karaoke mini-game and the darts mini-game. The main combat system in Yakuza 0 features a variety of fighting styles such as the Brawler style and the Rush style. This allows players to choose the best combat style for them, and keeps things fun and fresh throughout a playthrough. One of the best parts of Yakuza 0, is how the player can pick up random objects to use during a fight, creating an entertaining battle.

1 Devil May Cry 5

devil may cry 5 2022 promo art

Devil May Cry 5 is the sixth entry in the Devil May Cry series. Timeline-wise, it's set five years after Devil May Cry 4 and features fan favorites such as Nero, and Dante, with a new addition called V. Fans can play as each protagonist during specific missions, allowing the player to try out the different combat styles throughout the game.

As usual, Devil May Cry 5 follows a similar gameplay style as the previous entries in the Devil May Cry series, while players fight off brutal demons in an incredibly edgy-looking environment. The Devil May Cry series is well-known for its overall dark aesthetic, with the combat system being a satisfying mixture of fast-paced attacks and a useful battle grading system.

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