Many types of action scenes exist, but none are as consistently entertaining as the sword fight. There's something so elemental about seeing lethal-yet-elegant tools clashing in a tense contest. This is probably why they've been a staple of cinema since the beginning.

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Throughout movie history, audiences have witnessed countless sword fights. They've involved different types of blades, combatants, and arenas. These help to give each one its own identity, but which ones are the best? Some battles have distinguished themselves as the greatest. Considering the sheer number of sword fights on the silver screen and the high bar, as a result, this is no easy feat.

10 Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan Vs. Darth Maul - Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace

Qui-gon, Obi-wan, and Maul in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Fans had already seen plenty of lightsaber duels in the original Star Wars trilogy. The prequel era set out to give them something completely different. That becomes clear the moment Darth Maul whips out his double-bladed weapon.

His duel with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi may be noticeably more choreographed than its predecessors, but it's definitely not lacking in spectacle. These guys go at it with almost precognitive efficiency. The sequence never has a dull moment because of it. Much of the enjoyment comes from the extreme acrobatic skill of Ray Park. The filmmakers intended these new lightsaber duels to portray Jedi Knights in their prime, and they certainly succeeded in that aim.

9 Cloud Vs. Sephiroth - Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

Cloud and Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

The big-screen sequel to Final Fantasy 7 is a plodding, problematic movie, but no one can deny its sublime presentation. The fight scenes have all the power, momentum, and silliness of the most over-the-top anime. Director Tetsuya Nomura has always had a flair for flashy action in games, and that's on full display here.

It all comes to a head in the long-awaited rematch between Cloud and Sephiroth. Their clash gives a supreme demonstration of what top-tier SOLDIER members can do. They soar around the ruined city, their swords sending shockwaves that demolish the dilapidated buildings. Not only does this offer creative uses of the environment, but it conveys a sense of scope not usually seen in a single duel. Players have witnessed a lot of action in the Final Fantasy series and even the VII spin-offs, but this fight is a visual treat sure to put a smile on the most jaded fan's face.

8 Hector Vs. Achilles - Troy

Hector and Achilles in Troy

This epic war film builds this fight up for two hours. Achilles, the greatest warrior in Greece, faces off with Hector, the best fighter in Troy. Viewers learn just how good they both are over the course of the duel.

The battle carries the same sense of progression as the film itself. The combatants start with spears and shields, but the former tools quickly break, forcing them to draw their blades. They finally abandon the shields altogether and rely solely on swords, during which their short length leads to greater risk. This progression conveys tangible desperation throughout the sequence. It complements the downward spiral of the fighters and their fatigue, and it makes the final blow truly gut-wrenching as a result.

7 Kyūzō Vs. Random Moron - Seven Samurai

Kyozo in Seven Samurai

An introduction to one of the titular samurai, this bout subverts the formula by ending in one move. A hot-headed challenger charges the samurai, but the seasoned swordsman slashes a single time. His enemy then falls dead.

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Such an outcome makes this unique among most sword fights. On one hand, it shows the filmmaking innovation of director Akira Kurosawa. On the other, it has a basis in realism. They say if two swordsmen are truly accomplished, then a duel would be over before you know it. One wouldn't expect a fight to excel in both authenticity and style, let alone in such a short amount of time, but Seven Samurai pulls it off with the same grace as the killing blow.

6 Huo Yuanjia Vs. Qin Lei - Fearless

Yuanjia and Lei in Fearless

This biopic was originally intended to cap off Jet Li's wushu film run, showcasing all the skills he's accumulated over his martial arts career. Every fight here lives up to that high standard. Li wields numerous weapons over countless arenas, but no duel has the ferocity of this one.

Headstrong Huo Yuanjia goes to kill the unscrupulous Qin Lei, and you feel that during the fight. They strike with such force that their weapons can't handle it, so they utilize everything in their environment (chairs, pots, etc.) to keep up the attack. As a result, the battle never lets up, maintaining the breakneck pace and adrenaline until the final, fatal blow. By the end, the restaurant is utterly trashed, and the combatants are battered and bloody. These guys don't wield weapons; they are the weapons.

5 Jen Yu Vs. Yu Shu Lien - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Jen Yu and Yu Shu Lien in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

This movie is famous for its wushu wire-fu. You'd expect another acrobatic fight that goes all over the place, but that's not the case. On the contrary, this duel relies mainly on skill and precision.

Yu Shu Lien and Jen Yu wield swords and other tools with meticulous expertise. Every move feels calculated, and no effort is wasted.

They know these weapons inside and out as if they were extensions of their own bodies. That's what distinguishes this contest from many others. It's essentially a fistfight. It has all the intricate choreography and athletic prowess of a kung fu battle, but one false move can cut you in half. Each time they dodge one of these fatal strikes, one can't help but wince.

4 Westley Vs. Inigo Montoya - The Princess Bride

Westley and Inigo in The Princess Bride

The Princess Brideis an homage to classic adventure tales, and its most iconic fight scene is an ode to swashbuckling escapades of old. With that comes the charm of those timeless romps.

A tongue-in-cheek tone permeates this sword fight. Wesley and Inigo are clearly having fun with this deadly game, hopping all over their environment without losing step with their blades.

That lightheartedness translates to the audience but doesn't diminish the skill on display. These two are masters of their craft, but they still manage to enjoy themselves. Why shouldn't the viewer do the same?

3 Robin Hood Vs. Guy Of Gisborne - The Adventures Of Robin Hood

Robin and Guy in The Adventures of Robin Hood

Few actors are more synonymous with cinematic sword fights than Errol Flynn, and his duel here with Basil Rathbone is among the most famous. People generally think of Robin Hood as an archer. However, he soon proves a capable swordsman against the malevolent Guy of Gisborne.

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As they make their way around this colossal castle, they popularize many visuals which would become swashbuckling staples. The shadows on the wall and the slicing of candles are the most striking examples. This battle set the high standard for these conventions and maintains that standard to this day. They all work beautifully to give this climactic clash the same sense of adventure as the film itself.

2 Diego De La Vega Vs. Esteban Pasquale - The Mark Of Zorro

Diego and the capitan in The Mark of Zorro

Here's another one with Basil Rathbone. This time, he crosses swords with fellow swashbuckling icon Tyrone Power. The tale involves another folk hero in Zorro, but this masked fox is even more skilled with a blade than Robin Hood.

He soon proves that in a furious fight with Rathbone's capitan. This match distinguishes itself through speed and skill. It boasts similar strengths as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; it simply applies them to fencing and does so to even greater effect. The blades move almost too rapidly to comprehend. Some of that comes down to sped-up footage, but most of it is attributed to the duelists' prowess. You can tell these guys know what they're doing. Zorro has always been framed as the world's greatest swordsman but never has he seemed deadlier than he is here.

1 Rob Roy MacGregor Vs. Archibald Cunningham - Rob Roy

Robert Roy MacGregor and Archibald Cunningham in Rob Roy

One could list any number of reasons that this seminal battle works. The movements look rough and unrehearsed, creating a welcome sense of authenticity. In addition, the fighters' gradual fatigue makes it one of the more authentic scraps put to screen. Those aspects definitely help, but what truly sets this clash apart is the story it tells.

Like the rest of the film, this sword fight functions as a chess game between Robert Roy MacGregor and Archibald Cunningham. You can always see them planning their next move, thinking about which angle they should approach from or what stance they should take. This naturally tires and wounds them, and it allows audiences to see which way the battle is turning. The tension ramps up to a crescendo and concludes in a spectacularly emotional fashion. This single sword fight has all the drama of a full-length film, and it's every bit as satisfying.

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