Nintendo had an amazing decade. Most people would argue that the 2010s belonged to Sony, as their PlayStation 4 and large library of exclusives were unparalleled. But a lot of people tend to sleep on Nintendo. Yes, they had a very rocky start with the Wii U and a significant lack of killer exclusives, but they ended the decade well with the Switch and an amazing library of titles.

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We're here to show you the absolute best of the best. Well, according to the professional critics, anyway. These are the ten best Nintendo games of the decade, according to Metacritic.

10 Bayonetta 2 - 92

controversial video game exclusive deals

Bayonetta 2 was the long awaited sequel to 2009's Bayonetta, and it certainly did not disappoint. It's amazing to think that a game with a 92 Metascore is only tenth on the list, but such is the power, influence, and quality of Nintendo!

Many critics considered this to be a major improvement on its predecessor, bringing special notice to the game's online Tag Climax mode. It proceeded to win a couple Game of the Year awards, and its score was awarded by the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers.

9 Super Smash Bros. For Wii U - 92

Tying with Bayonetta 2 is Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Known collectively as Super Smash Bros. 4, this game was also released on the 3DS, but it's the Wii U version that earned the acclaim. The Wii U was quite infamous in its day for being...well, crap. It was clunky, it betrayed the very concept of the Wii, and it contained a pitiful list of exclusives.

That is, until Super Smash Bros. for Wii U came along. It was the jolt that the Wii U desperately needed, and while it wasn't enough to save the doomed console, it was enough to give it a brief breath of life.

8 Fire Emblem Awakening - 92

The third Nintendo game with a score of 92 is Fire Emblem Awakening. While the Fire Emblem series never REALLY took off in North America, it has consistently received widespread acclaim from critics and fans, and Awakening is generally considered to be one of the series' finest moments.

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It was a brilliant blend of old and new and could be played by both hardcore Fire Emblem fans and newcomers alike. It's a tricky balancing act, but Awakening managed to make it look pitifully easy.

7 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - 93

master chief rumor

Scoring just SLIGHTLY better than its predecessor is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As the name suggests, this game had a lot to live up to. After all, it is the ULTIMATE version of Super Smash Bros., and that is no small ask! Luckily, Ultimate managed to outshine all our wild expectations.

The game contained a glorious and brilliant lineup of characters, and one mere glance at the roster is enough to consider this game a sort of "hall of fame" of video game characters. But a roster does not a good game make. Thankfully, the gameplay itself was perfect, and with that, Ultimate proved and answered its destiny.

6 The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 93

It seems like forever ago that we received Skyward Sword. It was released for the original Wii way back in 2011, and it was only one of two major Zelda releases we received this decade. Luckily, both games were absolutely amazing. The reaction and response to Skyward Sword is interesting to analyze.

It was an obvious hit with the critics, all of whom praised its world, gameplay, and utilization of the Wii controls. However, many fans took umbrage with the game's linearity, and the Metacritic user score sits at a relatively low 8.1. Luckily, Nintendo took notes...

5 Super Mario 3D World - 93

Super Mario 3D World was another amazing 3D Mario side scroller, proving that this archaic formula somehow continues to remain fresh. Nintendo once again proved their talents for reinvigorating tried and true formulas thanks to some typically amazing level design, gameplay, stellar presentation and production values, and seemingly limitless replay value.

This game joined the ranks of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U as one of the console's greatest accomplishments, proving that the poor thing wasn't ENTIRELY devoid of quality...

4 The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3D - 94

Is this cheating? We don't know, but we don't think so. This game served as a complete remaster of the timeless and iconic Ocarina of Time, AKA one of the greatest video games ever made.

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With such a stellar foundation, it was pretty hard for Nintendo to screw it up. But what we weren't expecting was just how good the remaster was. Featuring completely rearranged dungeons, new graphics, and some mindblowing stereoscopic effects, Ocarina of Time 3D was like a whole new game. The best games never truly age, but it doesn't hurt to get updates like this.

3 The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild - 96

Link staring at sunset and bridge in horizon in Zelda breath of the wild

Breath of the Wild is Ocarina of Time for a new generation. It was equally as innovative, equally as magical and wondrous, and equally as expansive (hey, Ocarina of Time was quite expansive for its time, thank you very much!).

Many critics and fans rightfully regard this game as a landmark title in the history of gaming, and especially in the history of open world titles. Never before has an open world been And imaginative. And welcoming of boundless creativity. This is certainly one for the history books.

2 Super Mario Odyssey - 97

Rather surprisingly, Super Mario Odyssey has actually beaten out Breath of the Wild by one point, scoring a nearly-perfect 97. And it's really not hard to see why. In an age when cheap multiplayer games, cash grabs, loot boxes, and "on rail movie shooters" are dominating the market, it was a breath of fresh air to get a game so boundless in its imagination.

It made us feel like children playing Super Mario 64 for the first time, as we couldn't help but stare at the screen and marvel at Nintendo's innovation, creativity, and brilliant gameplay mechanics. In a few years, kids will be talking about Odyssey the same way we talk about 64.

1 Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 97

Just squeaking into the decade is Super Mario Galaxy 2. Well, traditionally decades start on the "1" (so, 2011), but no one actually goes by that. So we won't be, either! Released back in May 2010, Super Mario Galaxy 2 endlessly impressed critics, many of whom called it not only the greatest Mario game ever made, but one of the greatest games ever made, period.

Everything we said about Odyssey also applies to Galaxy 2, and some people may actually prefer this due to its setting and impressive gravity mechanics. Either way, it doesn't get much better than these two games.

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