While some multiplayer games are quite casual and quick with matches that only last around ten minutes, some multiplayer games in a range of genres demand the player to be far more serious with them. Those that are truly dedicated to multiplayer titles may find themselves enjoying a game that has matches that can take hours to finish though luckily these games don't always need to be completed in one sitting.

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Many of these multiplayer games that do take hours to complete with simply a friend or a group of people tend to be those in the strategy genre. However, that aside, these are some of the multiplayer games that have matches that take hours to complete.

8 Super Mario Party

super mario party characters celebrate

While arguably the normal mode of Super Mario Party on the Nintendo Switch may not take hours to complete. Players can choose to play a longer match which can then extend the party game to last as long as two hours.

The stage selected, and the mini-games picked should also be considered as these can either shorten or lengthen the match time. While this may be the shortest game on the list, Super Mario Party is still a multiplayer title that can take a player and their opponents a while to complete.

7 Rust

Rust screenshot showing a quarry

Rust is a survival game that many players dedicate hours of their life to in the hope of successfully surviving. While some players may argue that Rust doesn't particularly have matches some may say that each moment between the wipe days of a server is a match. Meanwhile, players compete to have not only the best base but also the most resources.

No matter what server a survivor plays on, come the last Thursday of the month all that progress will be lost as the server resets for the next one. Starting a new match of Rust and the race to build a durable base before getting raided.

6 Victoria 3

A player looking at Liberia in Victoria 3

As mentioned, strategy multiplayer games are by far some of the longest matches a player may experience and the grand strategy game of Victoria 3 is no different with many multiplayer matches lasting quite a few hours. Especially due to the game not possessing a pause button which forces players to make their decision in real-time while debating with other players to make the perfect business deals or take over their companies.

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Besides the hours many players will need to put into growing their economic and military presence, Victoria 3 is a great strategy game that is sure to have the hours spent debating and conquering to fly by quickly.

5 Civilization 6

Civilization 6 Nzinga Mbande Kongo City

By far one of the most popular strategy titles around, Civilization 6 is another game that can be enjoyed multiplayer that has matches that can last from hours to even days depending on the play style of those enjoying it.

Multiplayer matches can be custom designed to last a certain amount of time though many players that are hoping to improve their colonies with the big guns to use on their opponents will be investing hours into the game. With the game also being turn-based this can take a little longer than Victoria 3 as players have the time to carefully make decisions without the fear of an opponent always approaching.

4 Arma 3

Soldiers waiting on a hill as a helicopter flies past in Arma 3

Tactical shooters are another genre of gaming that can have multiplayer matches that could last a player for hours. Some situations in Arma 3 may only take as long as thirty minutes, though the private organized missions completed with a team require far more preparation and time to complete.

Therefore, some may see themselves completing a mission that may take them four hours to accomplish. A lot of these timings are determined by the type of mission being completed with some goals being quicker than others; for example, Warlords can take a good couple of hours to complete while Combat Patrol Missions can be finished in under an hour.

3 Hearts Of Iron 4

A player looking at a map and designing a division in Hearts of Iron 4

Hearts of Iron 4 multiplayer matches can take a couple of hours to complete depending on the skill level of those in the match. The most extreme battlefields of World War 2 may not take a player as long as the original war, but they can be experienced in a way that takes players as long as twelve hours to complete.

Related: Strategy Games With Very Complicated Battle Systems (That Are Worth Learning)

Balancing the military side of the war while also focusing on the diplomacy as well as the industry means players are sure to be weighing up their options constantly which can expand the time the game takes.

2 Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dread

Continuing the theme of strategy games, Crusader Kings 3 is a role-playing game that has combined with the grand strategy title to make a single player or multiplayer experience that can be hours of fun. Depending on the group of players' play style, a match of Crusader Kings 3 can last as quickly as a couple of hours to as long as a few weeks depending on the skill level of those that are playing.

An opponent may not even be the one to end the rule of another player due to many of the AI controlled kingdoms also working against the player no matter what they are planning.

1 Stellaris

Stellaris Faculty of Archaeostudies

While all these multiplayer titles are likely to take players hours to complete, Stellaris is arguably one of the longer options. Stellaris continues the theme of long grand strategy games as this is another title that requires its players to plan their actions accordingly before committing to a decision.

However, these decisions may be less experienced than others due to this long strategy title taking players to the stars in a Sci-fi title filled with various alien species. The whole galaxy is the player's oyster leaving many matches to take as long as thirty hours to complete though it can be done in a shorter amount of time.

More: Best Strategy Open-World Games, Ranked